Upsa Maths Yr 2
Upsa Maths Yr 2
Upsa Maths Yr 2
NAME: _____________________________ MARKS:
(6 marks)
(6 marks)
(8 marks)
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
(10 marks)
(6 marks)
(6 marks)
Solve the questions below. Show the working method. ( 12 marks)
Complete the multiplication below. (12 marks)
Answer all the questions.
a) Tens - _________________________________
b) Hundreds - ________________________________
Answer: __________________
7.En. Razak reared 722 chickens. A total of 285 chickens were sold in the first week. 104
chickens were sold in the second week. How many chickens were left now?
(2 marks)
Answer: __________________
8. Nima has 221 marbles. Vani has 356 marbles. Calculate the total number of marbles they
have. (1 marks)
NAME Liew Kiara Davin
MARKS 186 157 145
Look at the table above.
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(Pn.Malini Vengatasamy) (Pn.Noor Dieyana bt Ali)
Guru Matematik Tahun 2Z Ketua Panitia Matematik