Abaqus Comp
Abaqus Comp
Abaqus Comp
• Complete Abaqus Environment
• Provides a simple, consistent interface for creating Abaqus model, interactively
submitting and monitoring Abaqus jobs, and evaluating results from Abaqus
• Is divided into modules, where each module defines a logical aspect of the modeling
• For example, defining the geometry, defining material properties, and
generating a mesh. As you move from module to module, you build up
the model.
• When the model is complete, Abaqus/CAE generates an input file that
you submit to the Abaqus analysis product. The input file may also be
created manually.
Starting Abaqus/CAE
If your model database contains more than one model, you can use the
Model Tree to move between models. When you become familiar with the
Model Tree, you will find that you can quickly perform most of the actions
that are found in the main menu bar, the module toolboxes, and the various
• Results Tree
The Results Tree provides you with a graphical overview of your output databases and other
session-specific data such as X–Y plots. If you have more than one output database open in your
session, you can use the Results Tree to move between output databases. When you become
familiar with the Results Tree, you will find that you can quickly perform most of the actions in
the Visualization module that are found in the main menu bar and the toolbox..
• Toolbox area
When you enter a module, the toolbox area displays tools in the toolbox that are appropriate for
that module. The toolbox allows quick access to many of the module functions that are also
available from the menu bar.
• Canvas and drawing area
The canvas can be thought of as an infinite screen or bulletin board on which you post
viewports. The drawing area is the visible portion of the canvas.
• Viewport
Viewports are windows on the canvas in which Abaqus /CAE displays your model.
• Prompt area
The prompt area displays instructions for you to follow during a procedure; for example, it asks
you to select the geometry as you create a set.