Module 4 SPC COQ
Module 4 SPC COQ
Module 4 SPC COQ
Chapter IV –
Statistical Process
Control & Cost of
Operational quality and Lean
management - S7 EENG 4
Title of Lesson
Title of Lesson 1
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Chapter organization
1 – Introduction / reminders about control charts
3 – Cost of Quality
Title of Lesson 2
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
● Make the difference between prevention costs and detection costs COQ
Title of Lesson 3
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
All common causes together make a process following the Gauss curve
Title of Lesson 5
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
(tolerance interval)
Title of Lesson 7
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
SPC – Introduction
Controlling the manufacturing process with statistical techniques has the
following advantages: Deep knowledge of the whole
population characteristics with the
measuring of few samples only
No additional costs
Title of Lesson 8
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Upper limit
Title of Lesson 9
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
-n chart
-p chart
D – Attribute control charts
-c chart
-u chart
Title of Lesson 10
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 11
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 12
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
and that
tool it’s
to make
necessarythe decision
The context is different as we don’t have measurement results
After checking a sample, weactions
have a number?of compliant parts
and a number of non compliant parts
Title of Lesson 13
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 14
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 15
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 16
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
The n and c charts use a constant sample size, while with the p and u charts, the
sample size can vary slightly ( 25%).
Title of Lesson 17
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
n chart Number
n chart
p chart
c chart
u chart
Title of Lesson 19
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
n chart
● The calculation of the control limits is done according to the binomial law.
With as parameters :
Title of Lesson 20
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Step 1 : data collection Step 2 : limit calculation
Production and use of the chart
Title of Lesson 21
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
n chart
● The lower control limit does not have to be shown on the control chart.
Title of Lesson 22
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
p chart Number
n chart
p chart
c chart
u chart
Title of Lesson 23
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
p chart
● This chart differs from the map with the number of non-compliant products
only by the scale of the vertical axis which is in % (proportion of non-
compliant products in the sample) instead of representing a number of non-
compliant products.
● The main advantage of this map is that the sample size can vary within 25%
without affecting the control limits.
Title of Lesson 24
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
p chart
If there are large variations in the sample size (> 25%), it is possible to plot several
control limits on the same chart.
● The control limits for the p-chart are obtained using the formula :
Title of Lesson 25
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Step 1 : data collection Step 2 : limit calculation
Production and use of the chart
Title of Lesson 26
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
c chart Number
n chart
p chart
c chart
u chart
Title of Lesson 27
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
c chart
● The determination of the control limits is made from the average number of
non-conformities per unit (m) on the same basis as for a chart with the
number of non-conforming units (products) since the number of non-
conformities can only be an integer (discontinuous variable).
Title of Lesson 28
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
c chart
● The control limits are obtained using the formula :
With as parameter:
Title of Lesson 29
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 30
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
c chart
● However, the determination of control limits only makes sense if all non
conformities have the same weight.
Title of Lesson 31
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
u chart Number
n chart
p chart
c chart
u chart
Title of Lesson 32
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
u chart
● As with the p-chart, this chart differs from the non-conformity chart only in
the scale of the vertical axis, which is in % (proportion of non-conformities
in the sample).
● The sample size can also vary within a range of 25% without influencing the
position of the control and monitoring limits too much.
Title of Lesson 33
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
u chart
LSCu , LLCu =
Title of Lesson 34
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 35
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
● The cost of obtaining quality is the amount of money that must be spent to achieve
an optimal quality approach. It is also known as COQ.
● The goal is to invest just what is needed to obtain optimum quality. It is a matter
of getting the best return on investment.
Title of Lesson 36
Back to the example of the fast food restaurant …
- Costs of non-quality
A –Costs of obtaining quality
and non-quality
Title of Lesson 38
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
- Detection
The costs of obtaining quality:
- Prevention
Title of Lesson 39
Internal issues , external issues
Internal anomalies : problem detected by the company before the delivery to the customer
Comes from : Consequences :
Products design difficult to manufacture
Management of manufacturing Loss of time and money to scrap or rework goods
Machines stability Delay in the deliveries
Suppliers bad quality Loss of competitivness in the market
Etc. Etc.
external anomalies : problem detected by the customer (the company failed to detect
it before delivery)
Consequences :
Comes from :
Loss of time and money to settle issues with customers.
Above causes + Products design not robust
After sales costs
+ weak control process
Bad brand image, decrease credibility for customers
Back to the example of the fast food restaurant …
Internal anomaly or External anomaly ?
5 over cooked steaks had to be put in the bin by the employee Internal anomaly
After a mistake in the boxes an employee spent time to repack some sandwiches Internal anomaly
A milkshake was given free of charge to a customer after he came back to claim that a sandwich was missing when
he got his order
External anomaly
When the restaurant closed, 2 remaining sandwhiches not sold on the shelves after a mistake in the orders
Internal anomaly
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 42
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 43
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
● Prevention :
- Staff awareness
- Internal training
Title of Lesson 44
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
● Detection :
Title of Lesson 45
Back to the example of the fast food restaurant …
Prevention cost or Detection cost?
1 hour spent for a new employee training about hygiene procedure Prevention cost
Checking of the temperature of the frozen food into the freezer Detection cost
Time spent to write a new procedure for the food stock management to avoid scraps
Prevention cost
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 47
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 48
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
This means that 90% of the company and its environment is partially or completely
unknown to the company's managers and employees, despite the sophistication of
the information systems and management methods.
What we see, what we know, what we understand and what we want to see, know
and understand in a company or organization concerning its context, strategies,
processes, resources and intangible factors is 10%, regardless of the position or
Title of Lesson 49
Examples of non Quality hidden costs
A company decides to rework a batch of products after discovering a quality problem
The time spent by an employee to rework the products will probably be recorded
BUT : the below costs will very likely not be included in the rework cost in a big company
Time spent to unload the products Containers hiring because Warehouse hiring because
no more available for the no more space to store the
Scraps of packaging other batches product in the current
The costs are recorded in separate IT system which makes it difficult to merge
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 51
Iceberg of the quality
It’s crucial for a company to track hidden costs to take good decisions for quality
Decision : Go
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Title of Lesson 53
ID document: e.g. PPT/L-TCIO-1
Documents Management
Title: Qualité 1 – Chapitre 3 – Coûts d’obtention de la qualité (COQ) ID No.:
1.0 30/08/2021 Initial document
Title of Lesson 54