2 Semiologia Ficatului - Engl-21898

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Examination of

patients with liver and

gallbladder diseases
Anatomy of the liver
liver is the biggest gland of the

Its average weight in an adult

person is 1500 g
Location – right hipocondrium and
epigastric region
Functions of the liver:
1. Formation of bile 800-1000
ml in 24 hours;

2. Metabolism of proteins –
synthesis of urea, fibrinogen and
prothrombin, disamination of
Functions of the liver:
3. Metabolism of carbohydrates –
large deposition of glycogen in
the liver and processes of

4. Metabolism of lipids and

5. Antitoxic function - fixation,
neutralisation and elimination of
toxic substances;

6. Hematopoietic function;

7. Metabolism of microelements
and vitamins.

8. Immune function
The portal vein system ,
(situated behind the pancreas)
The hexagonal hepatic lobe
Gall bladder
Gall bladder
represents a
reservoir for
accumulation of
It is situated on
the visceral
surface of the
liver, in gall
bladder fossa.
Gall bladder

The bottom of gall bladder is blank,

stays out from the inferior margin of
the liver at the level of the joint of
VIII and IX right costal cartilages,
which is the intersection of right
abdominal rect muscle margin and right
costal arch.
Complaints of patients with
liver and gall bladder diseases
pain in right hypochondriaa is one of the
main complaints.
the pain is permanent, pestering, caused by
dilation or an inflammatory process in the
Glison capsule in such diseases like
congestion of the liver, hepatitis.
in inflammation of peritoneum, covering the
liver, the pain is very severe.
Pain in biliary colic

spastic contractions of the gall

bladder and bile ducts, frequently
given by migration of stones.

the pain is extremely severe,

sometimes can lead to pain shock.
Pain in biliary colic
The onset of the pain is usually acute.

Frequently associated with vomiting and


the pain irradiates to the right

shoulder, right scapula and
interscapular region, to the place of
insertion of m. sternocleidomastoideus.

yellow coloration of sclera, skin,

visible mucosa, as a result of
excessive accumulation of bilirubin
in blood and tissues.
Colour of the skin and urine
in jaundice
Light yellow in haemolytic jaundice,
Red yellow in parenchymatous
Green yellow in mechanical jaundice
Elimination of bilirubin with urine in
mechanic and parenchymatous
jaundice colours the urine in dark
Absence of stercobilin in faeces in
mechanical jaundice leads to their
complete discolouration.

Itching of the skin

Frequently found in mechanical
jaundice due to accumulation in the
blood of a big amount of bile acids
Dyspeptic complaints
Loss of appetite,
Nausea, eructation,
Meteorism, diarrhoea or
Bitter taste.

due to decreased secretion of bile

and diminished disintoxication
Other complaints

- fatigue,
- reduced ability to work,
- weight loss.

These complaints depend on

disturbance of vitamin and protein
metabolism and antitoxic function
of the liver.
Found in:
Acute hepatitis,

Inflammatory processes in bile


Hepatic abscess (extremely high

values, associated with chills)
Symptoms of haemorrhagic
haemorrhages from oesophageal
varicose veins
consequence of decreased production of
coagulation factors in the liver and
portal hypertension.
rupture of haemorrhoidal plexus
anastomoses lead to profuse
Increased pressure in the portal vein
system occurs most often as a
consequence of prolonged disturbance
of circulation in hepatic parenchyma
with further formation of conjunctive
tissue (cirrhosis), compressing the
interhepatic ramifications of portal
Increased pressure (marked and
long-term) in the portal vein system
leads to exudation of liquid in
abdominal cavity (ascitis) and the
patient will complain on increased
volume of abdomen.
Causes of oedema in hepatic
Mechanical compression of vena
cava inferior in case of a big
amount of liquid in abdominal cavity
can lead to appearance of oedema
on the lower extremities;
Decreased amount of albumins in
the blood (decreased oncotic
Central nervous system changes:

History of the disease - for
appreciating the onset and evolution of
the disease;

