Basic Terms in Genetics - 022246 2
Basic Terms in Genetics - 022246 2
Basic Terms in Genetics - 022246 2
Mendel on blending heredity of variation in organisms: Mendel suggested that it was the
manifestation of genes (phenotypes) of parent that are blended in newly born not the entities
of inheritance (genes).
Phenotype refers to the ultimate form, or appearance, of the genotype on physical, emotional
and behavioural processes. Phenotypes are the observed features/characteristics in an
organism. Examples include colour of flower, form of seed, eye colour, height of an organism
Genotype is the totality of the genes, it is also known as the gene complex that enclose
unique data that can not be merged by reproduction but delivered
Difference between Blended heredity and Mendelian heredity
AA aa AA aa
A aa A aa
Aa Aa
• Some genes are dominant, others are recessive. The dominant gene
always breed through while the recessive only show themselves in
definite conditions. See figure 2.2 in slide no. 3
Parents AA AA AS AS
Gametes A A A A S A S A S
Offspring AA AS
100% 50% 50% 25% 50% 25%
Adapted from Phillips J. Corr, 2006: Mendelian ratios (a) AA x AA cross; (b) AA x AS cross; and (c) AS x AS cross
Basic genetics cont.
• Every organism is made up of cell, each cell in the body of an organism comprises a whole set of genes,
excluding the sex cells (sperm cell/spermatozoa in male, egg cell/ova in females that is the gametes).
• The complete set of genetic materials present in an organism is known as genotype, the final expression
of the genotype is the phenotype.
• Phenotypes change in the cause of interaction with the environment during developmental process while
genotypes do not except in genetic mutation
• Genes are situated on chromosomes, chromosomes are positioned in the heart of cells (nucleus). Man has
23 pairs of chromosomes in each of their cells (in other animals, each of their cells comprised added or
fewer number of chromosomes: dogs, 39; mice, 20; flies, 4; worms, 6; carp 52); on each couple of
chromosomes, and at the identical position (plural, loci), there is a diverse form of a precise gene. These
forms of a gene are called alleles:
Basic genetics cont.
• Alleles are the unit of inheritance – genes that come in different varieties (i.e.,
alleles) are termed ‘polymorphic’ (meaning ‘many forms’).
• In broad terms a gene (allele) may be defined as a segment of DNA that has
specific functional effects (e.g., eye colour). If both chromosomes have the same
allele then the individual is said to be ‘homozygous’ for the gene; if the two
chromosomes have different alleles then the individual is said to be
‘heterozygous’ for the gene.
• DNA make up the genes, genes make up the chromosomes, and the
chromosomes make up the genome.
• to understand these terms, analogy can be made to a book where the DNA
represents the letters in the book, genes are the words, chromosomes as chapters
and genome as the entire book
• Watch the video =mD0O2ArGA
Analogy of the Basic Terms in Genetics
DNA = letters
Genes = words
Genome = whole book- a guide
for forming a living organism
Basic genetics cont.