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Guided By:- Submited By:-

Subhadarshini Agasti Sk Ashfaquddin Ahmed

Ma’am Class:- XI
(PGT Biology) Section:- B
Roll No:-
This is to certify that Sk Ashfaquddin Ahmed , of Class:- XII
Section:-B has successfully completed his project on topic
Contraceptive Methods as prescrived by Miss Subhadarshini
Agasti during the academic year 2024-25 as per the guideline
given by AISSCE Examination conducted by Central Board Of
Cecondary Education (CBSE) .

Sign of External Sign of Internal Sign of Principal


Content Pg.No
Objective 1
Introduction 2
Need For 3
Traditional Methods 4
Modern Methods 6
Surgical Methods 10
Global Trend in 13
Contraceptive Use
Conclusion 17
Biblography 18
Contraception is the intentional
prevention of conception through the use of
various devices, sexual practices, chemicals,
drugs or surgical procedures. An effective
contraception allows a physical relationship
without fear of an unwanted pregnancy and
ensures freedom to have children when desired.
The aim is to achieve contraception in
maximum comfort and privacy, with minimum
cost and side effects. Some methods, like male
and female condoms, also provide twin
advantage of protection from sexually
transmitted diseases. The burden of unsafe
abortion lies primarily in developing countries.
Here, contraceptive prevalence is measured
among currently married women of
reproductive age, and levels have not yet
reached those that exist in developed countries.
Contraception is defined as the
intentional prevention of conception through
the use of various devices, sexual practices,
chemicals, drugs, or surgical procedures. Thus,
any device or act whose purpose is to prevent a
woman from becoming pregnant can be
considered as a contraceptive. In any social
context effective contraception allows a couple
to enjoy a physical relationship without fear of
an unwanted pregnancy and ensures enough
freedom to have children when desired. The aim
is to achieve this with maximum comfort and
privacy, at the same time minimum cost and
side effects. Some barrier methods, like male
and female condoms, also provide twin
advantage of protection from sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs).
Need for Contraception
 Protection Against Unwanted Pregnancy
A growing number of women and
men of reproductive age wish to regulate their
fertility and have fewer children. Between the
ages of 20 and 44, a fertile, sexually-active woman
is potentially capable of giving birth about 12
times, even if she breastfeeds each baby for 1
year. To avoid the need for an abortion, she has to
successfully practice birth control for 16–20 of her
roughly 25 childbearing years.

 Need for Protection Against Sexually

Transmitted Diseases
The transmissibility of several STIs
and HIV/AIDS is greater from infected man to
uninfected woman than the reverse. The vagina
offers a large mucosal surface exposed to the
partner’s sexual secretions and a more conducive
environment for microbial growth than the penile
surface in men, therefore biologically, women are
more vulnerable to STIs than men.
Contraceptive Methods
 Traditional Methods
1. Coitus Interruptus or Withdrawal
Involves withdrawal of penis from
the vagina just before ejaculation, thus preventing
semen from entering the woman. This is perhaps
the oldest contraceptive method known to man,
but it depends on the cooperation of the male
partner. This is not a reliable method and may fail
if semen escapes before ejaculation or is left on
external sex organs. Man needs good self-control,
both emotionally and physically, for this method
to succeed.
2. Lactational Amenorrhoea
Women secrete hormones that
prevent conception for about 6 months. It
prevails if there is no menses and full breast-
feeding day and night is maintained. This is
more a myth as, breast-feeding is irregular, 60%
women start menstruating by the third month.
Not reliable in instances where baby sleeps
through the night, or in case of sore, cracked or
inverted nipples and breast abscess.
Contraceptive Methods

3. Rhythm Method
This method requires predicting
ovulation, the period when the woman is most
fertile, by recording the menstrual pattern, or
body temperature, or changes in cervical mucus,
or a combination of these (symptom-thermal
method). Intercourse is avoided on fertile days.
Although a large number of people claim
knowledge of this method, only a small proportion
can actually identify the fertile period of the
month. It cannot be used by women who have
irregular periods, or after childbirth, or during
menopausal years. Intercourse is limited to some
days of the month only. The method requires
careful record keeping for calculating the safe
Contraceptive Methods
 Modern Methods
1. Male Condom
In this, a thin rubber or latex sheath
(condom) is rolled on the erect penis before
intercourse. It prevents semen (sperms) from
entering the woman. The method is 95% effective
if used correctly. It can be used by all age groups,
safely. No prior medical examination is required
and is easily available without prescription. It
serves as the most effective method in providing
twin protection of contraception and STI disease.
The major drawback in this method is related to
compliance, inconsistency and incorrect use.
Contraceptive Methods

2. Female Condom
This is a vaginal pouch made of
latex sheath, with one ring at each end. The closed
end ring is inserted inside the vagina and works as
the internal anchor. Outer portion covers and
protects the external genitalia. It is reliable, hypo-
allergic with high acceptance in test groups
although its cost could be a major deterrent to
use. It is a female controlled method and protects
from both unwanted pregnancy and STDs. Size
and hardness of inner ring may be uncomfortable
to some users. Extensive promotion and
persuasion among female users is required to
make it popular.
Contraceptive Methods

