Subset of Human
What is it? Management function.
Resource Management.
Development of the
Concerned with People only
entire organization.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a
branch of management; that is concerned with
making best possible use of the enterprise’s
human resources, by providing better working
conditions, to the employees. It involves those
activities that arrange and coordinates the human
resources of an entity. Further, it aims at
maintaining good relations at various levels of
Human Resource Development (HRD) is a wing
of HRM that keeps focusing on the growth and
development part of the organization's manpower.
HRD refers to the development of people working
in an organisation. It is a part of HRM; that aims at
improving skills, knowledge, competencies, attitude
and behaviour of employees of the organisation.
The purpose of the HRD is to empower and
strengthen the abilities of the employees so that
their performance will get better than before.
HRD and HR
Benefits of HRD