PPT9-Process Capability Analysis
PPT9-Process Capability Analysis
PPT9-Process Capability Analysis
Week 9
1. SQC
2. STCEQ Concepts
3. STCEQ Requirement
4. STCEQ Structure
5. Specification Limits And Control Limits
6. Process Capability Analysis
7. Specifications And Process Capability
1. Statistical Quality
Control (SQC)
• Statistical Quality Control (SQC) has been used for
more than 70 years around the world, and it has
greatly contributed to improving the quality of many
goods and services
• Statistical quality control – SQC (consisting of Statistical
Process Control, Process Capability Studies,
Acceptance Sampling, and Design of Experiments) is a
very important tool to obtain, maintain, and improve
the Quality level of goods and services produced by an
• Statistical Process Control includes Control Charts,
which monitor process performance, and some
‘‘opportunity tools,’’ like the Ishikawa diagram, and
statistical tools, like the Pareto diagram and the
histogram (those tools are used to find the causes of a
process misbehaving, perhaps an opportunity for
improving its quality).
• Process capability studies measure the process’s ability to produce
items according to specifications, which is crucial for quality
• Acceptance Sampling can be defined as the group of statistical
techniques used to accept or reject lots of finished goods or raw
materials received from suppliers, based on random samples taken
from those lots.
• Acceptance Sampling does not estimate lot quality, it just
recommends a course of action: to accept or reject the lot.
• The design of Experiments is a broad statistical issue. Properly
designed statistical experiments can discover what variables are
causing a process to misbehave and also the magnitude of the
STCEQ concepts
• an Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach could be a good
option to implement the computer environment for an
Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). The reason for such a
decision was its ability to create a ‘‘learn-by-doing’’
environment, in which the student/trainee can develop
the needed SQC skills and long-lasting knowledge
• The ITS was called STCEQ. In its current version, STCEQ
includes only problem-solving activities for SPC and
Process Capability Studies. However, tutorials for
Acceptance Sampling and Design of Experiments were
added to provide a complete description of Statistical
Quality Control.
• STCEQ was developed using artificial intelligence to build
a learning environment for Statistical Quality Control, as
part of a teaching model.
• STCEQ is an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). Here an ITS
is understood as a computer program that uses artificial
intelligence techniques to simulate human thinking in a
certain domain, attempting to help an ‘‘apprentice’’ in
building strategies to solve problems or make decisions
• The idea was to create an environment in which a user
could freely search for SQC concepts and solve real SQC
problems under supervision (automated supervision).
STCEQ requirements
• Friendly environment.
STCEQ provides a friendly learning environment, minimizing the time
needed to master the system interaction, thus allowing the user to
get down to business as soon as possible.
• Real SQC problems.
The problems embedded in STCEQ are ‘‘real’’ SQC problems, with
real production flows and real data.
• Supervision.
An SQC expert and a tutor are embedded in STCEQ. The former is
responsible for the ‘‘correct’’ answers to the questions, and the latter
compares the user’s and experts’ answers, calculates users’
performance, and suggests what he should do next
STCEQ Structure
• STCEQ has been developed as
a stand-alone application
(shortly we intend to build a
web-based version) in a
Windows-based, IBM-PC-
compatible platform. An
expert-system shell,
• Intellicorp Kappa-PC 2.4, has
been used to develop the
prototype. Quality Control or
Statistical Quality Control
• The tutorials are grouped into five main
areas: basic concepts about quality and
TQM, basic concepts about Statistical
Quality Control, Acceptance Sampling,
Statistical Process Control (with its
subdivisions), and Design of Experiments.
• SPC was divided into two major areas for
didactical reasons: Control Charts and
Capability Studies. Control Charts were
divided into Shewhart Variables Charts,
Other Variables Charts, Shewhart
Attributes Charts, and Other Attributes
Charts. The user can return to the main
menu (BACK), quit the system (QUIT), or
go to other screens, each one with all
tutorials from a specific area or
• The problems are grouped into three major types,
according to the techniques involved: Control Charts,
Capability Studies, and Control Charts and Capability
• In the current version STCEQ has one difficulty level only:
the user answers questions about the results generated
by STCEQ. The problems that the user previously solved
are shown in a different color; they are highlighted to
prevent the user from solving them again. Moreover,
after knowing the previous performance the user can
make a more careful choice for the next step to take.