3. Oral Contraceptive Pills

The combined pill consists of two
hormones: estrogen and progesterone. This is to
be taken everyday orally by the woman. The pill
works by preventing the release of the egg,
thickening of cervical mucus and by altering tubal
motility. It is to be prescribed after a medical
check-up. Almost 100% effective if taken regularly.
It is an easy and convenient, woman-controlled
method and does not interfere with love-making.
There is regular monthly cycle often with reduced
pain and bleeding. Can be discontinued when
pregnancy is desired. The pills must be taken
regularly and do not work when consumed later
than 12 h.
Contraceptive Methods

4. Injectables
The combined pill consists of two
hormones: estrogen and progesterone. This is to
be taken everyday orally by the woman. The pill
works by preventing the release of the egg,
thickening of cervical mucus and by altering tubal
motility. It is to be prescribed after a medical
check-up. Almost 100% effective if taken regularly.
It is an easy and convenient, woman-controlled
method and does not interfere with love-making.
There is regular monthly cycle often with reduced
pain and bleeding. Can be discontinued when
pregnancy is desired. The pills must be taken
regularly and do not work when consumed later
than 12 h.
Contraceptive Methods
 Surgical Methods
1. Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
A small flexible, plastic device,
usually with copper, is inserted into the womb by
a qualified medical practitioner, after
menstruation, abortion, or 4-6 weeks after
delivery. It prevents the fertilized egg from settling
in the womb. Copper ions have spermicidal
activity. It is 95–98% effective, does not interfere
with love-making and can be removed when
pregnancy is desired. It may cause heavy bleeding
in some women. Pelvic inflammation in women,
especially those exposed to STDs, may occur.
Contraceptive Methods

2. Female Sterilization (Tubectomy)

This is a permanent surgical

method in which the fallopian tubes are cut and
ends tied to prevent the sperms from meeting the
eggs. It is a very reliable method requiring only 1
day of hospitalization and can be performed
anytime, preferably after last child’s birth. Rarely,
the tubes may join and fertility may return. A few
women tend to have heavier periods after this
method. Though this is a permanent method, the
operation can be reversed, though the results may
not be always successful. Hence the couple should
be firm about their decision before opting for this
Contraceptive Methods

3. Male Sterilization (Vasectomy)

A permanent surgical method in

which, the vasa deferentia which carry the sperms
from the testes to the penis, are blocked. This
prevents the sperms from being released into the
semen at the time of ejaculation. It is a simple and
reliable method not requiring hospitalization.
Contrary to popular belief, it does not affect
health or sexual vigour, neither does it interfere
with intercourse.
Contraceptive Methods
 Global Trends in Contraceptive Use
In many developing countries
contraceptive prevalence measured among
currently married women of reproductive age
have been growing rapidly, but have not yet
reached the levels that exist in the developed
countries. Unsafe abortion rates are highest in
Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, followed
closely by South and South-East Asia, while in
Europe and North America the rates are
negligible. Traditional Methods The proportion of
traditional methods changed markedly over time
in Sub-Saharan Africa. In surveys conducted in
1980–1984, 56% of users in this region reported
employing traditional methods, while in 2000–
2005 it declined to 31%. Traditional methods
represented a much smaller proportion of the
method mix in Asia (decreased from 13 to 9%) and
in Latin America and the Caribbean, where it
decreased from 18 to 12%, respectively.
Contraceptive Methods

India’s current dependence on traditional

methods is comparable to the Asian figures at

Oral Pill Overall, the proportion of all users

relying on the pill fell, but the most dramatic
decline—from 31 to 18%—occurred in Latin
America and the Caribbean. In India utilization
of this method is poor at 3%. In developed
nations it is 25% of contraception.
Contraceptive Methods

1. Condoms:- The proportion of married female

contraceptive users relying on condoms rose in
Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as in
Sub-Saharan Africa, from 3% in the early 1980s to
7–8% in 2000–2005. While condom use is slowly
increasing in developing countries, it has fallen
from 8 to 7.7% in the developed world. India’s
share too falls below the figures of developing

2.Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs):- The proportion of

IUD use decreased in Asia from 27.9 to 22.8%.
According to NFHS 3 the IUD segment is currently
being used by only 1.7% of married women.

3.Injectables:- There was a small increase in Asia,

Latin America and the Caribbean. The proportion
of users relying on injectables climbed steadily
over those using the pill. But, in India it is grossly
underutilized at 0.1%.
Contraceptive Methods

4.Sterlization Male Women’s reliance on male

sterilization for contraception was low in all
periods, with figures below 3% for all periods. In
Asia, however, the proportion of users relying on
vasectomies rose to 9% in 1990–1994, before
dropping back to 5% in 2000–2005. This drop is
contributed by three Asian countries (viz., from 9
to 4% in India, from 19 to 16% in Nepal and from 8
to 6% in Sri Lanka.

5.Sterilization Female For the past 26 years,

female sterilization has accounted for at least one-
third of all contraceptive use in Asia, Latin America
and the Caribbean (where it peaked at 48% in
1990–1994). In Asia, female sterilization rose from
34% in 1980–1984 to 42–43% in 1985–2005. In
contrast, the share of female sterilization
remained fairly level at 5–8% in Sub-Saharan
Africa and developed countries. As is evident it is
the favoured method in India at 37. 3%.

In countries like India, there is a

dire need for contraceptive methods to be more
women friendly, accessible and provide adequate
privacy. Providers also need to be sensitive to
special needs of adolescents as they are at a
critically vulnerable segment.
 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
 https://www.webmd.com
 https://www.scribd.com
 https://byjus.com
 https://www.researchgate.net/
 NCERT-Biology


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