LGIE-FINANCE-Apr'24 - ABP 24-25

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Annual Business Plan 2024-25


Financial Projection-Average NSR
2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 9M 2024-25
Actual Budget Actual Budget

CC BILLET 49158 47126 45197 45832

BLOOM 49709 46932 46097 45333

STRUCTURALS 56252 53232 52534 51500

TMT 56638 52955 50844 50470

WHEEL & AXLE 183466 201000 216085 212979

Financial Projection- Input Rates
2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 9M 2024-25
Actual Budget Actual Budget

IMPORTED COAL 29887 27327 25327 28229

CDI COAL 27377 25590 18276 17603

INDIGENOUS COAL 12790 13449 11746 14002

IRON ORE (Lump) 2856 2534 3021 2873

IRON ORE (Fines) 2396 2159 2397 2463

Financial Projection
Rs Cr
2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 9M 2024-25
Actual Budget Actual Budget
Net Sales 13196 13627 9143 13292
Other Income 100 79 75 109
Change in Stock -475 -51 -716 -347
Raw Material consumption 8681 8560 6020 8532
Power & Fuel 878 927 657 896
Salary & Wages 1587 1623 1206 1611
Stores and Spares 634 755 554 690
Repairs and Maintenance 136 200 129 180
Other Expenses 561 475 633 570
Central Unit Expenses 132 149 91 123
Depreciation 293 312 256 344
Interest 162 179 147 198
Net Profit/Loss 639 202 241 184
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