Health Education 05 Learning Theories

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Learning theories

Often thought of as a relatively permanent change
in behavior due to experience. It is influenced by
various biological, cultural, social, and emotional
Several different theories have emerged to
explain how people learn. Some of the
main theories of learning include:
 Behavioral learning theory
 Cognitive learning theory
 Constructivist learning theory
 Social learning theory
 Experiential learning theory
Behaviorism is a theory of learning based
on the idea that all behaviors are
acquired through conditioning, and
conditioning occurs through interaction
with the environment.

Behaviorists believe that our actions are

shaped by environmental stimuli

Behavior can be studied in a systematic

and observable manner regardless of
internal mental states.
Behavioral theory also says that only
observable behavior should be studied, as
cognition, emotions, and mood are far too
Behavior can be studied in a systematic and
observable manner regardless of internal
mental states.

Behavioral theory also says that only

observable behavior should be studied, as
cognition, emotions, and mood are far too

Strict behaviorists believe that any person—

regardless of genetic background, personality
traits, and internal thoughts— can be trained
to perform any task, within the limits of their
physical capabilities. It only requires the right
Types of Behaviorism
Methodological behaviorism states that
observable behavior should be studied
scientifically, and that mental states and
cognitive processes don't add to the
understanding of behavior.

Radical behaviorism is rooted in the theory

that behavior can be understood by looking at
one's past and present environment and the
reinforcements within it, thereby influencing
behavior either positively or negatively.

Behavioral theories are centered on the

environmental influences on the learning
process. Environmental influences include
associations, reinforcements, and
Learning Through Association

The classical conditioning

process works by developing
an association between an
environmental stimulus and a
naturally occurring stimulus.

Ivan Pavlov's classic experiments


•Unconditioned stimulus is a stimulus or

trigger that leads to an automatic response
•Neutral stimulus is a stimulus that doesn't
initially trigger a response on its own
•Conditioned stimulus is a stimulus that was
once neutral (didn't trigger a response) but now
leads to a response
•Unconditioned response is an automatic
response or a response that occurs without
thought when an unconditioned stimulus is
•Conditioned response is a learned response or
a response that is created where no response
existed before
Learning Through

Operant conditioning,
sometimes referred to as
instrumental conditioning,
is a method of learning
that occurs through
reinforcement and
Learning Through Reinforcements
Learning Through Reinforcements

It also plays a powerful role in everyday learning. Reinforcement and punishment

take place in natural settings all the time, as well as in more structured settings
such as classrooms or therapy sessions
Learning Through Reinforcements

The ABCs of Behavior. A stands for Antecedent: The rat accidentally hits the
lever that triggers the release of food. B stands for Behavior and refers to the
response. The rat keeps pressing the lever. C stands for Consequence: Food keeps
coming out.
Learning Through Reinforcements
Learning Through Reinforcements
Operant conditioning: Types of Behaviors

Respondent behaviors are those that

occur automatically and reflexively.

Don't have to learn these behaviors. They

simply occur automatically and
Learning Through Reinforcements
Operant conditioning: Types of Behaviors

Operant behaviors, on the other hand,

are those under our conscious control.
Some may occur spontaneously and
others purposely.
Learning Through Reinforcements
Reinforcement in Operant Conditioning

Positive reinforcers are favorable events

or outcomes that are presented after
the behavior.
In positive reinforcement situations, a
response or behavior is strengthened by
the addition of praise or a direct reward.
Learning Through Reinforcements
Reinforcement in Operant Conditioning

Negative reinforcers involve the

removal of an unfavorable events or
outcomes after the display of a
In these situations, a response is
strengthened by the removal of something
considered unpleasant.
Learning Through Reinforcements
Punishment in Operant Conditioning

Positive punishment, sometimes

referred to as punishment by
application, presents an unfavorable
event or outcome in order to weaken the
response it follows.
Learning Through Reinforcements
Punishment in Operant Conditioning

Negative punishment, also known as

punishment by removal, occurs when a
favorable event or outcome is removed
after a behavior occurs.
Learning Through Reinforcements
Operant Conditioning Reinforcement Schedules

Continuous reinforcement involves

delivering a reinforcement every time a
response occurs.
Learning tends to occur relatively quickly,
yet the response rate is quite low.
Extinction also occurs very quickly once
reinforcement is halted
Learning Through Reinforcements
Operant Conditioning Reinforcement Schedules

Fixed-ratio schedules are a type of

partial reinforcement.

