My Unforgetable Experience
My Unforgetable Experience
My Unforgetable Experience
We will Learn About:
Vocabulary (similar meaning)
Past tense
Adverb of time
Regular verb and irregular
Do you have unforgettable
Read the following unforgettable
The Most Unforgettable Experience in My Life
This most unforgettable experience stays fresh in my memory all the time. I will remember the
experience of being lost at night all my life.
This experience happened when I went for a holiday with my friend. It was on January 5 years ago.
It was a dark and a little bit cold night. One of my friends suggested to go outside to watch the stars. We
started from the cabana we lived in, each with a torch in hand. At first we just wanted to go around and
enjoyed the beautiful sky decorated by many stars. But later we decided to go further. All we did was walking
and talking. We ignored the most important thing -- a big forest was beyond the cabana. It was unfortunate
that we went into the forest and got lost.
When we found we were lost, it was too late to find the original way back to the cabana. I grasped
my friend’s hand firmly. The cold and strong wind blew against my face all the time. It whispered through the
trees. What’s more, the fog quickly became thick. Terrible fear came to my mind and made me tremble out of
my control. I was scared to death. The only idea in my brain was that it was the end of my life. It was
impossible for me to get out of the forest. Even though my friends tried to convince me that nothing bad
would happen to us. I still feared that we would come to a messy end.
It was hard to find the way clear because of the dense fog. It made us lose the sense of direction
totally. We didn’t know which way to go next. Suddenly, a man with a torch stood in front of us. At first, it
frightened us. We didn’t open our eyes until he came to pat us on our shoulders and told us that if we were
lost, he would help us to find the way back. At that moment, I was relieved because I knew I wouldn’t stay in
the forest forever. This kind man led us out. It was he who ended this terrible experience of getting lost. It was
really an unforgettable experience in my life. I will not forget this such a special experience.
1. Cabana= Lodging = Tempat bernaung di 15. Ignore= mengabaikan
pinggir laut, pondokan 16. Decided= memutuskan
2. Torch= Lantern= obor 17. Found(find)= menemukan
3. Unfortunate= unlucky=wretched= tidak 18. Led(Lead)= memimpin
beruntung 19. Would(will)= akan
4. Grasp = hold= menggenggam 20. Whispered= membisikkan
5. Firmly= tightly= dengan erat 21. Terrible= mengerikan
6. Blew(blow)=gust= meniup 22. Further (far)= lebih jauh
7. Against=contra= melawan 23. Made(make)= membuat
8. Fog=mist= kabut 24. Sense= rasa, arti, makna
9. Thick=dense= tebal 25. direction= petunjuk/arah
10. Tremble=shake= gemetar 26. Stood (stand)= berdiri
11. Convince= assure= meyakinkan 27. Relieved= lega
12. Messy=sloppy=berantakan 28. Told (tell)= memberi tahu.
14. Pat=tap=touch= menepuk 29. beyond= dibelakang
15. Relieved=pleased=lega
Answer the following question
Past Tense
Simple Past Tense
Is sentences used to indicate event that occur in the past.
Pattern (rumus) :
A. Verbal (kata kerja)
(+) S + Verb 2 + O + Keterangan
(-) S + Did + Not + Verb I + O + Keterangan
(?) Did + S + Verb I + O + Keterangan
Example :
(+) You bought news paper last week
(-) You didn’t buy news paper last week
(?) Did you buy news paper last week?
Yes, I did No, I did not
(+) She drunk a glass of tea in the class room
(-) She did not drink a glass of tea in the class room
(?) Did she drink a glass of tea in the class room?
Yes, she did No, she did not
Past Tense
Non Verbal
Dibedakan menjadi 3, yaitu :
a. Adjective (kata sifat)
(+) S + Tobe (was/were) + Adjective
(-) S + Tobe (was/were) + Not + Adjective
(?) Tobe + S + Adjective
is, am, are was/were
Contoh :
Contoh :
(+) They were in the class room adverb of place
(-) They were not in the class room
(?) Were they in the class room?
Yes, They were No, They were not
(+) He was on the tree adverb of place
(-) He was not on the tree
(?) Was he on the tree?
Yes, He was No, he was not
(+) It was on Sunday
(-) it was not on Sunday
(?) was it on Sunday?
Adverb of Time in Past Tense
Keterangan waktu dalam past tense menggunakan keterangan waktu di masa lampau.
For example:
- Yesterday
- Last week
- Last year
- Two years a go
- When I was child (adverbial clause)
- In 1996
- Last two weeks
- Last tree years
- When I was two years old (adverbial clause)
Past Tense
Note :
Kata kerja Bantu :
“Did” untuk semua subjek → I, You, They, We, He,
She, It
Tobe Past : Was, Were
Tobe “Was” untuk subjek → I, He, She, It
Tobe “Were” untuk subjek → You, They, We
Time Signal (tanda waktu) : Yesterday, last …(week,
month, year, century), …ago (two days ago, ten
minutes ago, three months ago), the day before
yesterday, dll.
Regular and Irregular verb
Regular verbs
Many English verbs are regular, which means that they form their
different tenses according to an established pattern. Such verbs
work like this:
3rd person
3rd person singular present
Verb singular past tense past participle participle
present tense
There are many irregular verbs that (V3)
(V2)don’t follow the normal rules. Here are the
forms of some of the most common irregular verbs:
laugh he/she laughs he/she laughed laughed laughing
Verb 3rd person singular 3rd person singular past participle present participle
present tense past tense