10 UNIT 2 - 2. 4 Chemical Reactions
10 UNIT 2 - 2. 4 Chemical Reactions
10 UNIT 2 - 2. 4 Chemical Reactions
01 02
Solute Solvent
The solid in solution. The liquid in a solution.
Can be changed back to
the way it was before
Everyday we see different
types of changes around us.
Changes means the act which
brings difference in the form
of the material of thing.
These are the examples
of Changes around us.
It belongs to Reversible changes. The change can be changed back to what
it was before.
It be Irreversible
changes. The chang
e cannot be
undoned back to
what it was before.
For the change of candle. It bel
ongs to two types of changes:
and Irreversible changes.
The burning of candle is an
irreversible as the burnt can
dle thread cannot be obtain
ed. While the melting of the
wax is a reversible change
as the shape of the wax can
be obtained by heating it.
So, we can conclude that changes are classified
Reversible changes: is a change that can be undone or reversed.
Salt dissolves
Salt is in water
Salt is
— Cambridge’s literature -
Can we make solids dissolve
Why do you think the coffee
did not taste sweet?
How could Marcus make the coffee
taste sweeter without adding any
more sugar?
Thermal Conductors
If the grain size of the particles are bigger, it will take time to
dissolve. But if the particles is smaller, it will be
dissolved faster.
For example, if we take
sugar and dissolve it in
normal water,
it will take a little time to
dissolve since its grain
size is a little bit bigger.