Module4 PPT V2 - Part1

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Software Testing and Maintenance

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

School of Engineering,
Module 4:Software Testing and Maintenance–
Application level
Software Testing-verification and validation, Test Strategies -
White Box Testing, Black box Testing. Automation Tools for
Software Quality Assurance-Elements of software quality
assurance, SQA Tasks, Goals and Metrics, Software configuration
management- SCM process, SCM Tools (GitHub).
Maintenance- Characteristics of Software Maintenance, Software
Reverse Engineering, Software Maintenance Process Models.
Software Testing:
Testing is the process of exercising a program with the specific
intent of finding errors prior to delivery to the end user.


Where are We?

Implement  Evaluating the


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Verification and
 Verification refers to the set of tasks that ensure that software
correctly implements a specific function.
 Validation refers to a different set of tasks that ensure that the
software that has been built is traceable to customer
 Boehm states this another way:
 Verification: "Are we building the product right?"
 Validation: "Are we building the right product?"

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Testing Strategy

System engineering

Analysis modeling
Design modeling

Code generation Unit test

Integration test
Validation test

System test

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Testing Strategies
 Unit testing - testing performed on each module
or block of code during development. Unit
Testing is normally done by the programmer who
writes the code.
 Integration testing - testing done before, during
and after integration of a new module into the
main software package. This involves testing of
each individual code module. One piece of
software can contain several modules which are
often created by several different programmers. It
is crucial to test each module's effect on the
entire program model. Performed by professional
testing team.
 System testing - testing done by a professional
testing team on the completed software product
before it is introduced to the market.
 Acceptance testing - beta testing of the product
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done by the end-users of the software.
Manual and Automated
 Testing
Unit testing, Integration testing, System testing
and Acceptance testing can be performed
either manually or in automated ways
Manual Testing Automated Testing
Manual testing requires human intervention for test Automation Testing is use of tools to execute test
execution. cases

Manual testing will require skilled labour, long time & Automation Testing saves time, cost and
will imply high costs. manpower. Once recorded, it's easier to run an
automated test suite

Any type of application can be tested manually, Automated testing is recommended only for stable
certain testing types like ad-hoc and monkey testing systems and is mostly used for System Testing
are more suited for manual execution.

Manual testing can be become repetitive and boring. The boring part of executing same test cases time
and again, is handled by automation software in
Automation Testing.
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Black Box Testing (Functional Testing)
• Uses only the Specification document to identify test cases.
• Knowing the specified function a component has been designed
• Tests conducted at the interface of the component.

Set of Inputs Set of Outputs

Black Box
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Black Box Testing
• Independent of how the software is implemented.

• If implementation changes, test cases are still useful.

• Test case development can occur in parallel with the


• Redundancies may exist among test cases.

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White Box Testing (Structural Testing)
• Structural testing uses the programs source code
(implementation) as the basis of test case identification.
• Requires knowledge of internal workings of a component.
• Test cases exercise specific sets of condition, loops, etc.

• Provides more coverage in testing conditions and decisions.
• Reveals hidden errors during coding.
• Missed cases in the code are obviously missed during testing too.
• In-depth knowledge of the programming language is needed.

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• White Box
Test Case Design
• Control Flow Graph
• Cyclomatic Complexity
• Basis Path Testing
• Black Box
• Equivalence Classes
• Boundary Value Analysis

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Introduction to White Box
• Test Engineers have access to the source code.
• Typical at the Unit Test level as the programmers have
knowledge of the internal logic of code.
• Tests are based on coverage of:
• Code statements;
• Branches;
• Paths;
• Conditions.
• Most of the testing techniques are based on Control Flow
Graph (denoted as CFG) of a code fragment.

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• An
Control Flow
abstract representation of a structured
• Consists of two major components:
• Node:
• Represents a stretch of sequential code statements
with no branches.
• Directed Edge (also called arc):
• Represents a branch, alternative path in execution.
• Path:
• A collection of Nodes linked with Directed Edges.

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Simple Examples of CFG

Statement1; Can be
Statement2; represented as
Statement3; one node as there 1
Statement4; is no branch.