History of patient's life - for

appreciating of the aetiology of the
Moments to be observed:
• Long-term deficiency of protein
and vitamin products in alimentation,
as well as disturbances of their
absorption in intestine in case of its
• Hygienic habits during
alimentation (not washed fruits and
vegetables or not proper drinking
water supply), can favourise infection
with type A hepatitis virus.
Some toxic chemical substances
(chloroform, carbon tetrachloride,
phosphor, arsenium etc.) and toxins
of vegetal origin (mushrooms) can
also cause severe liver dysfunction.
Alcoholism represents a major
factor in production of chronic
hepatopathies: chronic hepatitis,
liver cirrhosis.
Former diseases:
1) viral hepatitis, evolving to chronic
hepatitis (in several years) and finally to
liver cirrhosis;
2) hepatobilliary diseases (colecistitis,
billiary lithiasis);
3) infectious diseases, acute (dysentery,
septicaemia) and chronic (tuberculosis ,
syphilis, brucellosis, malaria) which affect
the liver;
4) cardiac diseases (particularly right heart
failure, which due to long-term congestion
in the liver, can determine appearance of
liver cirrhosis);
5) metabolic diseases, such as diabetes
mellitus can affect the liver.
6) Intake of some hepatotoxic medicines
and administration of different parenteral
treatments (transfusions, injections,
vaccines, surgery) as a possibility of
transmitting of type B , C virus hepatitis.
Heredocollateral anamnesis
Hereditary predisposition for
some hepatic diseases, but
mostly gall bladder diseases.
Status praesens of the
General inspection
Patient's general condition could be
from satisfactory to extremely severe.
Consciousness – from clear to coma.
Position of the patient - from active to
passive in hepatic coma.
In chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
on the face there could be varicosities
and spiders at the level of the cheeks.
Skin and vizible mucosa:
a) pale skin (digestive haemorrhages
due to rupture of oesophagial varices
in cirrhosis);
b) haemorrhagic petechiae;
c) subjaundice or jaundice with red or
green shade;
Jaundice of sclera
Jaundice of oral mucosa,
under the tongue
Mechanical jaundice
d) „Spiders”, mostly seen on the
neck, face, shoulders, arms.
e) if cholesterol metabolism is
disturbed, one can find white to
yellow depositions of it on the
eyelids (xantelasma ) or
sometimes in other parts of the
body (xantoma);
f) gynecomasty (increase of
mammary glands) in men;
g) palmar and plantar
h) diminishing of axillary and
pubic pilousity (in women) and of
pectoral pilousity (in men);
i) Peripheral oedema
Other changes – thin and fragile hair;
white and fragile nails with transversal
and longitudinal striation.
Subcutaneous fat tissue is decreased
especially in liver cirrhosis, this could be
noticed mostly on the face and
extremities, being in contrast with big
Clubbing of the fingers in patients with
chronic pathologies of the liver.
Inspection of oral cavity
inflammation of oral mucosa and in
the region of angles of mouth due
to long-term disturbance of vitamin
metabolism, especially from group

tongue – purple.
Inspection of the abdomen
in liver diseases, associated with
portal hypertension, one can notice
increased volume of abdomen (due
to meteorism and accumulation of
ascitic liquid);
the skin above the abdomen is
smooth, stretched, the umbilicus is
Liver cirrhosis – ascitis, gynecomasty,
petechiae, caput Medusae, umbilical
Sometimes during inspection of the
abdomen excessive abdominal
volume is given by increased
dimensions of some organ (ex. liver
and spleen), or by umbilical hernia.

in such cases the abdomen is

Umbilical hernia
On the anterior wall of the abdomen
there could be a pronounced venous net.
Percussion of the abdomen
for appreciating of liquid in abdominal
With patient laying on his back apply a
superficial percussion from umbilicus to
lateral sectors of the abdomen. If
there is liquid in abdominal cavity, it
goes down.
As a result, in the central part of the
abdomen (in umbilical region) there is a
tympanic sound, and in flanks there is
percussion of the abdomen
when moving the patient in
lateral position the liquid is
going down again, an in the
upper part, above the opposite
flank, the dull sound turns to
One can also percut the abdomen
with the patient in standing
position from up to down on the
median line.

If there is liquid, in the inferior

part of the abdomen there is a
dull sound by percution.
Huge amount of liquid can be
appreciated by meaning of
fluctuation method (wave sign).
The left hand is put on the lateral
surface, and the fingers of the right
hand apply brief, knocking movement to
the opposite abdominal wall.
These shocks produce oscillations of
liquid, which are transmitted to the
opposite side and are felt by left hand
like a wave symptom.
in order to be sure that the
fluctuation is transmitted
through the liquid, but not
through abdominal wall, it is
recommended to the assistant to
place his hand on the medial
anterior line in umbilical region
(to block the transmission of the
wave through abdominal wall).
percussion of the liver

the most simple method of

appreciation of liver borders is
Kurlov’s method.

