Introduction To Atomic Habits

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Introduction to

Atomic Habits
Atomic Habits is a transformative framework for improving
your life one small step at a time. This book reveals the
science behind habit formation and provides practical
strategies to build beneficial routines that stick.
The Importance of Habit
1 Compound Effect
Habits compound over time, leading to exponential
growth or decline.

2 Subconscious Control
Habits automate decision-making, freeing up mental
energy for higher-level thinking.

3 Consistency is Key
Building consistent habits is more important than
occasional big actions.
The Four Laws of Behavior Change
Cue Craving Response

Make the cue obvious to Build an intense desire to Reduce the friction to make
trigger the habit. perform the habit. the habit easy to do.
Cue, Craving, Response, Reward
The actual habit you perform, which
The trigger that initiates the habit. can be mental or physical.

1 2 3 4

Craving Reward
The motivational force behind every The benefit you gain from doing the
habit. habit, which reinforces the loop.
Habit Stacking and
Environment Design
Habit Stacking
Linking a new habit to an existing routine to create a
consistent sequence.

Environment Design
Shaping your physical and digital spaces to make good
habits easier.
Overcoming Obstacles and Building Consistency

Identify Obstacles
Anticipate and plan for potential barriers to your habit.

Start Small
Begin with a very small, easy-to-do version of the habit.

Increase Consistency
Gradually raise the bar and make the habit more challenging over time.
Measuring Progress and
Celebrating Wins

Track Progress
Measure and monitor your habit progress to stay motivated.

Celebrate Wins
Acknowledge and reward yourself for maintaining your habits.

Seek Feedback
Regularly review your habits and make adjustments as needed.
Conclusion and Key
Atomic Habits provides a proven system for creating
positive change through the power of small, consistent
actions. By understanding the science of habit formation
and applying the four laws, you can build the routines
that will transform your life.

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