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Three Primary 1. Absolute Humidity

Measurement 2. Relative Humidity

of Humidity
3. Specific Humidity
Absolute Humidity
• A measure of the actual amount of
water vapor (moisture) in the air.

• Expressed as either mass of water

vapor per volume of moist air (in
grams per cubic metre) or a mass
of water vapor per mass of dry air
(usually in grams per kilogram).

• is the mass of the water vapor ()

divided by the volume of the air
and water vapor mixture , which
can be expressed as:
Relative Humidity
• A measure (expressed as a
percent) water vapor RELATIVE to a
maximum humidity given the same
temperature of the air.

• An air-water mixture is define as

the ratio of the partial pressure of
the water vapor () in the mixture to
the equilibrium vapor pressure of
water () over a flat surface of pure
water at a given temperature:
Specific Humidity
• Or moisture content

• Is the ratio of the mass of the

water vapor to the total mass of
the air parcel.

• Is approximately equal to the

mixing ratio, which define as the
ratio of the mass of water vapor in
an air parcel to the mass of dry air
for the same parcel.
Dew Point
• It refers to the temperature at
which air is completely saturated
with water vapor.

• Tools used to measure relative Humidity

• Wet bulb- refers to the Dew point.

• Dry Bulb- Refers to the actually air
• A device used to measure humidity of air called a psychrometer or hygrometer. A
Humidistat is a humidity-triggered switch, often used to control a dehumidifier.

• The humidity of an air and water vapor mixture is determined through the use of
psychrometric charts if both the dry bulb temperature () and the wet bulb temperature ()
of the mixture are known. These quantities are readily estimated by using a sling
• There are various devices used to measure and regulate humidity. Calibration
standards for the most accurate measurement include the gravimetric hygrometer,
chilled mirror hygrometer, and electrolytic hygrometer. The gravimetric method,
while the most accurate, is very cumbersome. For fast and very accurate
measurement the chilled mirror method is effective.

• For process on-line measurements, the most commonly used sensors nowadays are
based on capacitance measurements to measure relative humidity,[22] frequently
with internal conversions to display absolute humidity as well. These are cheap,
simple, generally accurate and relatively robust. All humidity sensors face problems
in measuring dust-laden gas, such as exhaust streams from dryers.

• Humidity is also measured on a global scale using remotely placed satellites. These
satellites are able to detect the concentration of water in the troposphere at
altitudes between 4 and 12 km (2.5 and 7.5 mi). Satellites that can measure water
vapor have sensors that are sensitive to infrared radiation. Water vapor specifically
absorbs and re-radiates radiation in this spectral band. Satellite water vapor imagery
plays an important role in monitoring climate conditions (like the formation of
thunderstorms) and in the development of weather forecasts.
Different Arduino Compatible to Humidity
Three Basic Types of Humidity Sensor

• Capacitive -humidity sensor measures relative humidity by placing a thin strip of

metal oxide between two electrodes. The metal oxide’s electrical capacity
changes with the atmosphere’s relative humidity. Weather, commercial and
industries are the major application areas.

• Resistive -humidity sensors utilize ions in salts to measure the electrical

impedance of atoms. As humidity changes, so do the resistance of the electrodes
on either side of the salt medium.

• Thermal -Two thermal sensors conduct electricity based upon the humidity of the
surrounding air. One sensor is encased in dry nitrogen while the other measures
ambient air. The difference between the two measures the humidity.
• The DHT-22 (also known as
AM2302) is a digital-output,
relative humidity, and
temperature sensor. It use a
capacitive humidity sensor and
thermistor to measure the
surrounding air, and send a
digital signal on the data pin.
• A humidity sensor (or
hygrometer) senses, measures
and reports both moisture and air
temperature. The ratio of
moisture in the air to the highest
amount of moisture at a
particular air temperature is
called relative humidity. Relative
humidity becomes an important
factor when looking for comfort.





Climate & Global Climate
Climate Global Climate
o While humidity itself is a climate variable, it o Humidity affects the energy budget and
also affects other climate variables. thereby influences temperatures in two major
Environmental humidity is affected by winds ways. First, water vapor in the atmosphere
and by rainfall. contains "latent" energy. During transpiration or
evaporation, this latent heat is removed from
o The most humid cities on Earth are generally surface liquid, cooling the earth's surface. This
is the biggest non-radiative cooling effect at the
located closer to the equator, near coastal
surface. It compensates for roughly 70% of the
regions. Cities in parts of Asia and Oceania average net radiative warming at the surface.
are among the most humid. o Second, water vapor is the most abundant of all
greenhouse gases. Water vapor, like a green
lens that allows green light to pass through it
but absorbs red light, is a "selective absorber".

o The basic principles for buildings, above, also apply to vehicles. In addition, there may be
safety considerations. For instance, high humidity inside a vehicle can lead to problems of
condensation, such as misting of windshields and shorting of electrical components. In
vehicles and pressure vessels such as pressurized airliners, submersibles and spacecraft,
these considerations may be critical to safety, and complex environmental control systems
including equipment to maintain pressure are needed.

o are often rated to operate only under certain humidity conditions (e.g., 10% to 90%). At the
top end of the range, moisture may increase the conductivity of permeable insulators leading
to malfunction. Too low humidity may make materials brittle.

o A particular danger to electronic items, regardless of the stated operating humidity range, is
condensation. When an electronic item is moved from a cold place (e.g., garage, car, shed,
air conditioned space in the tropics) to a warm humid place (house, outside tropics),
condensation may coat circuit boards and other insulators, leading to short circuit inside the
equipment. Such short circuits may cause substantial permanent damage if the equipment is
powered on before the condensation has evaporated.




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