Outcome Based Education
Outcome Based Education
Outcome Based Education
Ms. Marbanylla Rikynti Sawian
M.Sc (N) 1 st year
“People differ not only in their ability
to do but also in their will to do”
-Paul Hersey
Central objective
◦ At the end of this class, the students will be
able to apply the concept of outcome based
education when needed.
Specific Objectives
At the end of the teaching, the students will be able to
◦ Define outcome-based education
◦ Understand the approaches to grading, reporting and promoting
◦ State the principles of outcome-based education
◦ Elaborate on the steps of planning
◦ Compare OBE with traditional learning
◦ Outcome-based education (OBE) is a student centered learning
philosophy that focuses on empirically measuring student
performance, which is called outcomes.
Deciding on contents
Deciding on Demonstrating
and teaching
the outcomes outcomes
strategies in OBE
1. Deciding on the outcomes
It is very important to define the outcomes of
a programme in specific and precise manner.