International Non Governmental Organization (INGO) : Dr. Bharati Shakya

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Dr. Bharati Shakya
International non-government
 Also known as private organizations provide approx.20%
of all external health aid to developing countries.

 INGOs are not-for-profit voluntary associations operating

at the international, transnational, or global level, with
members or participants from many countries.

 It has the same mission as a

non-governmental organization (NGO), but it is
international in scope and has branches around the world
to deal with specific issues in many countries.
o works with poor people in over 40 countries across the
o goal : to end poverty
o Believes in “with the right opportunities, poor people will
find their own solutions – and build new lives”
o Since 1982 ,worked in Nepal to empower the poor and
excluded members of society.
o Major program focuses on:
 Reproductive health
Safe motherhood
United Mission to Nepal (UMN)

 Christian INGO , since 1954 in Nepal

 To address the needs in the areas of

a) Education b) women and children c) HIV/AIDS d) food
security e) Disaster management f) advocacy g) peace
and conflict transformation
International Nepal fellowship(INF)

 Established in 1952
 the longest serving INGO in the country.
 It is a Nepali Christian non- government organization
1. INF Nepal aims:
i. To bring sustainable improvements in health and
quality of life
ii. Peace and harmony in communities
iii. Focuses on poor and disadvantaged including
stigmatized diseases ( Leprosy ,TB , HIV/AIDS and
drug abuse)

2.Facilitates development among poor communities ,

conducts medical camps and provides medical
Save the children International
 It is working to ensure children get proper healthcare , food
education and protection.
 Saving lives in emergencies , campaigning for children’s right and
improving their futures through long term development work.
 It began its program activities in Nepal in 1975 .
 Major program focus on :
1. Child right governance -assures the rights of every child and where every
child can have a voice in governance.
2. Child protection
3. Education
4. Health and nutrition
5. Humanitarian
6. Livelihoods –source of income

 A global network of independent humanitarian

 established in 1984 by the Seventh-day Adventist
 Aim: providing individual and community development
and disaster relief.
 In Nepal ADRA serves people without regard to their
ethnic, political or religious association since 1987.
Major program focus on :
 Maternal child health and family planning services
 Uterine prolapse
 HIV Councelling and Testing (HCT)
International Red cross:
 Is an international humanitarian movement devoted to the
service of mankind in peace and war .
 Has approximately 97 million volunteers worldwide
 Which started to protect human life and health,
 To ensure respect for the human being, and
 To prevent and alleviate human suffering, without any
discrimination based on race, religion,class,nationality. Etc.
 National red cross society exist in nearly every country in the
International health 10
Helen Keller International

 Founded in 1915
 is dedicated to saving the sight and lives of the most
vulnerable and disadvantaged.
 combat the causes and consequences of blindness and
malnutrition by establishing programs based on evidence
and research in health and nutrition (Suaahara project).
Leprosy Mission Nepal

 International Christian development organization that

diagnoses, treats and offers specialist care, including
reconstructive surgery, to leprosy patients.

 Aim - to transform and empower the lives of people

affected by leprosy.

 International Pregnancy Advisory Services

 Along with the manufacture and distribution of MVA

instruments, IPAS’s initial focus was on establishing
freestanding abortion clinics in developing countries.

 Between 1974 and 1980, IPAS supported the opening

of 13 clinics in 11 countries
The main focus of this organization is :

a) To ensure that all health facilities are providing

affordable and high quality reproductive health including
safe abortion care, post abortion care, adolescent health
and family planning services across the country.

b) To ensure that skilled health care providers are available

in the health facilities and their numbers are appropriate
and adequate.
Non-governmental organizations

Also often referred to as "civil society organization" .

CSO is a non-profit group, principally independent from
government, which is organized on a local, national or
international level to address issues in support of the public good.

NGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions,

bring public concerns to governments, monitor policy and
program implementation, and encourage participation of civil
society stakeholders at the community level
Works at a domestic level
Marie Stopes International (MSI)

 Registered charity and organized as a company by guarantee in

1973 in the United Kingdom.

 Mission is to enable people to have children by choice not by


 Operating vision - to meet its clients expectation of quality,

affordability and choice in services the first time and every time
by empowering individuals to exercise their fundamental human
rights to plan family freely and responsibly and to enjoy
reproductive health.
MSI offers

 Family planning counseling and services for women , men

and adolescents ( temporary , permanent methods)
 Counseling on the prevention of STD s and HIV/AIDS
 Treatment of RTI/ STI and Referral for HIV/AIDs care
 Pregnancy testing and advice
 Conducting legalized abortion in need
 Post abortion care and counseling
 Antenatal and postnatal advice and check ups
 Under 5 health checkups, growth monitoring and
Family planning association of

 Set up in 1959,which initiated the family planning

movement in Nepal.

 Given its extensive coverage , innovativeness ,and its

ability to provide comprehensive RH/FP services , the
association is regarded as the leading NGO in
reproductive health.
Nepal contraceptive retail sales

 Came into existence on 1937 as a pilot project of Nepal

FP/MCH project of the Ministry of Health.

 In August 1983, CRS became a non- profit private limited


 Its objective is to increase awareness and use of health

and birth spacing FP products among the people of Nepal
by using modern marketing tools and techniques
Nepal Red Cross Society

 Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) came into being in 1963. It was
recognized by the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) in
 Efficient, self sustainable and independent humanitarian
organization committed to provide immediate relief to human
suffering and reduce vulnerability through its network of Red
cross workers throughout the country .

 Working closely with communities , governmental and non

governmental organizations in a democratic ,transparent and
participatory way.

 To serve war victims , both civilians and army personnel .

 To contribute in promoting and improving health condition,
prevention of disease and to reduce suffering.
 To arrange for emergency relief services for disaster victims.
 To perform other functions of community development and
public welfare.
 Sanitation and water supply
 Blood supply
 Combat trafficking
Nepal Technical Assistance Group

 Major program focus on:

- maternal and child nutrition
- Promotion and advocacy on vitamin A program
- Research and surveys

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