WS-011 Windows Server 2019 Administration
WS-011 Windows Server 2019 Administration
WS-011 Windows Server 2019 Administration
Server 2019
In this lesson, you’ll learn about Windows Server 2019 editions and their capabilities
o Windows Server 2019 editions
o Deployment accelerators
o Workload
Minimum hardware requirements for Windows Server 2019:
Component Requirement
RAM 512 MB
Traditionally, new server versions always offered clean install. Windows Server 2019 also
provides the option for an in-place upgrade.
Clean install:
o Boot the machine or VM from the Windows Server 2019 media
o Choose the installation language, time and currency formats, and keyboard layout
In-place upgrade
o Insert the disk or mount the ISO of Windows Server 2019 media and then run
o Respond to the prompt to download updates, drivers, and optional features
o Choose the architecture (either Standard or Datacenter) with or without Desktop
o Accept the license
o Choose what to keep: personal files and apps, or nothing
Deployment accelerators (1 of 2)
Microsoft provides free solution accelerators that provide guidance and content to help you
design and plan your Windows Server deployment. Solution accelerator scenarios focus on
security and compliance, management and infrastructure, and communication and
o Lightweight tool for automated server and desktop deployments
You can use servicing channels to choose whether new features and functionality will be
delivered regularly during a server’s production lifespan, or when to move to a new server
There are two release channels:
o Long-Term Servicing Channel
• A major version of Windows Server will be released every two or three years
• Normal security updates and Windows updates will be delivered on a regular basis
o Semi-Annual Channel
• New features will be delivered semi-annually, in the spring and the fall
• Normal security updates and Windows updates will be delivered on a regular basis
• Semi-annual releases can be identified by their version number, which is a
combination of the year and month that the features were released
Licensing and activation models for Windows Server (1 of 2)
Licensing for Windows Server Standard and Datacenter is based on the number of cores,
not processors
Each Windows Server has the following minimum license requirement:
o All physical cores must be licensed
Client access licenses are required for each user or device that connects to the server for
any purpose
Licensing and activation models for Windows Server (2 of 2)
To ensure that your organization has the proper licenses, and to receive notices for product
updates, you must activate every copy of Windows Server that you install
Windows Server activation methods:
o Manual activation requires a product key
o Automatic activation options:
• Key Management Services
• Volume Activation Services server role
• Active Directory-based activation
• Volume Activation Management Tool
• Multiple Activation Key
• Automatic virtual machine activation
What’s new in Windows Server 2019? (1 of 2)
Feature Description
Deduplication for ReFS Windows Server 2019 fully supports deduplication of the ReFS
volumes file system
Feature Description
Windows Defender
A new set of host intrusion prevention such as attack detection
Advanced Threat
and zero-day exploits (previously only available for Windows 10
Protection and Windows
Defender Exploit Guard
Shielded VMs for Linux Protects Linux VMs from attacks and rogue administrators
Lesson 1: Test your knowledge
In this lesson, you’ll learn about the differences between Server Core and Windows Server wit
h Desktop Experience
o Server Core vs. Windows Server with Desktop Experience
The following table lists the major advantages and disadvantages of Server Core
Advantages Disadvantages
Small footprint that uses fewer server You cannot install several applications on
resources and less disk space, as little as 5 Server Core.
GB for a basic installation
Because Server Core installs fewer Several roles and role services are not
components, there are fewer software available.
updates. This reduces the number of monthly
restarts required and the time required for
you to service Server Core.
The small attack surface makes Server Core You cannot install many vendor lines of
much less vulnerable to exploits. business applications on Server Core, but the
App Compatibility FOD can help to mitigate
that in some cases.
Server Core installation and post-installation tasks
o Keyboard
o Custom
Server Core App Compatibility FOD installs binaries and packages from the Desktop
Experience, making it possible to install applications that might otherwise fail due to
missing dependencies
The FOD can be installed two ways:
o Directly through Windows Update by using PowerShell
sconfig is a text-based utility that allows you configure Server Core to prepare it for use in
your production environment
sconfig provides 15 different options for initial configuration
Configure Server
Use the sconfig utility to perform basic
configuration tasks
Lesson 2: Test your knowledge
In this lesson, you’ll learn about Windows Server administration best practices and the tools a
vailable for managing Windows Servers
o Overview of the least-privilege administration concept
o Delegate privileges
o PAWs
o Jump servers
o Server Manager
o Windows PowerShell
Most security breaches or data loss incidents are the result of human error, malicious activity,
or a combination of both. Least privilege is the concept of restricting access rights for users,
service accounts, and computing processes to only those resources absolutely required to
perform their job roles.