Statement1; 1 T
Statement2; 3
1 2
if X < 10 then 2
Statement3; 3 F
Statement4; 4
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More Examples of CFG

1 T
if X > 0 then 2
Statement1; 2 1 4
Statement2; 3 F 3

while X < 10 { 1
Statement1; 2 1 T
2 3 4
X++; } 3


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• A CFG should have:
Notation Guide for CFG
• 1 entry arc (known as a directed edge, too).
• 1 exit arc.
• All nodes should have:
• At least 1 entry arc.
• At least 1 exit arc.
• A Logical Node that does not represent any actual statements, can
be added as a joining point for several incoming edges.
• Represents a logical closure.
• Example:
• Node 4 in the if-then-else example from previous slide.

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Example: Minimum

min = A[0];
I = 1;

while (I < N) { F T
if (A[I] < min) 3 3
min = A[I]; 4 F T
I = I + 1; 5
5 4
print min 6


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Number of Paths through CFG
• Given a program, how do we exercise all statements and branches
at least once?
• Translating the program into a CFG, an equivalent question is:
• Given a CFG, how do we cover all arcs and nodes at least once?
• Since a path is a trail of nodes linked by arcs, this is similar to ask:
• Given a CFG, what is the set of paths that can cover all arcs and nodes?

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Number of Paths through CFG – Example

1 1 2

 Only one path is  Two paths are needed:

needed: [ 1 ] [1–2–4]

1 4  Two paths are needed:
F 3 [1–3–4]

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Basis Path Testing
Path Testing: Testing designed to execute all or selected
paths through a computer program.
Branch Testing: Testing designed to execute each outcome
of each decision point in a computer program.
Basis Path Testing: is a hybrid between path testing and
branch testing. It fulfills the requirements of branch testing
& also tests all of the independent paths that could be used
to construct any arbitrary path through the computer

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Basis Path Testing
• A generalized technique to find out the number of paths
needed (known as “cyclomatic complexity”) to cover all
arcs and nodes in CFG.
• Steps:
1. Draw the CFG for the code fragment.
2. Compute the cyclomatic complexity number C, for the CFG.
3. Find at most C paths that cover the nodes and arcs in a CFG,
also known as Basis Paths Set.
4. Design test cases to force execution along paths in the Basis
Paths Set.

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Step 1 – Draw CFG

min = A[0]; 1
I = 1;
while (I < N) { F T
if (A[I] < min)
min = A[I]; F T
I = I + 1;
5 4
print min 6


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Step 2 – Compute Cyclomatic Complexity

 Cyclomatic complexity =
F T  The number of ‘regions’ in the
3 graph;
5 4  The number of predicates + 1.


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Step 2 – Compute Cyclomatic Complexity

1  Region: Enclosed area in

the CFG.
 Do not forget the
F T outermost region.
 In this example:
F T  3 Regions (see the
circles with different
5 4 colors).
 Cyclomatic Complexity
 Alternative way in next
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Step 2 – Compute Cyclomatic Complexity

 Predicates:
 Nodes with multiple
1 exit arcs.
 Corresponds to
2 branch/conditional
statement in
3 program.
F T  In this example:
5 4  Predicates = 2
• (Node 2 and 3)
6  Cyclomatic
Step 3 – Find Basis Path Set
 Independent path:
 An executable or realizable path through the graph
from the start node to the end node that has not been
traversed before.
 Must move along at least one arc that has not been yet
traversed (an unvisited arc).
 The objective is to cover all statements in a program by
independent paths.
 The number of independent paths to discover
<= cyclomatic complexity number.
 Decide the Basis Path Set:
 It is the maximal set of independent paths in the flow
 NOT a unique set.
Step 3 – Example

• 1-2-3-5 can be the first independent path; 1-2-4-5 is another; 1-2-3-5-2-4-5 is one
• There are only these 3 independent paths. The basis path set is then having 3 paths.
• Alternatively, if we had identified 1-2-3-5-2-4-5 as the first independent path, there
would be no more independent paths.
• The number of independent paths therefore can vary according to the order we
identify them.
Step 3