• Once a problem is chosen, STCEQ shows its description
to the user, and also a Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation about it. The user can decide to solve the
problem or to return to the previous screen. Once
deciding to solve it, the Problem module sends a
message to the Simulator module, which produces all
the results, like the X-bar and R control charts as shown
in the Figure attached
• The user will answer items based on
statistical results, for instance, if the
process from which the charts were
plotted is under statistical control and
why. The Expert module will also
answer the same questions, and the
Tutor module will compare both
answers (checking if there are
differences between them and how
different are they), evaluate the user’s
performance, and recommend the best
course of action. The user can anytime
quit STCEQ, or return to a previous step.
He/she can also ignore the tutor
STCEQs simulator module results – control charts for
recommendation, and choose not to
averages and ranges.
consult the listed tutorials.
• The terms specification limits and tolerance limits are often defined as
acceptable limits on quality characteristics
• Tolerance limits are generally for evaluating manufacturing or service
requirements, while specification limits are for categorizing materials,
products, or services in relation to specified requirements.
• Tolerance limits can be two-sided (with upper and lower limits) or one-
sided with upper or lower limits.
• Specification limits are determined by customer requirements. What
customers want in a product or service is analyzed through market
research and incorporated through product or service design
1. Uniformity of output
• Variable can be tightly controlled.
• Any undesirable shapes in the distribution of quality characteristics are
evaluated possible changes to process parameters are made early.
2. Maintained or improved quality.
• consistent with quality improvement objectives
• Process capability analysis shows whether new equipment is needed
• When changes occur, new capabilities can be determined
3. Product and process design is facilitated.
• Process capability analysis provides critical feedback for design
• Product designers must be aware of the variations inherent in the process
• Inability to design product tolerances by process will result in longer
lead times in design
Benefits of Process
Capability Analysis
• where USL and LSL represent the upper and lower specification limits,
respectively, and σ represents the process standard deviation
• If σ is unknown, it is replaced by an estimate of it which can be
obtained from the control chart information for the range chart when
the process is under control
Upper and Lower
Ability Index
• The specification limits are LSL = 65% and USL = 85%. Assume that the
process is under control. The sample mean and standard deviation were
found to be 76.1 and 9.905, respectively.
• Then the Cp index is:
• One index that takes location into account is the Cp index, used when
the process average does not reach the target value, which is assumed to
be halfway between the specification limits. Cp or Cpk index:
• Where, m=(USL+LSL)/2
• The estimate of k is obtained by using the sample mean X as an estimate
of the process mean μ
Relationship between
Cp dan Cpk
• If LSL < μ < USL, we observe that 0 < k < 1. If the process average is at
the target value m, then k = 0 and Cpk = Cp. If the process mean is at
USL or LSL, k = 1 and Cpk = 0
Example 2
• Solution:
• The Cpk index is estimated:
• Since Cpk<1, the process cannot produce only products that comply
with the current settings. Corrective actions will bring the process
towards the target value of 32.5pF or, if possible, reduce process
1. Statistical Quality Control (SQC) has been used for more than 70 years around the
world, and it has greatly contributed to improving the quality of many goods and
2. Statistical quality control – SQC (consisting of Statistical Process Control,
Process Capability Studies, Acceptance Sampling, and Design of Experiments)
3. An artificial Intelligence (AI) approach could be a good option to implement the
computer environment for an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) or STCEQ. In its
current version, STCEQ includes only problem-solving activities for SPC and
Process Capability Studies.
4. STCEQ requirements : Friendly environment, Real SQC problems, Supervision.
5. STCEQ has been developed as a stand-alone application (shortly we intend to
build a web-based version) in a Windows-based, IBM-PC-compatible platform.