The principle states that all users should log on with a user account that has the absolute
minimum permissions necessary to complete the current task and nothing more. Doing so
provides protection against malicious code, among other attacks. This principle applies to
computers and the users of those computers.
Accounts that are members of high-privilege groups such as Enterprise Admins and
Domain Admins need to be guarded, but occasionally non-admins need rights to perform
certain functions, such as resetting passwords or modifying group memberships.
Built-in groups with pre-defined admin rights exist to allow users to perform specific admin
tasks. If those groups do not suit your needs, you can delegate more granular permissions
by using the Delegation of Control Wizard.
o The wizard has pre-defined tasks that can be assigned to users or groups, or custom
permissions can be assigned.
Create a group for sales managers and
add a user
Use the Delegation of Control Wizard
to allow the sales managers group to
reset passwords for users in the sales
organizational unit
Test the delegation
Privileged access workstations
o Simultaneous use
A jump server is a hardened server used to access and manage devices in a different
security zone, such as between an internal network and a perimeter network
A jump server would typically be accessed by a PAW to ensure secure access
This server will run on dedicated hardware that supports both hardware and software-
based security features such as:
o Credential Guard to encrypt the domain credentials in memory
o Remote Credential Guard to prevent remote credentials from being sent to the
jump server, instead using Kerberos protocol version 5 single sign-on tickets
o Device Guard: HVCI to leverage Virtualization-based security to enforce kernel
mode components to comply with the code integrity policy
o Device Guard: Config code integrity to allow admins to create a custom code
integrity policy, and specify trusted software
Overview of Windows Admin Center (1 of 2)
Windows Admin Center consolidates multiple admin tools into a single console that can be
easily deployed and accessed through a web interface
Windows Admin Center is a modular web application comprised of the following four
o Server manager
o Failover clusters
o Hyper-converged clusters
o Windows 10 clients
o Web server
Overview of Windows Admin Center (2 of 2)
Server Manager initially opens to the dashboard, which provides quick access to:
o Add roles and features
To enable IT administrators to remotely manage roles and features in Windows Server from
a computer that is running Windows 10 or Windows 8.1, use RSAT
RSAT include:
o Active Directory Domain Services tools
Windows PowerShell is a command line shell and scripting language that allows task
automation and configuration management
Windows PowerShell cmdlets execute at a Windows PowerShell command prompt or
combine into Windows PowerShell scripts
o Are small commands that perform specific functions
o Cmdlets specific to a product are packaged together and installed as modules
o Some are installed with the product and some need to be added manually
Windows PowerShell (2 of 2)
o WS-011T00A-SEA-ADM1-B
o WS-011T00A-SEA-SVR4
Username: Contoso\Administrator
Password: Pa55w.rd
Lab scenario
Contoso wants to implement several new servers in their environment, and they have decide
d to use Server Core. They also they want to implement Windows Admin Center for remote m
anagement of both these servers and other servers in the organization.
Module-review questions (1 of 2)
3. True or False
You must install an SSL certificate to use the Windows Admin Center.
4. You want the helpdesk group to only be able to add and remove users from security
groups. How should you accomplish this?
• Add the helpdesk group to the Account Operators group
• Add the helpdesk group to the Server Operators group
• Add the helpdesk group to the Domain Admins group
• Use the Delegation of Control Wizard to assign the task
Module-review answers (1 of 2)
3. True or False
• You must install an SSL certificate to use the Windows Admin center.
Answer- True - a self-generated one is included, but it is only valid for 60 days.
4. You want the helpdesk group to only be able to add and remove users from security
groups. How should you accomplish this?
• Add the helpdesk group to the Account Operators group
• Add the helpdesk group to the Server Operators group
• Add the helpdesk group to the Domain Admins group
• Use the Delegation of Control Wizard to assign the task
Answer - Use the Delegation of Control Wizard to assign the task. Although Account
Operators and Domain Admins would work, it would give unnecessary administrative
rights to the helpdesk group.
Thank you.