Vdocuments - MX - Gifted 101 Parenting The Gifted Child
Vdocuments - MX - Gifted 101 Parenting The Gifted Child
Vdocuments - MX - Gifted 101 Parenting The Gifted Child
Katie Corrao
School Counselor/Gifted Resource Class
What is Giftedness?
Giftedness is asynchronous development in which
advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity
combine to create inner experiences and awareness
that are qualitatively different from the norm.
This uniqueness of the Gifted renders them
particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in
parenting, teaching, and counseling in order for them
to develop optimally.
Uneven development in each or most domains.
Gatto-Walden, P. (2006)
Dabrowski’s Over-excitabilities
Dabrowski talked about OE”s – over-excitabilities
(superstimulatabilities) and how the gifted were
extremely sensitive in a variety of areas. It’s a
stimulus-response difference from the norms.
In these five areas a person reacts more strongly than
normal for a longer period than normal to a stimulus
that may be very small.
It involves not only psychological factors but central
nervous system sensitivity too.
(Won’t have all 5, just 2 or 3.)
Surplus of energy:
rapid speech
intense enthusiasm
acting out
doesn’t need a lot of sleep
mind works better if she’s moving
Psychomotor expression of emotional tension
continual talking
impulsive behavior
nervous habits
Sensory pleasure
seeing, smelling, hearing
food – no casseroles, food can’t touch
lightening hurts
Aesthetic Pleasures
appreciation of beauty, writing styles
Free play of the imagination
frequent use of image and metaphor, facility for
invention and fantasy, music/poetry/theatre,
mostly visual learners
Theoretical thinking
meta-cognition, introspection, moral thinking
Strong affective memory
Fears and anxieties, feelings of guilt
Concern with death,
Relationship feelings
emotional ties and attachment, empathy,
sensitivity in relationships
Feelings toward self
self evaluation, self-judgment, feelings of
Intensity of feeling
positive or negative feelings, extremes of emotion
they take it all in and don’t have a way to get rid of it.
Somatic expressions
tense stomach, sinking heart
timidity, shyness
Peer Relationships
Developing peers in the school environment is
important – find common interests.
“You get to be
who you are
and I love
What Parents Can Do
“I’m going to the museum this weekend, who wants to