Perdev 1
Perdev 1
Perdev 1
No one is perfect. Everyone has their
weaknesses and limitations just like you
right? Thus, it is never good to compare
oneself with others because it will only
cause frustrations as there will always
individuals gifted with more traits and
qualities. To avoid discontentment and
dissatisfaction, it is better to focus on what
one has. As others would say “positive lang
bawal ang nega”.
Identifying your strength and weaknesses can provide you
with more information about yourself. In determining
your strengths, you will become:
more empowered to do
developmental tasks such as capable
of establishing mature relationships
with others, emotional independent,
demonstrate responsible behaviors;
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Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Mercury takes a little more than 58 days to
and the smallest one in the entire Solar complete its rotation, so try to imagine how
System. This planet's name has nothing to long days must be there! Since the
do with the liquid metal, since Mercury temperatures are so extreme, albeit not as
was named after the Roman messenger extreme as in Venus, Mercury has been
god. Its temperatures aren't as terribly hot deemed to be non-habitable for humans
as that planet's
Growth from the perspective of a
Saturn is a gas giant and has several
rings. It's composed mostly of hydrogen
and helium
Development of a human
Venus has a beautiful name and is the
second planet from the Sun. It’s hot and
has a poisonous atmosphere
Before birth
Infancy Toddler
Mars is actually a very Venus has extremely
cold place high temperatures
Childhood Adolescence
Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant
planet of them all and has several rings
Stages of mental growth
Stage 1 Infancy Trust Mercury is very small
The Sun’s mass compared to Earth’s
386,000 km
Distance between Earth and the Moon
Growth during adulthood
25% 75%
Height Weight
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful name
planet to the Sun and the and is the second planet
smallest of them all from the Sun
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Tablet mockup
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Phone mockup
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Demand for counselors
School counselors
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest
Family counselors
Venus has a beautiful name, but
also high temperatures
Job counselors
Earth is the third planet from the
Sun and harbors life
Life cycle: adolescence
12 - 14 years old
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
and the smallest of them all
15 - 16 years old
Venus has a beautiful name and is the
second planet from the Sun
17 - 18 years old
Despite being red, Mars is actually a
cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust
Human body development
Mars Neptune
Mars is actually a very Neptune is the farthest
cold place planet from the Sun
Mercury Jupiter
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun planet of them all
Activity: my development
Fill in the table with the dates and details according to your life cycle
● List a detail here ● List a detail here ● List a detail here ● List a detail here
● List a detail here ● List a detail here ● List a detail here ● List a detail here
Details ● List a detail here ● List a detail here ● List a detail here ● List a detail here
● List a detail here ● List a detail here ● List a detail here ● List a detail here
Deficiency problems
Saturn is a gas giant
with several rings
Venus has extremely 25%
high temperatures
Jupiter is the biggest 50%
planet of them all
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Family impact on development
Higher family
Emotional support Language training
Earth is the third planet Despite being red, Mars is Jupiter is a gas giant.
Concerns from the Sun. Earth is the actually a cold place. Mars Jupiter was named after a
planet with life is made of basalt Roman god
Important Wrong
characteristics characteristics
Mars is actually a very Neptune is the farthest
cold place planet from the Sun
Growth and
This is not an
Important examples example
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun planet of them all
Our team
● Hand drawn woman life cycle illustration ● Happy family having dinner together
● Hand drawn woman life cycle ● Front view smiley woman in red dress
● Hand drawn life cycle illustration ● Young adult pressing buzzer button
● Hand drawn life cycle illustrated ● Baby doing his first steps
● Hand drawn glamping illustration I
● Hand drawn glamping illustration II
● Hand drawn glamping illustration III
● Hand drawn glamping illustration IV
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“Venus is the
“Neptune is the “Saturn is a gas
second planet from
farthest planet from giant and has
the Sun and is
the Sun” several rings”
terribly hot”
“Jupiter is the
TITLE 1 biggest planet in the
entire Solar System”
“Mercury is the
smallest planet in the
Solar System”
“Saturn is a gas
giant and has
several rings”
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