 Cyclomatic complexity
1 = 3.
 Need at most 3
2 independent paths to
F T cover the CFG.
3  In this example:
 [1–2–6]
5 4  [1–2–3–5–2–6]
 [ 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 6]

Step 4 – Design Test Cases
 Prepare a test case for each independent path.
 In this example:
 Path: [ 1 – 2 – 6 ]
• Test Case: A = { 5, …}, N = 1
• Expected Output: 5
 Path: [ 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 6 ]
• Test Case: A = { 5, 9, … }, N = 2
• Expected Output: 5
 Path: [ 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 6]
• Test Case: A = { 8, 6, … }, N = 2
• Expected Output: 6
 These tests will result a complete decision and
statement coverage of the code.
Black Box Testing

 Test Engineers have no access to the source

code or documentation of internal working.
 The “Black Box” can be:
 A single unit.

 A subsystem.

 The whole system.

 Tests are based on:

 Specification of the “Black Box”.

 Providing inputs to the “Black Box” and

inspect the outputs.

Inputs Component Outputs

Under Test
Black Box Testing

 Two techniques will be covered for the

black box testing in this course:
 Equivalence Partition;
 Boundary Value Analysis.
 To ensure the correct behavior of a
“black box”, both valid and invalid
cases need to be tested.
 Example:
 Given the method below:

boolean isValidMonth(int m)

Functionality: check m is [1..12]

- true if m is 1 to 12
- false otherwise
Is there a better way to test other than testing all
integer values [-231, …, 231-1] ?
 Observations:
 For a method, it is common to have a number
of inputs that produce similar outcomes.
 Testing one of the inputs should be as good
as exhaustively testing all of them.
 So, pick only a few test cases from each
“category” of input that produce the same
1, 5, 9, TRUE
isValidMonth( int m )
11, 12

All inputs here

produce TRUE.
 Partition input data
into equivalence
classes. Input Test Data
 Data in each
equivalence class:
 Likely to be treated Component
equally by a
 Produce same
output state, i.e., Result
 Derive test data for
each class.
 For the isisValid(Month)
ValidMonth example:
 Input value [1 … 12] should get a similar
 Input values lesser than 1, larger than 12
are two other groups.
 Three partitions:
 [ -∞ ... 0 ] should produce an invalid
 [ 1 … 12 ] should produce a valid result
 [ 13 … ∞ ] should produce an invalid result
 Pick one value from each partition as test case:
 E.g., {-12, 5, 15}
 Reduce the number of test cases significantly.
Example - 2

Problem statement for Triangle Problem

The program reads three input numbers
that represent the lengths of the three
sides of a triangle. Based on these three
input values, the program determines
whether the triangle is scalene (that is, it
has three unequal sides), isosceles (two
equal sides), or equilateral (three equal
sides). The program displays the result on
Input: Three integers a, b, c which represent the sides
of a triangle.
Output: Type of triangle: “Equilateral”, “Isosceles”,
“Scalene”, or “Not a Triangle”.
The integers must satisfy the following conditions:
C1: a<b+c
C2: b<a+c
C3: c<a+b
If all three sides are equal -> Equilateral triangle
If exactly one pair of sides are equal -> Isosceles
No pair of sides are equal -> Scalene triangle
 Example: High-level classes for the Triangle Problem:

 Class 1: Equilateral Triangle. Test case is triple

 Class 2: Isosceles Triangle. Test case is triple (5,5,6)
 Class 3: Scalene Triangle. Test case is triple (5,6,7)
 Class 4: Not a Triangle. Test case is triple (3,15,11)
Boundary Value
 It has been found that most errors
are caught at the boundary of the
equivalence classes.
 Not surprising, as the end points of
the boundary are usually used in the
code for checking:
 E.g., checking K is in range [ X … Y ):
Easy to make
if (K >= X && K <= Y) mistake on the
Using Boundary Value
 Analysis
If the component specifies a range, [ X … Y]
 Four values should be tested:
• Valid: X and Y
• Invalid: Just below X (e.g., X – 1)
• Invalid: Just above Y (e.g., Y + 1)
 E.g., [1 … 12]
• Test Data: {0, 1, 12, 13}
 Similar for open interval (X … Y), i.e., X and Y
not inclusive.
 Four values should be tested:
• Invalid: X and Y
• Valid: Just above X (e.g., X + 1)
• Valid: Just below Y (e.g., Y - 1)
 E.g., (100 … 200)
• Test Data: {100, 101, 199, 200}
Boundary Value Test Cases for Triangle Problem

