OM 1e PPT Chap01
OM 1e PPT Chap01
OM 1e PPT Chap01
Introduction to
Operations Management
and Productivity
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
♦ Define operations management
♦ Discuss the operations system’s basic components
♦ Understand the reasons for studying Operations Management
♦ Explain the roles of operations managers
♦ Understand the objectives of operations management
♦ Discuss the characteristics of services and manufactured products
♦ Explain the relationship between operations and other functions
♦ Understand productivity and its measurement
♦ Identify the challenges in operations management
♦ Discuss the trends in operations management
Definition of Operations Management
Transformation the activities related to the conversion of inputs into outputs that
involve operating strategies
Leading Controlling
Objectives of Operations Management
Operations for Goods and Services
Characteristics of goods and services
Relationship between Operations
and Other Functions
The ratio of outputs (goods and services) divided by
the inputs/resources (e.g.,labour and capital).
1 Low unemployment
Why is
Productivity 2 Improved living standards for
the nation
3 Reduced operating costs and
increased revenue
Productivity Measurement
Automation Outsourcing Communication
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