Nose 1
Nose 1
Nose 1
paranasal sinuses
• External nose:
• Pyramidal in shape the lower lateral
rounded part is called(ala while the medial
lower part is called Columella.
The nasal skeleton:
Bony part formed of:
• Two nasal bones.
Nasal process of frontal bone (above-on each
Nasal process of maxillary bone (below-on
each side).
Cartilaginous part formed of:
Upper and lower lateral cartilages.
Septal cartilage.
Nasal cavity:
Cartilage Vomer
Inferior urbinate: the largest of 3 rich in blood supply and veins.
• The inferior meats below it, and shows the Opening of nasolacrimal
Middle turbinate: middle in size and site.
• The middle meatus opens below it and show the following features:
A) The bulla ethmoidalis: rounded projection; the largest of the anterier
ethmoidal air cells
B) Hiatus semilunaris: Semilunar groove below the bulla.
C) Uncinate process: Shelf of bone(media to the bulla.
• N.B.: The following sinuses open in the middle meatus:
The frontal sinus opens through the frontal recess at the most anterior
• The maxillary sinus opens in the posterior
• The anterior ethmadal sinus opens in
middle part.
• Ostiomeatal complex (OMC): It is the area
of drainage of (anterior group of sinuses.
Present between lamina paparycea i.e.
medial orbital wall: laterally and middle
(turbinate: medially.
Superior turbinate: the smallest, and the superior
meatus below it.
• The posterior ethmoid opens in the superior
Sphenoethmoidal recess: above the superior
• The sphenoid sinus opens into it.
• N.B. Nasal valve; The narrowest part, at the in tog
junction of lower and upper lateral cartilages i.e.
anterior end of inferior turbinates.
Blood supply
1. Respiration
2. Air-Conditioning
3. Protection
4. Olfaction
5. Resonance
6. Eustachian tube
7. Drainage
Function of Para-nasal Sinuses
1. Resonance of voice
2. Respiratory
3. Air-conditioning
4. Redaction of the weight Skull
5. Rapid grow of the Face