Triangle Side boundary conditions:

Each side between 1 and 200

A, B, C sides are taking values

alternatively, while other two sides are
having nominal values

- Min (1)
- Min+1 (2)
- Nominal (100)
- Max-1 (199)
- Max (200)
Example 1 - Searching

boolean Search(
List aList, int key)

-aList has at least one element

- true if key is in the aList
- false if key is not in aList
Equivalence Classes for Search
 Sequence with a single value:
 key found.
 key not found.
 Sequence of multi values:
 key found:
• First element in sequence.
• Last element in sequence.
• “Middle” element in sequence.
 key not found.
Test Data for Search

Test aList Key Expected

Case Result
1 [ 123 ] 123 True

2 [ 123 ] 456 False

3 [ 1, 6, 3, -4, 5 ] 1 True

4 [ 1, 6, 3, -4, 5 ] 5 True

5 [ 1, 6, 3, -4, 5 ] 3 True

6 [ 1, 6, 3, -4, 5 ] 123 False

Example 2 – Simple Shopping Scenario
Let us consider a simple shopping scenario -
• Shop for $1000 and get 5% discount
• Shop for $2000 and get 7% discount
• Shop for $3000 and above and get 10% discount.
Example 2 – Simple Shopping Scenario
• Equivalence partitioning - We can divide the input into four partitions,
amount<0, 0 to 1000, 1001 to 2000, 2001 to 3000 and then 3001 and above.
• We will keep things simple for now and will not go into details like the max
amount one can shop for, or what about cents and all that stuff.
• Adding the flavor of boundary value to the above partitions - the boundary
values would be 0, 1000, 1001, 2000, 2001, 3000 and 3001. In boundary
value analysis, immediate upper and lower values too are recommended to
be tested, so we will include -1, 1 and 999. These are the values that can tell
behavior the software for almost entire range of input values, but there can
be other issues in software. For that reason, other input values too can be
Example 3 – Quadratic Equation
• For example, suppose we are testing a function that uses the quadratic
formula to determine the two roots of a second-degree polynomial ax2+bx+c.
For simplicity, assume that we are going to work only with real numbers, and
print an error message if it turns out that the two roots are complex numbers
(numbers involving the square root of a negative number).

• We can come up with test data for each of the four cases, based on values of
the polynomial's discriminant (b2-4ac).
Software Quality Assurance
1. Elements of SQA
2. Role of the SQA Group
3. SQA Goals
4. Statistical SQA
5. Six-Sigma for Software Engineering
6. Software Safety

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Elements of Software Quality Assurance (SQA)

 Standards
 Reviews and Audits
 Testing
 Error/defect collection and analysis
 Change management
 Education
 Vendor management
 Security management
 Safety
 Risk management

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Role of the SQA Group - I
 Prepares an SQA plan for a project.
 The plan identifies
• evaluations to be performed
• audits and reviews to be performed
• standards that are applicable to the project
• procedures for error reporting and tracking
• documents to be produced by the SQA group
• amount of feedback provided to the software project
 Participates in the development of the project’s
software process description.
 The SQA group reviews the process description for
compliance with organizational policy, internal
software standards, externally imposed standards
(e.g., ISO-9001), and other parts of the software
project plan.

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Role of the SQA Group - II

 Reviews software engineering activities to verify

compliance with the defined software process.
 identifies, documents, and tracks deviations from the
process and verifies that corrections have been
 Audits designated software work products to verify
compliance with those defined as part of the software
 reviews selected work products; identifies,
documents, and tracks deviations; verifies that
corrections have been made
 periodically reports the results of its work to the
project manager.
 Ensures that deviations in software work and work
products are documented and handled according to a
documented procedure.
 Records any noncompliance and reports to senior
 Noncompliance items are tracked until they are
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SQA Goals

 Requirements quality. The correctness, completeness, and

consistency of the requirements model will have a strong
influence on the quality of all work products that follow.
 Design quality. Every element of the design model should be
assessed by the software team to ensure that it exhibits high
quality and that the design itself conforms to requirements.
 Code quality. Source code and related work products (e.g.,
other descriptive information) must conform to local coding
standards and exhibit characteristics that will facilitate
 Quality control effectiveness. A software team should apply
limited resources in a way that has the highest likelihood of
achieving a high quality result.