Responses are reinforced only after a

specific number of responses have
occurred. This typically leads to a fairly
steady response rate
Learning Through Reinforcements
Operant Conditioning Reinforcement Schedules

Fixed-interval schedules are another

form of partial reinforcement.
Reinforcement occurs only after a certain
interval of time has elapsed.
Response rates remain fairly steady and
start to increase as the reinforcement time
draws near, but slow immediately after
the reinforcement has been delivered
Learning Through Reinforcements
Operant Conditioning Reinforcement Schedules

Variable-ratio schedules are also a type

of partial reinforcement that involve
reinforcing behavior after a varied
number of responses.
This leads to both a high response rate
and slow extinction rates.
Learning Through Reinforcements
Operant Conditioning Reinforcement Schedules

Variable-interval schedules are the final

form of partial reinforcement Skinner
described. This schedule involves
delivering reinforcement after a variable
amount of time has elapsed. This also
tends to lead to a fast response rate and
slow extinction rate
Cognitive Learning Theories
Cognitive Learning Theories
Cognitive learning is an educational approach that gives major
importance to effective usage of the brain

Cognition is defined as the process of gaining knowledge and

understanding concepts with the help of our senses, thoughts, and

The word cognitive comes from ‘’cognition’’, which describes

the ability to think, perceive, remember and solve problems.
Cognitive learning theory, on the other hand, is a theory that
highlights how the human mind works during the learning
process. It focuses on how the brain processes information and
explores the ways through which learning occurs.
Cognitive Learning Theories
The Processes Of Cognitive Learning Theory

Perception refers to recognizing the

environmental stimuli and the action
while responding to the stimuli. It is a
significant cognitive learning process
wherein individuals process information
during simple or complex events. In
addition, prior experience also affects
one's perception.
Cognitive Learning Theories
The Processes Of Cognitive Learning Theory

Concept formation helps to

organize information accordingly
in different categories. For
instance, it helps to decide which
way to go after seeing a road sign
pointing in a specific direction.
Cognitive Learning Theories
The Processes Of Cognitive Learning Theory

Memory forms the foundation of the

cognitive learning process as it helps to
store and recover information that
individuals have previously learned.
Moreover, it does not focus on short-term
or long-term memory. Instead, it
emphasizes creating an environment of
mastering a concept that helps them to
relate to their prior experiences.
Cognitive Learning Theories
The Processes Of Cognitive Learning Theory

Application component of the cognitive

learning approach promotes the
application of new information or skills in
real-life situations. Consequently, helping
to develop problem-solving skills.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Strategies Of Cognitive Learning

Learner-Centered Strategy

As the term suggests, this strategy focuses on

the students, taking a cue from the accumulated
knowledge, education, previous experience and
ideas. Therefore, this approach is about relating
new information to existing knowledge.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Strategies Of Cognitive Learning
Cognitive Learning Theories
Strategies Of Cognitive Learning

Learning Through Discovery Strategy

 Learning is a continuous process, and there

is no end to it; hence as per this strategy,
individuals have the liberty to build
knowledge by exploring new ideas.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Strategies Of Cognitive Learning

Learning Through Discovery Strategy

 This strategy helps develop analytical skills

as it helps analyze any problem and come
up with the best solution.
 It encourages individuals to discover
answers by themselves and put them face to
face with real-world issues. Additionally,
this strategy is often used in one of the
levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Strategies Of Cognitive Learning

Meaningful Learning Strategy

 The most commonly used technique that

students and educators employ to learn a
lesson is rote learning. But that results in
ineffective learning because they can't
retain the information and hence cannot
apply it to any situation or problem.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Strategies Of Cognitive Learning

Personalized Learning Strategy

 Each student is a unique individual and has

their own problems and perspectives about
the world. Hence, it is only appropriate for
instructors to create a learning experience
to fit individuals depending on their
Cognitive Learning Theories
Types Of Cognitive Learning Strategies

Explicit Learning

 Voluntary attempt to learn something

that an individual desires; when they
actively seek knowledge or try to
learn a new skill or process
Cognitive Learning Theories
Types Of Cognitive Learning Strategies

