Challenges in Insurance Operation in India
Challenges in Insurance Operation in India
Challenges in Insurance Operation in India
By B.R.Gupta
Former Executive Director LIC
Former Consultant GIC of India
Advisor Schoolnet India Ltd.
–Insurable Population - 40 Crore lives
–Tapped Potential - 10 Crore lives
–Untapped Potential - 30 Crore live
–Additional Potential - 2 Crore lives per year
–Per Capita Life Insurance Premium - Rs. 500
–Life Insurance Penetration - 2% of GDP
–General Insurance Penetration - 0.5% of GDP
–Scope for Insurance - Vast & Unlimited
– KeyMan Insurance
– Partnership Insurance
–Fire Insurance
–Marine Insurance
–Theft Insurance
–Goods-in-transit Insurance
–Money Insurance
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Non-Life Products
–Health Insurance
–Engineering Insurance
–Agricultural Insurance
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Product Innovations/Riders
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