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Software Quality Goals, Attributes and

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Statistical SQA

Product Collect information on all defects

& Process Find the causes of the defects
Move to provide fixes for the process


... an understanding of how

to improve quality ...

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Statistical SQA

 Information about software errors and defects is

collected and categorized.
 An attempt is made to trace each error and defect to its
underlying cause (e.g., non-conformance to
specifications, design error, violation of standards, poor
communication with the customer).
 Using the Pareto principle (80 percent of the defects can
be traced to 20 percent of all possible causes), isolate the
20 percent (the vital few).
 Once the vital few causes have been identified, move to
correct the problems that have caused the errors and

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Software Safety
 Software safety is a software quality
assurance activity that focuses on
the identification and assessment of
potential hazards that may affect
software negatively and cause an
entire system to fail.
 If hazards can be identified early in
the software process, software design
features can be specified that will
either eliminate or control potential

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Software Configuration
Management (SCM)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

School of Engineering, Presidency
What is Software Configuration Management (SCM)

SCM is the task of tracking and controlling changes in

the software.

If something in the project goes wrong, SCM can determine

what was changed and who changed it.

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What can Change in a Project?

changes in
business requirements
changes in
technical requirements
changes in
user requirements other

software models

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Key aspects of SCM

Key aspects of SCM include:

1. Establishing a Baseline for the Project

2. Establishing a SCM Repository for the Project

3. Establishing the SCM Process which includes

a. Maintaining Change Control

b. Maintaining Version Control

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1. Establishing a Baseline

• The IEEE (IEEE Std. No. 610.12-1990) defines a baseline

• A specification or product that has been formally reviewed and agreed
upon, that thereafter serves as the basis for further development, and
that can be changed only through formal change control procedures.

• A Baseline is a milestone in the development of software

that is marked by the delivery of one or more software
configuration items and the approval of these SCIs that is
obtained through a formal technical review

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1. Establishing a Baseline

Project database
Software Formal
engineering SCIs technical SCIs
tasks reviews




System Specification
Software Requirements
Design Specification
Source Code
Test Plans/Procedures/Data
Operational System

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2. Establishing a SCM Repository

• The SCM repository is the set of mechanisms and data

structures that allow a software team to manage change
in an effective manner
• The repository performs or precipitates the following
• Data integrity
• Information sharing
• Tool integration
• Data integration
• Document standardization

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2. SCM Repository Contents

u se -case s
b u sin e ss ru le s an aly sis m o d e l so u rce co d e
b u sin e ss fu n ct io n s sce n ario -b ase d d iag ram s o b je ct co d e
o rg an izat io n st ru ct u re flo w-o rie n t e d d iag ram s sy st e m b u ild in st ru ct io n s
in fo rm at io n arch it e ct u re class-b ase d d iag ram s
b e h av io ral d iag ram s Cons t ruc t ion
d e sig n m o d e l Cont e nt
arch it e ct u ral d iag ram s
Bus ine s s in t e rface d iag ram s
Cont e nt co m p o n e n t -le v e l d iag ram s
t e ch n ical m e t rics t e st case s
t e st scrip t s
t e st re su lt s
q u alit y m e t rics
Mode l
Cont e nt
Cont e nt

Proje c t
Ma na ge me nt
p ro je ct e st im at e s Cont e nt
p ro je ct sch e d u le
SCM re q u ire m e n t s
Pro je ct Plan
ch an g e re q u e st s Doc ume nt s SCM/ SQA Plan
ch an g e re p o rt s
Sy st e m Sp e c
SQA re q u ire m e n t s
Re q u ire m e n t s Sp e c
p ro je ct re p o rt s/ au d it re p o rt s
De sig n Do cu m e n t
p ro je ct m e t rics
Te st Plan an d Pro ce d u re
Su p p o rt d o cu m e n t s
Use r m an u al