Implicit Learning

 Implicit learning happens when the

individual passively gains new
knowledge or skill while unaware of
the entire process. This kind of
learning occurs when they work, talk,
or do any normal day-to-day work.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Types Of Cognitive Learning Strategies

Meaningful Learning

 Occurs when individuals are able to

relate the newly acquired information
with their past experiences.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Types Of Cognitive Learning Strategies

Collaborative Learning

 The strategy also

encourages instructors to
include activities and tasks
in the classroom that
require students to do
collaborative learning
Cognitive Learning Theories
Types Of Cognitive Learning Strategies

Experiential Learning

 Experiential learning happens

throughout one’s academic
life and career. When
individuals take valuable
lessons from their
experiences(both positive and
Cognitive Learning Theories
Cognitive Learning Theories
Four stages explain how a child learns about the world and
processes information
Sensorimotor stage: During this period of cognitive development,
children learn about the world primarily through their senses.
Preoperational stage: This stage is marked by the emergence of language
and learning through pretend play.
Concrete operations stage: During this period, kids begin to utilize logic
but still think about the world very concretely
Formal operations stage: At this point, kids begin to use deductive
reasoning and can understand abstract, hypothetical ideas.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Sensorimotor stage
The sensorimotor stage is the earliest in Piaget's theory of
cognitive development. He described this period as a time of
tremendous growth and change.
Piaget believed that kids take an active role in this cognitive
development, building knowledge as they interact with the
Piaget chose to call this stage the 'sensorimotor' stage because it
is through the senses and motor abilities that infants gain a basic
understanding of the world around them.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Piaget's stages are:

 Sensorimotor stage:
Birth to 2 years
 Preoperational stage:
Ages 2 to 7
 Concrete operational
stage: Ages 7 to 11
 Formal operational
stage: Ages 12 and up
Cognitive Learning Theories
Piaget's stages are:

 Sensorimotor stage:
Birth to 2 years
Cognitive Learning Theories
Piaget's stages are:

 Preoperational stage:
Ages 2 to 7
Cognitive Learning Theories
Piaget's stages are:
 Preoperational stage:
Ages 2 to 7
Cognitive Learning Theories
Piaget's stages are:
 Preoperational stage: Ages 2 to 7
Cognitive Learning Theories
Piaget's stages are:
 Preoperational stage: Ages 2 to 7
When to Be Concerned
Several important cognitive milestones emerge during the preoperational stage of
development. Some of these include:
Age 2 to 3: Kids begin to engage in pretend play, can follow simple
directions, and can sort objects into different categories.
Age 3 to 4: Kids develop more refined schemas, or categories of
information, that they use to sort and understand objects.
Age 4 to 5: Children's cognitive skills become more refined and they are
better able to imitate the actions of adults.
Age 6 to 7: Kids develop a better understanding of time and more
advanced language skills.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Piaget's stages are:
 Concrete operational stage: Ages 7 to 11

Piaget determined that children in the

concrete operational stage were fairly
good at the use of inductive logic
(inductive reasoning)

Inductive logic involves going from a

specific experience to a general
Cognitive Learning Theories
Piaget's stages are:

 Concrete
operational stage:
Ages 7 to 11
Cognitive Learning Theories
Piaget's stages are:
 Formal operational stage: Ages 12 and up

The formal operational stage is the fourth and

final stage of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive
development. It begins at approximately age
12 and lasts into adulthood.

children's thinking becomes much more

sophisticated and advanced. Kids can think
about abstract and theoretical concepts and
use logic to come up with creative solutions to
Cognitive Learning Theories
Piaget's stages are:

 Formal
operational stage:
Ages 12 and up
Cognitive Learning Theories
Constructivist learning theory
Skinner’s Operant Conditioning: Rewards & Punishments, January 22, 2021, by Jonas Koblin;

Behaviorist Approach To Psychology: Definition, History, Concepts, And Impact; March 1, 2023, by
Saul Mcleod, PhD;

What Is Behaviorism,; November 07, 2022, by Kendra Cherry;

5 educational learning theories and how to apply them; September 09, 2021 , by Brian Fairbanks;
Learning Theories In Psychology; November 16, 2022, by Kendra Cherry;

What Is Cognitive Learning Theory? Strategies & Benefits Of Cognitive Theory?; 17, February 2022, by Mustak
Constructivist Learning Theory; February 21, 2021, By Dr. Serhat Kurt,;

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