Department of pharmacology
Faculty of Medicine
Department of pharmacology
Dr. Rawan Ghazwi
Office: M6L0
[email protected]
Part 1
General Principles of Pharmacology
1.Therapeutic purposes
2.Prophylaxis purposes
3.Diagnostic purposes
Drug Names (Nomenclature)
Drugs have Three Names assigned to them:
Describes the information Describes the active ingredient Since several different pharmaceutical
on the drugs molecular of drug companies may market the same
compound & properties. generic drug, there may be several
different trade names for any one drug.
There are different trade names for the
(one) same generic name drug. Ex:
Panadol®, Revanin® , Tylenol ®,
Pandarin ®, & etc Are a brand name
for generic name~paracetamol
Chemical Name is Generic name is usually short Brand Name of drug is usually
1.Unsuitable for prescribing short, easy to spell, sounding &
Is usually long & rarely Generic name given throughout remember it easily.
used. very difficult name to course pharmacology (Usually
pronounce have similar suffix in a group)
2.Commonly Used by
Scientifics, chemists…etc in
scientific studies.
Drug Sources
Where do drugs come from?
2.Synthetic sources
1. Chemical sources
2. Semisynthetic sources
3. Biosynthetic Sources (Genetically Engineered Drugs)
After a drug is administered, what will happen to the
drug inside our body?
The interaction of drugs within the human body go through two phases:
Branches of Pharmacology:
1. Pharmacokinetic
The action of the body on the drug
2. Pharmacodynamics
The action of drug on the body
Absorption (A)
Distribution (D)
Metabolism (M)
Excretion (E)
1. The kinetics of Drug Absorption ()االمتصاص
The first stage of ADME is A, for Absorption.
1. Dosage forms:
• absorption is rapid for Gases forms > 1.The presence of food/other
Liquid forms > solid form medications in the stomach (Drug food
• Absorption is rapid for solution > interaction)
suspension > capsule > tablet 2.Highly increased Intestinal motility
2. High dose (concentration) of a medication (diarrhea)
3. Low Molecular Weight & small Particle
2. Chemical instability of Some drugs
in gastric pH & enzyme
3. The larger the surface area & the high the
blood supply where the drug is being 3. Diseases of the gut.
4. The ability of the drug to cross cell
Un-ionized drugs (non-polar) are more lipid
soluble are absorbed faster The
more easily a drug crosses a cell
The first-pass metabolism/effect or Pre-systemic Effect for oral drug
and Drug Bioavailability (F)
1. Vasoconstrictors
Add vasoconstrictors drug to some
parenteral drug for delay its 1. Formulation rapidly
absorption Ex: add adrenaline to absorbed drug
local anesthetic (L.A) drugs for Administer Drug Sublingually
specific reasons. May dissolved drug in water.
2. Massage the area
2. Formulation (by diff. way) ex:
1. Administer Drug by transdermal
2. Administer Drug in oily
3. Drug prepared as slow releasing
(SR) preparations as extended oral
2. Thekinetics of Drug Distribution()انتشار الدواء في الجسم
The second stage of ADME is D, for Distribution
Is the second processes after drug
Defined as the process or the way by
which a drug reversibly move from or
leaves the blood circulation (plasma) &
distributed into the extracellular fluid
and/or the cells of the tissues to reaches
the site of its action or target cells.
2. Tissue-binding:
Tissue-binding occurs when medication binds to tissues, ex: lipid
soluble drugs are bound highly to adipose tissue. Other drugs
accumulated in bone.
1. Binding drug to plasma protein
After the drug has been distrusted, the next phase is metabolism. This is where the
drug is broken down. It is the process of biochemical alteration of the drug in the
body by proteins called enzymes, which creates metabolites (Is the end result of
form drug metabolism)
Ion trapping
This process is clinically useful to manage drug
overdose or acute drug toxicity by increasing their
renal excretion in urine & minimize the amount of drug
of back-diffusion (decrease reabsorption) through
changing the pH of urine to allow the drug
(either acidic or basic) in ionized form
Alkalinization of Urine Acidification of Urine
Weak Acidic Drug is better excreted in Weak Basic Drug is better excreted in
basic media. acidic media.
Example: Example:
Overdose or toxicity from Weak acid Overdose or toxicity from Weak basic
drugs (ex: aspirin) is managed by drug (ex: amphetamines) is managed
administration of basic compounds (e.x. by administration of acidic compounds
sodium bicarbonate) to alkalinize urine (ex: Ammonium chloride or vitamin C)
(inc. pH of urine) to acidify urine (dec. pH of urine)
How long does it take for a drug to reach
maximum therapeutic effect (peak) & How
long it take for a drug to leave the body?
Mechanism Of Action
( )الية عمل الدواء
How drug work in the body to Therapeutic Dose ((الجرعة العالجية
produce its therapeutic effect It is the amount of a substance to
produce the required effect in most
1. The Therapeutic Drug Range (Window)
Is the range of drug levels in the blood that will give the desired effect without
causing serious side effects. (The Safe blood level for optimal action)
Located in between the MEC and the level of MTC
Example: A patient is taking 100 mg of a drug that has a half life of 4 hours.
You are trying to determine when a 100-mg dose of the drug will be gone from
the body.
If a drug’s half-life is 4 hours, means every 4 hours the level of the drug that is
present in the body will decrease by 50 %.