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3. Establishing the SCM Process for the Project



configuration auditing

version control

change control


SCIs SCI – Software


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3.1 Identification of SCI

• SCI can include:

• Business content
• Model content
• Construction content
• V&V (Verification and Validation) content
• Project Documents

[Refer ‘SCM Repository Content’ diagram on Slide 8]

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3.2 Change Control Process

need for change is recognized

change request from user

developer evaluates

change report is generated

change control authority decides

request is queued for action

change request is denied
user is informed
change control
control process—II

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3.2 Change Control Process

assign people to SCIs

check-out SCIs

make the change

review/audit the change

establish a “baseline” for testing

change control
control process—III

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3.2 Change Control Process

perform SQA and testing activities

check-in the changed SCIs

promote SCI for inclusion in next release

rebuild appropriate version

review/audit the change

include all changes in release

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3.3 Version Control

Version control is a system that records changes to a file or

set of files over time so that you can recall
specific versions later.
Types: Centralized and Distributed Version Controls

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3.3 Numbers in a Version

A Version typically comprises of three numbers:

• Major Version Number
• Minor Version Number
• Patch Number

Version Example
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3.3 Versioning Example

Common Language Runtime

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3.3 Popular Version Control Tools

Popular Version Control tools:

1. GIT
2. Team Foundation Server (Microsoft)
3. Rational Clear Case (IBM)
4. Visual SourceSafe (Microsoft)

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3.4 SCM Auditing

SCM Auditing answers the following questions:

• What is the SQA Plan followed for project?
• How many SCIs were identified?
• How many change requests were handled?

Change SQA
Requests Plan

SCM Audit
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3.5 Reporting

The reporting aspect of the SCM process provides timely

information on the status of the changes requested and the
SCIs to the people who may be affected by the changes.

These could be the people requesting for changes, the

developers, the project manager, and the senior

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Software Maintenance Process
What is Software Maintenance?

• software maintenance is widely accepted as part of

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

• It is the process of modifying and updating software

application after its delivery to improve its performance,
correct any new defects and adapt the product according
to the modified environment.

Dept. of CSE, SOE, Presidency University

The Purpose of Software Maintenance

The purpose of software maintenance is to preserve the value of

software over time, which can accomplished by:

•Expanding the customer base.

•Enhancing software’s capabilities.
•Omitting obsolete capabilities.
•Employing newer technology.

Dept. of CSE, SOE, Presidency University

Process of Software Maintenance:
 There are seven phases of Software Maintenance process:
• Identification Phase: In this phase, the requests for modifications in
the software are identified and analyzed.
• Analysis Phase: The feasibility and scope of each validated
modification request are determined and a plan is prepared to
incorporate the changes in the software.
• Design Phase: The new modules that need to be replaced or modified
are designed as per the requirements specified in the earlier stages.
• Implementation Phase: The actual modification in the software
code are made, new features that support the specifications of the
present software are added, and the modified software is installed.

Dept. of CSE, SOE, Presidency University

System Testing Phase: Regression testing is performed on the
modified system to ensure that no defect, error or bug is left
undetected. Integration testing is also carried out between new
modules and the system.
Acceptance Testing Phase: Acceptance testing is performed on the
fully integrated system by the user or by the third party specified by
the end user.
Delivery Phase: Once the acceptance testing is successfully
accomplished, the modified system is delivered to the users. In
addition to this, the user is provided proper consisting of manuals
and help files that describe the operation of the software along with its
hardware specifications. The final testing of the system is done by the
client after the system is delivered.

Dept. of CSE, SOE, Presidency University

Software Maintenance Models

To overcome internal as well as external problems of the software,

Software maintenance models are proposed. These models use
different approaches and techniques to simplify the process of
maintenance as well as to make is cost effective.