Proceed as following:
I Moment
Appreciating of the upper border
of the liver on the right
medioclavicular line.
The plessimeter is placed parallel
to the upper border of the liver and
percussion is made from up to down
until the sound changes to subdull
(this is point 1 - usually IV-V
intercostal space).
II Moment
Appreciating of the lower border of
the liver on the right medioclavicular

The plessimeter is placed parallel to

the lower border of the liver at the
level of umbilicus and percussion is
made from down to up until the
sound changes to dull (this is point 2 -
usually at the level of the lower
margin of costal arch).
III Moment
Appreciating of the upper border of the
liver on the medial anterior line.

This is impossible to do by percussion as

here the liver is near the heart, which also
gives a dull sound during percussion.
The border is determined conventionally,
tracing a horizontal line from the point 1 to
median anterior line. This is the upper
border of the liver on the medial anterior
line (point 3).
IV Moment
Appreciating of the lower border of the
liver on the medial anterior line.

percussion is done from down to up from

the level of umbilicus or lower on the
medial anterior line until the sound
changes to dull. (this is point 4 - usually
at the border of the upper and medium
third of the distance between umbilicus
and xyfoid process.
V Moment
Appreciating of the lower border of
the liver on the left costal arch.
The plessimeter is placed
perpendicular to the left costal arch
at the level of IX rib and percussion
is made right on the margin of the
left costal arch to the point 3 until
the sound changes to dull (this is
point 5 – usually at the level of VII­
VIII rib).
In a healthy adult there should be:

between point 1 and 2 - 9-11 cm.

between point 3 and 4 - 8-10 cm.

between point 3 and 5 - 7-9 cm.

gallbladder is not determined by
Palpation of the liver - goals
Appreciation of the characteristics of the
lower margin of the liver:

- location (by right medio-clavicular line)

- consistence (hard or soft)
- Liver margin characteristics
- shape (sharp or rounded)
- Margin line
- Liver surface (smooth / raft/irregular)
- presence of pain
In big amount of liquid in abdominal
cavity the margin of the liver cannot
be appreciated by palpation.

In this case with the fingers of the

right hand apply abrupt shocks on the
abdominal wall (without taking the
fingers off from the anterior wall of
the abdomen), moving the hand from
down to up.
When the fingers touch the margin of
the liver, there is a feeling of a hard
organ, which is moving from and to the
fingers (the symptom of ”floating ice”).
In healthy people gallbladder is not
determined by palpation.

During superficial palpation of the

abdomen in billiary colic and in
inflammatory process there could
be tension of the abdominal
muscles in the right hypochondria.
Also sensitivity and pain could be
In the presence of pain it is necessary
to determine the point of maximal pain.

In gall bladder disorders this point

coincides with projection of gall bladder
on the abdominal wall, which is at the
level of intersection of the external
margin of right rect abdominal muscle
with right costal arch .
Auscultation of the liver
During examination of the liver
auscultation is rarely applied

In local peritonitis sometimes there

could be heard and even appreciate
palpatory a noise of peritoneal
friction under the right
hypochondriac region.
Percussion of the spleen
percussion can serve only as a method
of orientation for appreciating
The spleen is situated under the cupola
of left diaphragm in the depth of left
hypochondria. The X rib divides it in
two halves - anterior inferior pole and
posterior superior pole; these could be
determined by percussion on the X rib.
percussion is better to be
performed with patient laying in
right lateral position with slightly
flexed legs.
I Moment

The plessimeter is placed at the margin

of the left costal arch perpendicular to
the X rib.
percussion is made from the margin of
the left costal arch directly on the X
rib until the sound changes from
tympanic to dull.
II Moment
The plessimeter is placed perpendicular
to the X rib on the posterior axillary
Slight percussion is made on the X rib
to the first point until the sound
changes to dull.
The segment between the first and the
second point represents the longitudinal
diameter of the spleen. Normally the
longitudinal diameter is 6-8 cm
For appreciation of transversal diameter
of the spleen the longitudinal diameter is
divided into 2
percussion is made from the obtained
point perpendicular X rib, first up, until
the sound changes from clear to dull, and
then down until the sound changes from
clear to dull.
The segment between these two points
represents the transversal diameter of
the spleen. Normally the transversal
diameter is 4-6 cm.
Palpation of the spleen
The goal of palpatory examination of
the spleen is to appreciate the inferior
margin and its location, consistence,
shape and tenderness, the character of
the spleen surface.
The principle is identical with palpation
During palpation of the spleen the most
comfortable position of the patient is-
in right lateral decubitus with slightly
flexed legs.

in very rare cases at the level of

the spleen could be heard
peritoneal friction (in infarction of
the spleen, as a consequence of
local inflammation of peritoneum).

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