Proses Prod1-6
Proses Prod1-6
Proses Prod1-6
MK Proses Produksi 1
Masalah dan Cacat pada Rolling
• Problems:
– Roll deflection
– Spreading
• Defects:
– Wavy edges
– Cracks
– Alligatoring
– Residual stress
Deformation process dimana benda kerja dikompres
diantara dua dies (cetakan)
• Merupakan operasi metal forming yang tertua,
tercatat sejak tahun 5000 B C
• Components: engine crankshafts, connecting rods,
gears, aircraft structural components, jet engine
turbine parts
• In addition, basic metals industries use forging to
establish basic form of large components that are
subsequently machined to final shape and size
ISE 316 - Manufacturing
Processes Engineering
Forging grain flow
Klasifikasi Operasi Forging
• Cold vs. hot forging:
– Hot or warm forging – most common, due to the
significant deformation and the need to reduce
strength and increase ductility of work metal
– Cold forging - advantage is increased strength
that results from strain hardening
• Impact vs. press forging:
– Forge hammer - applies an impact load
– Forge press - applies gradual pressure
ISE 316 - Manufacturing
Processes Engineering
Types of Forging Dies
• Open‑die forging - work is compressed between
two flat dies, allowing metal to flow laterally
without constraint
• Impression‑die forging - die surfaces contain a
cavity or impression that is imparted to workpart,
thus constraining metal flow - flash is created
• Flashless forging - workpart is completely
constrained in die and no excess flash is
Open‑Die Forging with No Friction
If no friction occurs between work and die surfaces, then
homogeneous deformation occurs, so that radial flow is
uniform throughout workpart height and true strain is given
(1) start of process, (2) partial deformation, and (3) final shape
Range of k values
Forging die
Sequence in impression‑die forging: (1) just prior to initial contact with raw
workpiece, (2) partial compression, and (3) final die closure, causing flash to form in
gap between die plates.
Stages in Impression-die (Closed-Die) Forging
Impression‑Die Forging
Advantages and Limitations
• Advantages compared to machining from solid stock:
– Higher production rates
– Conservation of metal (less waste)
– Greater strength
– Favorable grain orientation in the metal
• Limitations:
– Not capable of close tolerances
– Machining often required to achieve accuracies and
features needed, such as holes, threads, and mating
surfaces that fit with other components
ISE 316 - Manufacturing
Processes Engineering
Flashless Forging