Performance Appraisals
Performance Appraisals
Performance Appraisals
Definition of Performance
• Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of
an individual’s job performance and potential for
• Performance appraisal is the assessment of an
employee’s job performance. It has two primary
– Administrative- provides information for making salary,
promotion and layoff decisions.
– Development- diagnosis training needs and enables career
Definition of PA (cont.)
• Gary Dessler: "Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating an employee’s
performance of a job in terms of its requirements.“
• Wayne Cascio: "Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating the performance
and qualifications of the employees in terms of the requirements of the job for which he
is employed, for purposes of administration including placement, selection for
promotions, providing financial rewards and other actions which require differential
treatment among the members of a group as distinguished from actions affecting all
members equally.“
• Edwin B. Flippo: "Performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of the individual
with respect to his or her performance on the job and his or her potential for
• Dale Yoder: "Performance appraisal includes all formal procedures used to evaluate the
personalities, contributions, and potentials of group members in a working organization.
It is a continuous process to secure information necessary for making correct and
objective decisions about employees.“
• Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson: "Performance appraisal is the process of
determining and communicating to an employee how he or she is performing on the job
and establishing a plan for improvement."
Purpose of Performance Appraisal Systems
Managing Performance
•According to:
•Employee •Organization
•Aims at:
mutual goals of the employees & the
Personal development
work satisfaction growth & development
involvement in the increase harmony & enhance
organization. effectiveness
•Taking corrective
•standards •Communicating
•Discussing •Measuring
•results •standards
Methods of Performance Appraisal
Traditional Methods Modern Method
1. Graphic Rating scales
1. Assessment Center
2. Ranking Method
3. Paired comparison 2. Appraisal by Results or
4. Forced Distribution Method Management by Objectives
5. Checks lists (simple ,weighted, 3. Human Asset Accounting
force choiced)
4. Behaviorally observation scales
6. Forced choice Description
method 5. Behaviorally Anchored Rating
7. Essay / Free Form Appraisal scales
8. Group Appraisal 6. Balance Score Card
9. Confidential Report
7. Productivity Measures
10.Critical Incidents
11.Field Review Method 8. Psychological Appraisal
Graphic Rating scales
Ranking Method
Paired comparison
Forced Distribution Method
Checks lists
Confidential Report
• It is written for a unit of one year and relates to the
performance, ability and character of the employee during
that year.
Peers Staff Customers
Teams Teams
•360 degree performance appraisal
Post Appraisal Interviews and Feedback
1. Explain Objectives
2. Review the Instrument
3. Define the Performance Standards
4. Understand Typical Subjective Errors
5. Teach Interviewing Skills
Scheduling the Performance Appraisal
1. Relevant
2. Free From Contamination
3. Reliable - Inter Rater Consistency
Post Appraisal Interviews and Feedback
• It, serves to meet the following objectives.
To let employees know where they stand.
To help employees do a better job by clarifying what
is expected of them.
To plan opportunities for development and growth.
To strengthen the superior-subordinate working
relationship by developing a mutual agreement of
To provide an opportunity for employees to express
themselves on performance related issues.
Performance Appraisal
Interview Needs
•What methods?
•Whose performance?
•When to evaluate? •Who are the raters?
• Design
•What problems?
•What to evaluate?
•How to solve?