Gender Studies Biological Theories 1

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Gender: Biological Theory

Shakir Hussain

Lecturer Psychology
Department of Psychology KIU, Gilgit
How do bio psychologists explain gender
• Biological psychology regards gender identity and
role as arising from biological processes.

• Gender differences are seen as resulting from sex


• In other words, women and men act, think and feel

differently because of differences in how their
brains work.

• These brain differences may result from

chromosomal differences and may also be the
result of hormonal differences.
Chromosomal differences
• Women and men are chromosomally different.

• Women have two X chromosomes (XX), whereas

men have an X and a Y chromosome (XY).

• Sex development is almost the same for both

sexes during the first six weeks of prenatal
development & both Systems exist in both sexes.
• In the period following conception, female and
male embryos are indistinguishable apart from
their chromosomes.

• However, the Y chromosome in males starts to

promote the production of testosterone and
other androgens (male sex hormones).
Differentiation on the basis of hormones

Male Female
Production of Testosterone In female fetus X chromosome
(androgen) stimulates. This cause stimulate estrogen hormone which
the male to develop testes and a results in the development of
penis instead of ovaries and a female internal Reproductive
uterus. The androgens also cause organs.
the male brain to develop
differently from the female

During prenatal development androgen & estrogen are very important for
the Development of sex characteristics in both sexes.
During infancy and childhood gonadal hormones are produce
in low quantities but during puberty these Hormones secretions
increased and develop sexual maturity. Growth hormones are
released from Pituitary in Adolescence play important role in
muscular and bones development.

Pituitary glands also release FOLLICLE

that is involve in production of androgen and
Androgen and estrogen hormones are gonadal hormones. Both sexes produce these
two hormones

But in males' androgens and in females estrogens are in greater proportions.

Testosterone is androgen and Estradiol is common estrogen.

In males testosterone is released by testes that are endocrine glands. It stimulates the
Maturation of sex organs, production of sperms and prepare for reproduction.

In Females estrogen hormones Play important role in beginning of menstruation and


Progesterone is another gonadal hormone that play important role in females

During pregnancy.
University of California at Lossangeles
Study 1

Observed the play behavior of such females with other female

Siblings. Given a choice of transportation and construction toys,
dolls and kitchen supplies, or books and board games, these females
preferred the more typically masculine toys

for example, they played with cars for the same amount of time that
boys did.
Study of male prisoners also revealed that high
testosterone levels are associated with deferent
types of violence including sex and rule
Study 2

violations. As female also produce testosterones

so, various studies have conducted to find out
relationship between testosterone and female
behaviors. Results support hypothesis that high
testosterone is related to aggressive behaviors.
Male Sex Chromosome Abnormalities
Some people are conceived with an atypical chromosomal

Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY)

• People with Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY) are

biologically male but have an extra X chromosome.

• This causes physical effects including underdeveloped

genitals and a lack of body hair, and psychological
effects including poor language skills and a passive
XYY syndrome

• The individual with this abnormality receive extra Y chromosome and their
chromosomal structure is XYY.

• As Adults, these "super-males" are usually tall (above 6 feet) and generally
appear and act normal. However, they Produce high levels of testosterone.

• During adolescence, they often are slim, have severe facial acne, and are
Poorly coordinated. They are usually fertile and lead ordinary lives as adults.
Majority remain unaware that they Have a chromosomal abnormality.

• Early studies of XYY syndrome done in European prisons initially led to the
erroneous conclusion that these Men were genetically predisposed to
antisocial, aggressive behavior, below average intelligence, and
Female Sex Chromosome Abnormalities
Turner’s syndrome (XO)

• People with Turner’s syndrome (XO) are biologically

female but have one X chromosome missing.

• Physically the effects of this are a short body and

distinctive webbing at the neck.

• Psychologically, people with Turner’s syndrome often

have poor spatial and mathematical skills.
Meta females or triple-X females:
• Such females inherit three X chromosomes. Their chromosomal structure is

• As adults, these "super- females" are usually an inch or so taller than

average with
unusually long body structure.

• They have normal development of sexual characteristics and are fertile.

• They may have slight learning difficulties and are usually in the low range of

• They tend to be emotionally immature for their size during childhood. This
type of chromosomal abnormality is less rare than turner syndrome.
How have biological psychologists studied
gender development?
• Biological psychologists use a range of methods to
study gender.

• Thy favour laboratory experiments because of the

control they offer, and they often use animals as a
model for understanding behavioural processes in

• For example, Gorski et al (1985) injected female

rats with testosterone for a period prior to birth.
• After they were born their appearance and behaviour
was compared with a control group of females whose
testosterone levels had been normal.

• The experimental group had masculinised genitals (e.g.

an enlarged clitoris) and showed masculine behaviour
(e.g. trying to mount other females).

• This showed that male sex hormones had both

physiological and behavioural effects, in rats at least
The End

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