Session 17 - DMS301m

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Session 17

DMS301m – Digital Marketing

Learning Objectives

• Discuss the strategic and practical issues related to social media

• Plan and execute a successful influencer marketing campaign.

Table of Content
• Social Media Marketing Strategies
1 Overview

• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Strategies

• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Other
3 Considerations
• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Planning and
4 Executing

• Class Discussion and Summary


Social media marketing strategies overview

• Social media is not just one media

channel, it is a virtual society with its own
set of rules, norms, and cultures.
• Communication on social media is both
social and personal.
– Traditional mass media is rich in content and
broad in reach but lacks personal context.
– Face-to-face communication and point-to-
point telecommunications are intimate an
impactful, but difficult to scale.
– Social media has the power of both
communication: personalized marketing on a
massive scale
• Social media marketing involves both
content and relationship management.

Social media marketing strategies overview

• Although there are many social media platforms, each with

different functions and features, there are 2 defining characteristics
across all of them.

– The first is an inherent capacity to build and grow social connections.

– The second, a communicative environment that enables, fosters, and

rewards user-generated content.

Social media marketing strategies overview

Broadly speaking, social media marketing involves one or a

combination of the following marketing strategies.

• Social media advertising: best used when conversions and short-

term revenue growth are the key objectives.

• Social media- based content marketing

– Creating and maintaining its own informational and entertainment media,
such as videos, blogs, or educational material, and then using social media
to share and promote this content.
– Content marketing on social media is increasingly being used as an integral
part of public relations, consumer education, and brand awareness

Table of Content
• Social Media Marketing Strategies
1 Overview

• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Strategies

• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Other
3 Considerations
• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Planning and
4 Executing

• Class Discussion and Summary


Buzz & influencer marketing: Strategies (1)

• Marketers often use social media to generate a sudden surge of

public attention or buzz to promote products and services.

• Social media is also an effective platform for word-of-mouth

– Endorsements and recommendations from trusted sources.
– Four types of information sources:
• impersonal advocates, such as mass media institutions;
• impersonal independent, such as consumer reports and independent research;
• personal advocate, such as salespeople;
• personal independent, such as friends.

Buzz & influencer marketing: Strategies (2)

• In addition to buzz marketing and word-of-mouth marketing,

another frequently adopted social media marketing strategy is
influencer marketing. An influencer is someone who carries
influence over others.

• Influencer marketing focuses on using influencers to promote a

brand message, product, or service to the larger market.
– celebrity and ethic endorsements were the first forms of influencer
marketing dating back centuries.
– What is new today is that any individual can become an influencer in the
world of social media.

Buzz & influencer marketing: Strategies (3)

• It is more beneficial to consider buzz marketing, word-of-mouth

marketing, and influencer marketing holistically: focusing on their
shared common core strategic element: the influencers.

• A marketing strategy will never create buzz without it being shared

widely by influential connectors in a social network.

• E-word-of-mouth marketing is not different from using an offline direct

sales network in terms of scale and effectiveness without the boost
from social media influencers.

• The outcome and impact of buzz marketing and e-word-of-mouth

marketing are more difficult to control and predict than a well-planned
and well-executed influencer marketing.

Table of Content
• Social Media Marketing Strategies
1 Overview

• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Strategies

• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Other
3 Considerations
• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Planning and
4 Executing

• Class Discussion and Summary


Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Other
Considerations (1)

There are many types of online influencers

Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Other
Considerations (2)

• Any social media account that attracts between 1,000 to 10,000

followers is usually considered a micro influencer.

• Macro influencer on the other hand are those famous people there
can routinely commend the attention of millions of followers.

Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Other
Considerations (3)

• There are several key factors to consider when developing an

influencer marketing campaign:
– reach,
– credibility,
– authenticity,
– activity,
– engagement.

• You must make sure that your product or brand image matches
that of the influencers and the message being sent.

Table of Content
• Social Media Marketing Strategies
1 Overview

• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Strategies

• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Other
3 Considerations
• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Planning and
4 Executing

• Class Discussion and Summary


Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Planning and
Executing (1)

1. Setting goals
– brand awareness, reach, brand reputation, perception in the market,
increased post engagement, increased website traffic, lead generation,
lead conversion, increased sales.
– establish specific key performance indicators for each goal to measure.
2. Determine who you are trying to influence and then the social
media channels they interact with.
– company's customers or prospect
– social media used by the target market

Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Planning and
Executing (2)

3. Identify and find influencers that this target market will trust.

4. Set up monitoring and listening streams to track these

influencers positioning and decide how to best engage with them
5. Reach out to discuss potential partnerships.

Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Planning and
Executing (3)

6. Harness the power of the influencer by incorporating

influencer marketing into your overall social media
– posting on their own social media accounts,
– using influencers to share content from a company's social media channel
– inviting influencers to be guest bloggers
– inviting them to speak at events and then stream these events on social
– giving influencers free products to try in exchange for a review or a mention
on social media

Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Planning and
Executing (4)

7. Once the influencer campaign is

launched, you must analyze and
track the performance with social
media analytics.
– Was the target audience reached? How
many of them were reached?
– Was there an increase in post
– Was there an increase in website traffics,
inquiries, or sales?
– How did the brand's online presence
improve compared to competitors?
– How many positive references and
mentions were there on social media and
how was your brand perception changed?

Table of Content
• Social Media Marketing Strategies
1 Overview

• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Strategies

• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Other
3 Considerations
• Buzz & Influencer Marketing: Planning and
4 Executing

• Class Discussion and Summary


Lesson Summary

• Social media marketing involves both content and relationship


• Marketers often use social media to generate a sudden surge of public

attention or buzz to promote products and services.

• It is more beneficial to consider buzz marketing, word-of-mouth

marketing, and influencer marketing holistically: focusing on their
shared common core strategic element: the influencers.


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