Dept. of CSE, SOE, Presidency University

Quick-Fix Model:

• This is an ad hoc approach used for

maintaining the software system.
• The objective of this model is to identify the
problem and then fix it as quickly as possible.
• The advantage is that it performs its work
quickly and at a low cost.
• This model is an approach to modify the
software code with little consideration for its
impact on the overall structure of the software
Iterative Enhancement Model
• Iterative enhancement model considers the changes made to the system are iterative
in nature.
• This model incorporates changes in the software based on the analysis of the
existing system.
• It assumes complete documentation of the software is available in the beginning.
• Moreover, it attempts to control complexity and tries to maintain good design.
The Re-use Oriented Model

• The parts of the old/existing system that are appropriate for reuse are identified and
• These parts are then go through modification and enhancement, which are done on
the basis of the specified new requirements.
• The final step of this model is the integration of modified parts into the new system.
Boehm’s Model
• Boehm’s Model performs
maintenance process based on the
economic models and principles.
• It represents the maintenance
process in a closed loop cycle,
wherein changes are suggested and
approved first and then are
Taute’s Maintenance Model
Named after the person who proposed the
model, Taute’s model is a typical maintenance
model that consists of eight phases in cycle
The process of maintenance begins by
requesting the change and ends with its
The phases of Taute’s Maintenance Model
The phases of Taute’s Maintenance Model are:

1.Change request Phase.

2.Estimate Phase.
3.Schedule Phase.
4.Programming Phase.
5.Test Phase.
6.Documentation Phase.
7.Release Phase.
8.Operation Phase.
Reverse engineering
• Software Reverse Engineering is a process of recovering the design,
requirement specifications and functions of a product from an analysis
of its code. Builds a program database and generates information from
• To facilitate the maintenance work by improving the under
standability of a system and produce the necessary documents for a
legacy system.
Goals are
• Cope with Complexity.
• Recover lost information.
• Detect side effects.
• Synthesise higher abstraction.
• Facilitate Reuse.
Steps of Software Reverse Engineering
1. Collection Information
2. Examining the information
3. Extracting the structure
4. Recording the functionality
5. Recording data flow
6. Recording control flow
7. Review extracted design
8. Generate documentation
Steps of Software Reverse Engineering
1. Collection Information:
Collecting all possible information (i.e., source design documents
etc.) about the software.
2. Examining the information:
The information collected in step-1 as studied so as to get familiar
with the system.
3. Extracting the structure:
Identification of program structure in the form of structure chart
where each node corresponds to some routine.
4.Recording the functionality:
Processing details of each module of the structure, charts are
recorded using structured language like decision table, etc.
Steps of Software Reverse Engineering
5. Recording data flow:
From the information extracted in step-3 and step-4, set of data flow
diagrams are derived to show the flow of data among the processes.
6. Recording control flow:
High level control structure of the software is recorded.
7. Review extracted design:
Design document extracted is reviewed several times to ensure
consistency and correctness. It also ensures that the design represents
the program.
8. Generate documentation:
Complete documentation including SRS, design document, history,
overview, etc. are recorded for future use.
Reverse Engineering Tools
• CIAO and CIA: A graphical navigator for software and
web repositories along with a collection of Reverse
Engineering tools.
• Rigi: A visual software understanding tool.
• Bunch: A software clustering/modularization tool.
• GEN++: An application generator to support development
of analysis tools for the C++ language.
• PBS: Software Bookshelf tools for extracting and
visualizing the architecture of programs.
Forward engineering
• Method of creating or making an application with the help of the
given requirements
• known as Renovation and Reclamation
• requires high proficiency skills
• takes more time to construct or develop an application
• a technique of creating high-level models or designs to make in
complexities and low-level information
• Forward Engineering applies of all the software engineering process
which contains SDLC to recreate associate existing application
Forward Engineering
Reverse Engineering
What is a maturity model?
‘A maturity model is a model with which organizations can judge their (software
engineering, hrm, service, etc.) process (including comparing it to other organizations) and
based on this judgment can improve their process.’
– started in 1986 by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) (Carnegie Mellon
University) and the Mitre Corporation
– SEI started with a Process Maturity Framework and a maturity questionnaire
– the software Framework developed into the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for
Software (1991)
– Revised maturity framework (CMMI) introduced in 2001

