Growth of Bacteria (L4-L5)

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Phases of growth
If we observe the “Bacterial Growth Curve”, we will get four basic phases
of growth: the lag, log, stationary, and death phases.

The Lag Phase:

 For a while, the number of cells changes very little because the cells
do not immediately reproduce in a new medium. This period of little
or no cell division is called the lag phase.
 The cells are not dormant
 synthesis of enzymes and various molecules

The Log Phase:

Eventually, the cells begin to divide and enter a period of growth, or
logarithmic increase, called the log phase, or exponential growth phase.
 Cellular reproduction is most active during this period, and
generation time reaches a constant minimum

The Stationary Phase:

Eventually, the growth rate slows, the number of microbial deaths
balances the number of new cells, and the population stabilizes.
This period of equilibrium is called the stationary phase.
Exponential growth stops because the bacteria approach the
carrying capacity.

The Death Phase:

The number of deaths eventually exceeds the number of new cells
formed, and the population enters the death phase, or logarithmic
decline phase.
Some species pass through the entire series of phases in only
a few days; others retain some surviving cells almost indefinitely
Figure Courtesy:
Microbiology An
The Requirements for Growth
• Physical requirements
– Temperature
– pH
– Osmotic pressure
• Chemical requirements
– Carbon
– Nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus
– Trace elements
– Oxygen
– Organic growth factor
Physical Requirements
Cardinal Temperature
Cardinal Temperature

Temperature affects microorganisms in two opposing ways.

As temperatures rise, chemical and enzymatic reactions in
the cell proceed at more rapid rates and growth becomes
faster; however, above a certain temperature, cell
components may be irreversibly damaged. Thus, as the
temperature is increased within a given range, growth and
metabolic function increase up to a point where denaturation
reactions set in. Above this point, cell functions fall to zero.
For every microorganism, there is a minimum temperature
below which growth is not possible, an optimum
temperature at which growth is most rapid, and a maximum
temperature above which growth is not possible. These three
temperatures, called the cardinal temperatures, are
characteristic for any given microorganism.
Physical Requirements

• Temperature
• psychrophiles (cold loving microbes)
• mesophiles (moderate temp. loving microbes)
• thermophiles (heat loving microbes)

organisms with low-temperature optima are called

psychrophiles. A psychrophile is defined as an organism with
an optimal growth temperature of 150 C or lower, a maximum
growth temperature below 200 C, and a minimal growth
temperature at 00 C or lower. Organisms that grow at 00 C but
have optima of 20–400 C are called psychrotolerant.

Psychrotolerant- food spoilage microorganism

The ranges and maximum growth temperatures that define bacteria as
psychrophiles, mesophiles, or thermophiles are not rigidly defined.
Psychrophiles, for example, were originally considered simply to be
organisms capable of growing at 0°C. However, there seem to be two
fairly distinct groups capable of growth at that temperature. One group,
composed of psychrophiles in the strictest sense, can grow at 0°C but has
an optimum growth temperature of about 15°C. Most of these organisms
are so sensitive to higher temperatures that they will not even grow in a
reasonably warm room (25°C). Found mostly in the oceans’ depths or in
certain polar regions, such organisms seldom cause problems in food
preservation. The other group that can grow at 0°C has higher optimum
temperatures, usually 20–30°C and cannot grow above about 40°C.
Organisms of this type are much more common than psychrophiles and
are the most likely to be encountered in low-temperature food spoilage
because they grow fairly well at refrigerator temperatures. We will use
the term psychrotrophs, which food microbiologists favor, for this group
of spoilage microorganisms.

Alan Hills
Ice Field:
Molecular Adaptations to Psychrophily
• Psychrophiles produce enzymes that function optimally in the cold and are often denatured or
activated at even very moderate temperatures (even 25 0C).
1. cold-active enzymes have greater amounts of α-helix and lesser amounts of , β-sheet
secondary structure
2. protein flexibility
3. transport processes
4. Cytoplasmic membranes from psychrophiles tend to have a higher content of unsaturated and
shorter-chain fatty acids. This helps the membrane remain in a semifluid state at low
5. contain polyunsaturated fatty acids- these fatty acids remain more flexible at low
temperatures than saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids
6. Enzymes have greater polar and lesser hydrophobic amino acid
Molecular Adaptations to Freezing

• Although freezing prevents microbial growth, it does not

necessarily cause microbial death.
• Microscopic pockets of water continue to exist at these
and even much lower temperatures. As long as liquid
water is available, microbial growth is possible.

Hydrothermal Vents in
the ocean, and
Obsidian Pool in
National Park
Molecular Adaptations to

• Amino acid substitution and protein folding pattern

• Increased number of ionic bonds
• Protein stabilization from degradation
• Heat stable cytoplasmic membranes
Food Preservation Temperatures
Typical Growth Rates and Temperature
pH and Microbial Growth
• Most bacteria grow between pH 6.5 and 7.5
• Molds and yeasts grow between pH 5 and 6
• Acidophiles grow in acidic environments
• Some of these are obligate acidophiles, unable to grow at
neutral pH. Obligately acidophilic bacteria include several
species of Acidithiobacillus and several genera of Archaea,
including Sulfolobus, Thermoplasma
• When the pH is raised to neutrality, the cytoplasmic
membranes of strongly acidophilic bacteria are destroyed
and the cells lyse. This indicates that high concentrations of
hydrogen ions are required for membrane stability of
Acidophiles .
•A few extremophiles have very high pH optima for
growth, sometimes as high as pH 10; these are known as
• B.firmus is alkaliphilic but has an unusually broad pH
range for growth, from 7.5 to 11.
Internal Cell pH

• The optimal pH for growth represents the pH of the

extracellular environment only. The intracellular pH must
remain relatively close to neutral in order to prevent
destruction of acid- or alkali-labile macromolecules in the
pH Supplement
pH Supplement
Osmotic Pressure

• Microbes obtain almost all their nutrients in solution from

surrounding water
• Hypertonic environments, or an increase in salt or sugar,
cause plasmolysis
• Extreme or obligate halophiles require high osmotic
• Facultative halophiles tolerate high osmotic pressure
Great Salt Lake coastal
splash zones
Dead Sea
Chemical Requirements
Chemical Requirements

• Macro & Micro Elements

• Mg K Ca Fe N CHOPS Na Cl
Carbon Chemical Requirements
 Structural organic molecules, energy source
 Chemoheterotrophs use organic carbon sources
 Autotrophs use CO 2

 In amino acids and proteins
 Most bacteria decompose proteins
 Some bacteria use NH + or NO –
4 3

 A few bacteria use N in nitrogen fixation

Sulfur Chemical Requirements
 In amino acids, thiamine, and biotin
 Most bacteria decompose proteins
 Some bacteria use SO or H S

 In DNA, RNA, ATP, and membranes
 PO is a source of phosphorus

Trace elements
 Inorganic elements required in small amounts
 Usually as enzyme cofactors
Oxygen and
The Effect of Oxygen (O2) on Growth
The Effect of Oxygen (O2) on Growth

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