8 - Stroke
8 - Stroke
8 - Stroke
Modifiable :
• HTN, cigarette smoking, Dyslipidemia, DM, insuline resistance,
abdominal obesity, excess alcohol cosumption,lack of physical actinity,
high risk diet, heart disorders,intracranial aneurysms, use of certain
drugs, vasculitis
• prior stoke,older age, family history of stoke, genetic factors.
• comletely resolve within 24 hrs.
• 80% due to thromboembolus.
• site of damage can roughly located from clinical signs:
• Anterior circulation; likly thrombus from CA most likly
affecting cerebral function( aphasia/dysphasia ,
hemiparesis, Amaurosis fugax,hemi sensory loss,
hemianopic visual loss
*Amaurosi fugax; sudden loss of vision in 1 eye, caused
by an infract in the retinal artery
• Posterior Circulation ; likely thrombus from
vertbrobasilar system, most likely affecting cerbellar /
brainstem function( diplopia, vertigo, vomiting,
chocking, dysartheria, hemianopic visual loss , sensory
loss ,Transient global amnesia,tetraparesis ,LOC)
* Transient global amnesia; episod of emnesia - >65yrs
age- compLetely resolve within 24hrs .
Diagnosis of TIA:
• Usually clinical
check the following:
• carotid bruit
• ECG; for any arrhythmia -AF
• Valvular HD
• Recent MI
• Radial pulse / radial delay
• Check for the underline cause/RFs:
• Atheroma
• Hypertension
• Postural hypotension
• DM
• Polycythemia
• Antiphospholipid syndrome.
DD for TIA:
• Mass lesion
• Epilepsy
• Migraine
• 5yrs after TIA _30% of Pts have a stroke( of these 30%
occure within 1st year), 15% have MI.
Investigation and management:
• The symptoms are maximal just after the time of onset.
• Recovery will occur gradually over days , weeks, and
even months.
• Reflex will return early on , often become exaggerated.
• there is headach and /or impaird consciousness
Examining for stroke:
• Noncontrast CT or MRI
• LP( RBCs, Xanthochromia, increased pressure)