Process Maturity Framework
Goal is the improvement of the software engineering process
– Success should not be based on incidental individual achievements
– Success should be based on repeatable and proven successful work
Immature Mature
Software Software
Organization Organization

-No objective basis for judgment of

-Organization wide knowledge to
product quality manage software development,
- No objective basis for improvement of employment and improvement
product or process quality - Processes are ‘fit-for-use’
- Reviews and tests are often skipped - Processes are being adapted to the
when projects run behind schedule situation
- Ad hoc management -Tasks and responsibilities are clear for
the project and anyone in the
Software Process
Software Process:

‘the whole of activities, methods, practices, communication

and changes that people use in order to develop and
maintain software and associated products (e.g. plans,
design documents, code, test cases and user manuals)’

CMM gives an organization a way

to get and improve control over the software
process and provides it with a route to achieve excellence
in software engineering

Fundamental concepts for
Process Maturity
Software Process Capability
– How good it can predict the expected outcome of a next
software project
Software Process Performance
– Actual results of a software project
Software Process Maturity
– The level in which a software process is explicitly defined,
managed, measured and controlled in order to achieve results
Software Process Institutionalization
– The level in which the software process is institutionalized with
respect to methods, standards and organizational structure

Levels of software maturity
Maturity level:
– A well defined level on the way to achieve an adult, a
mature software process
– A foundation for realizing continuous improvements
– Every level contains a group of process goals that, when
stable, form an important part of the software process
– Every level leads to the improvement of the process
capability of the organization

The staged CMMI model

Level 5

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

The (1)process can be described as ad-hoc, or even
There are practically no processes defined
Success depends on individual input and achievements
The software process is not predictable regarding results
Schedules, budget, functionality and product quality is not
Works disastrous in crises situations
Can be successful in highly innovative environment
(e.g. start of the web-design world)

The (2)management procedures are used
basic project
Costs, schedules en functionality are ‘tracked’
Planning and managing of new projects are based on experience
with comparable projects
Needed process discipline is enforced such that earlier success can
be repeated with building an comparable application
Software requirements and work products are ‘baselined’
Disciplined environment in which planning and tracking are stable
and thus previous successes can be repeated

Processes management and software engineering are
documented, standardized and integrated in a standard software
development process
All projects use an approved, adapted version of the standard
software process for the development and maintenance of software
Processes are used to let software managers and engineers be more
There is a group responsible for the software process
There is training in the software process
The software process is stable and well defined and is able to
operate more effectively

Detailed metrics of themanaged (4) and quality of products
software processes
are gathered
Quantitative goals are set for the software process and the product
Use is made of a software process database in which the metrics
are gathered and analyzed
Projects have a control over the software process and product
quality such that the can work in defined limits
Risks of development in new technical environments are
recognized and managed
Software process is predictable and trends can be predicted

Continuously (5) process improvements are realized by
quantitatively feedback of the process and by trying out of
innovative ideas and technologies
The whole organization is focused on continuous improvement
Data regarding performance of the processes are used for cost-
benefit analyses
Innovations that make use of the best software engineering
practices are identified and spread over the whole organization
Software project teams analyze errors in order to find out how to
‘Lessons learned’ are shared with other projects (team rooms,
Communities of Practice)

Operational use of CMM
How do you determine in practice the maturity of an organization?

Capability Key Process
Achieve Areas
Organized by
Address Features Contain

Implementation or Key

Infrastructure or

Key Process Areas Optimizing (5)
-Process change management
-Technology change management
-Defect prevention
Managed (4) -Software quality management
-Quantitative process management
-Peer reviews
-Intergroup coordination
Defined (3) -Software product engineering
-Integrated software management
-Training program
-Organization process definition
Managed (2) -Organization process focus

-Software Configuration Management

-Software Quality Assurance
-Software Subcontract Management
Initial (1) -Software project tracking & oversight
-Software project planning
-Requirements Management 109
Maturity Level 2
Contains Key Process Area
Processes Software
Achieves Project Planning
Organized by Common
Software estimates are Feature
documented for use
in planning and tracking Contain Key Practice

ImplementationActivity 9. Estimates for the size of t

software work products (or changes t
are derived according to
Activity a documented procedure

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