Cyberbullying G4diamond
Cyberbullying G4diamond
Cyberbullying G4diamond
Cyberbullying is one of the biggest problems today and it destroys every individual.
According to Hardcastle (2011) cyberbullying “is a form of harassment that occurs via the
Internet that may include vicious forum posts, name calling in chat rooms, posting fake
profiles on web sites, and mean or cruel email messages”. When an adult is involved, cyber
bullying may escalate to a more serious act called as cyber-harassment or cyber-stalking, a
crime that can have legal consequences and involve jail time. Chait (2006) explained that
unlike the traditional form of bullying where the bullies attack their victims face to face,
perpetrators of cyber bullying have the capability to use all types of communications
technologists to attack others deliberately and repetitively
Due to the trend of online games and social media many young people today are
being bullied using social media and even online games such as mobile legends. Because
of cyberbullying many young people drop their self-confidence and cause
depression. Because of cyberbullying their grades in school are dropping and losing
interest in life. They become irritable and also cause bullying in others.
Parents – With the use of this study, parents will be able to know that they should have a sense of
dedication and responsibility as mentor and model to their children. And with this study, they will know
how to handle their children who is struggling in depression because of bullying.
Teacher – With the use of this study , we would like to inform to all teachers that sufficient consideration
should be given to students who experience cyberbullying.
Reader – I would like to inform you that this study will share the bad effects of cyberbullying on social
media in individual’s life.