Persecution in 21st Century

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n in the 21 st

The Great Controversy:
Chapter 2
When Jesus foretold the fate of Jerusalem and the scenes of
the second advent, He foretold also the experience of His people.
Christ’s followers must walk the same path their Master did, which
was one of suffering, criticism, and humiliation

Paganism foresaw that should the gospel triumph, her

temples and altars would be swept away.

Noble and slave, wealthy and poor, intelligent and illiterate

would be swept away.
Beginning under Nero around the time that Paul
was crucified, these persecutions persisted for centuries
with different extents of intensity

Christians were fully accused of the most dreadful

crimes and declared to be the cause of great calamities.
Huge crowds gathered to take in the scene and cheered and
laughed as they watched them suffer.

These Christians maintained their faith, even in the

face of the harshest persecution
During the times of
persecution, the
Christians took
refuge in the
catacombs, mainly
narrow underground
burial galleries,
which they were
able to build
When the disciples of Jesus gave up their lives for
Christ, they were to be exceedingly pleased because great would be
their reward in heaven. Like God’s servants of old, many were
“tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better

By losing, they gained victory. God’s workmen were

slain, but His work went steadily forward.

“You may kill us, torture us, condemn us,” a Christian

exclaimed to the pagan rulers who were supporting the persecution.
“Your wrongdoing serves as evidence that we are innocent. Your
cruelty is also useless to you.”

“The more times you crush us to death, the more we

multiply; the blood of Christians is seed.”
The Colosseum, the great amphitheater with
a capacity for 50,000 spectators, is
mentioned with the Circus Maximus as the
place where numerous Christians suffered
Thousands were killed and imprisoned, but others rose up
to take their place. The sufferings which they endured brought
Christians nearer to one another and to their Redeemer.

By raising his flag within the Christian Church, Satan laid

the groundwork for his war against the divine government.

Idolaters were persuaded to accept a portion of the

Christian faith while rejecting other fundamental principles.
Christianity was divided between those who chose to abandon
some of their beliefs and those who decided to remain faithful to the
whole religion.

Some Christians claimed to have been converted and united

with the church, but idolaters continued to worship images and other
saints. As Christians partnered with idolaters, the church lost its
holiness and authority.
Not all members of the church were sincere, true, and pure
Judas opened himself up to the devil’s temptations by
engaging in sin. He allowed the dark forces to control his thoughts
and lost his temper when his mistakes were pointed out. In the same
way, those who proclaim to be godly but cherish evil despise those
who disturb their peace,
The apostate church’s refusal to rid itself of falsehood and
idolatry has led to the break-up of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Those who would be faithful had to put up a bravely fight to

resist the lies and evils that were introduced into the church. The former
defenders of the true Christian faith were the ones who knew best how
to fight it.
Christianity is a system which, received and obeyed, would
spread peace, harmony, and happiness through the earth.

Some are prepared to give up faith in God because He allows

the lowest of men to prosper while the best and purest are afflicted and

John 15:20 states, “If they have persecuted Me, they will also
persecute you.”

Jesus endured more suffering for us than any of His followers

could ever endure at the hands of evil people.
Christianity only seems to be so well-liked by the
outside world because of its spirit of compromise with sin and
disregard for the deep truths of God’s word. Let the early
church’s faith and strength rekindle; and the spirit of persecution
will return.

Every cruel deed or act of injustice committed against

God’s faithful people will be punished as though it were
committed against Christ himself.
That’s all
and thank
By Group 3

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