GNS 204 Logic
GNS 204 Logic
GNS 204 Logic
Pythagoras says that there are three distinct classes of peoples who attend
games, namely: those who seek fame by taking part in the game, those who
seek gain by plying their trade and those who are contented with being
spectators. To him, the last group is the best group because they are there to
see what is happening.
Philosophers resemble the third class because they do not look for fame and
gain; rather, they seek to arrive at the truth of contemplation.
Philosophy is derived and originated in man, that is, man is the origin of
People from the West used to think that they were the source and origin of
philosophy but it should be known that all human beings do think and reason,
no matter the race, colour, language and tongue, among others, either in the
West or elsewhere.
The main source of philosophy is man as it simply arose out of man’s innate
tendency and curiosity to ask questions and inquire about himself and nature
of the world in which he finds himself.
There are philosophers who contend that philosophy actually developed from two broad
factors, namely: (i) inherited religious and ethical conception (ii) a process of scientific
inquiry – using the word “science” in a more general sense.
What is clear, however, is that without man, philosophy will never have come into being
at all.
There are philosophers who also are of the opinion that philosophy is something inter-
mediate between theology and science.
Ever since man became capable of free speculation, the actions in many respects have
largely depended upon their theories as to the world and human life, what is good and
what is evil.
This is true of every age: to understand an age, a nation or even a group of people, we
must understand its philosophy and so we ourselves in some degree must be
philosophers (loose sense).
Senses in the Understanding of Philosophy
There are basically two senses in the study of philosophy, namely from the loose sense
and strict sense. Rather, what we refer to as first order and second order in the study of
From the loose sense, which is the first order understanding, philosophy is taken as a
general discussion where everyone could lay claim to and of being a philosopher.
Whereas from the strict sense (second order), we are talking of philosophy from the
academic sense and understanding where rigours are applied in the comprehension by
trained scholars in philosophy as distinct from other disciplines.
Philosophic contemplation helps man to divide the world into hostile camps,
friends and foes, good and bad people. It also frees man’s intellect and helps
him to see life without fears, trammels of customary beliefs and traditional
prejudices. Thus, philosophers have passion and desire for truths, which helps
them to appraise issues more objectively.
Thank you