Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
Chemistry @ MBCC
Pre-University Sciences
Science 1
1.1 Discuss the process of theoretical change with respect to Dalton’s Atomic theory
1.2 Describe the structure of the atom
1.3 Define: Mass Number, Isotopes, RAM and RIM
1.4 Explain the phenomenon of radioactivity
1.5 Cite the use of radioisotopes
1.6 Calculate the RAM of mass of an element, given isotopic masses and abundances
1.7 Explain how data from emission spectra provide evidence for discrete energy levels within an atom
1.8 Describe the atomic orbitals
1.9 Describe the shapes of the s and p orbitals
1.10 Determine the electronic configurations of atoms and ions in terms of s, p and d orbitals
1.11 State the factors which influence the first ionisation energy of elements
1.12 Explain how ionisation energy data provide evidence for sub-shells
1.13 Derive the electronic configuration of an element from data on successive ionisation energies
1.1 Discuss the process of theoretical change with
respect to Dalton’s atomic theory
⚫ What is a hypothesis?
- An educated guess, based on observation
⚫ Hypotheses
- can be supported or refuted through experimentation
- can be disproven, but not proven to be true
⚫ Scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses
that have been supported with repeated testing
⚫ Theory
- valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it
- usually can not be proven, but can be disproven
Four main assumptions:
1. Matter consists of small particles called atoms
Read and make notes on Discovery of Subatomic Particles (Chapter 1, pg 3-4)
Subatomic Particles
⚫ Mass of subatomic particles is measured relative to one twelfth of the mass of a
carbon-12 isotope
⚫ Charge is relative to proton and electron
Proton 1 +1 Nucleus
Neutron 1 0 Nucleus
Hydrogen-1 1 0 1
Hydrogen Hydrogen-2 1 1 2
Hydrogen-3 1 2 3
Carbon-12 6 6 12
Carbon-13 6 7 13
Chlorine-35 17 18 35
Chlorine-37 17 20 37
Bromine-79 35 44 79
Bromine-81 35 46 81
1.4 Explain the phenomenon of
Radioactive Isotopes
- Strong nuclear force of attraction between nucleons
(protons & neutrons)
✔ Beta particles
✔ Gamma radiation
Band of Stability
Some radioactive nuclei must undergo multiple steps to reach the band of stability. An
example is shown below.
1.5 Cite the use of radioisotopes
1. Find seven or more uses of radioactive isotopes?
Cl 34.97 75.8
Cl 36.97 24.2
Relative Abundance: Calculations
Relative Abundance: Calculations
Calculate the relative isotopic abundance of the two isotopes of chlorine
(35Cl and 37Cl) given the following data below.
Atomic Isotope Atomic Weight
Natural Cl 35.45
Cl 34.97
Cl 36.97
Relative Abundance: Calculations
Natural H 1.0080
H 1.0078
H 2.0141
✔ Percentage
abundance (or
intensity) vs m/z
✔ m/z is mass to charge
✔ Ions with a single
charge are selectively
✔ Ions with a single
charge have m/z
value which is
equivalent to mass
Mass Chromatogram
Use the data from the mass spectrum below to
determine the RAM of the element
1.7 Explain how data from emission spectra provide
evidence for discrete energy levels within an atom
✔ White light when
focused through a
prism, disperses into
different components
and produces a
continuous spectrum
✔ Have no mass
✔ Travel in wave–like pattern
✔ Speed of light (High Velocity)
EMR – Wave
• EMR can be viewed
as a travelling wave
• Waves are
characterized by:
✔ Wavelength
✔ Frequency
✔ Velocity (Speed)
EMR – Wave Definitions
c = 3 x 108 ms-1
Useful Conversions
✔ 1 m = 100 cm = 1 x 106 μm = 1 x 109 nm
∙ Deci, d 10-1
∙ Centi, c 10-2
∙ Milli, m 10-3
∙ Micro , µ 10-6
∙ Nano, n 10-9
∙ Pico, p 10-12
∙ Femto, f 10-15
Continuous vs. Discontinuous Spectrum
Continuous Spectrum
✔ No distinct division between the colours
A Line spectrum
✔ Dark lines represent the wavelengths of light absorbed by
✔ Unique spectrum produced
Emission Spectrum
A Line spectrum
✔Coloured lines on dark background represent
wavelengths of light emitted by element
✔ Unique spectrum produced
Atomic Spectra
✔ Specific wavelength
✔ Quantum of energy (photon) is emitted from the atom resulting
from the excited electron in a higher energy level falling back to a
lower energy level
Absorption & Emission
Hydrogen Emission Spectrum
Energy Levels & Quantum Numbers
Lyman series
Electron transitions from higher energy levels to principal quantum number,
Balmer Series
Electron transitions from higher energy levels to principal quantum number,
Paschen Series
Electron transitions from higher energy levels to principal quantum number,
Line Series in Emission Spectrum
Brackett Series
Electron transitions from higher energy levels to principal
quantum number, n = 4
Pfund Series
Electron transitions from higher energy levels to principal
quantum number, n = 5
In each series, the lines comes closer together as the frequency increases together until it
converges to from a continuous spectrum
1.8 Describe the atomic orbitals
Schroedinger Wave Equation
• Wave-particle duality of electrons
• The position of an electron is described in
terms of probability density
• An orbital is a region (volume of space
around the nucleus) where there is a high
probability of finding an electron of a
given energy (95%)
• Schroedinger Atomic model
✔ 3-D
✔ 3 quantum numbers (principal, angular,
Quantum numbers
• The properties of an atom's electron configuration are
described by four quantum numbers
n=1 2
n=2 8
n=3 18
n=4 32
Second Quantum Number
Angular Quantum Number (l)
⚫ Sublevels in n & Shape of the orbitals
⚫ s, p, d, f
⚫ Each energy level has n sublevels
Energy No. of Sublevels
Level Sublevels
n=1 1 1s
n=2 2 2s, 2p
n=3 3 3s, 3p, 3d
n=4 4 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f
Third Quantum Number
✔ Two (2) electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins
s Orbitals
• Spherical
• Each energy level has one s orbital
• Maximum number of electrons = 2
• 1s and 2s orbitals are similar in shape however electron density is closer to
the nucleus for the 1s orbital
p Orbitals
• Dumb-bell shape
• Each energy level has three (3) degenerate p orbitals i.e. three (3) orbitals
1.10 Determine the electronic configurations of atoms and
ions in terms of s, p and d orbitals
Electronic Configurations
How do we fill up energy
levels with electrons?
1. Aufbau Principle (Cont’d)
• Irregularity in the position
of the 3d and 4s orbitals
• The two (2) electrons in the same orbital must have opposite
3. Hund’s Rule
2. Orbital method
Symbol Electronic
Atomic Number
1 H 1s1
2 He 1s2 or [He]
3 Li [He] 2s1
4 Be [He] 2s2
5 B [He] 2s2 2p1
6 C [He] 2s2 2p2
7 N [He] 2s2 2p3
8 O [He] 2s2 2p4
9 F [He] 2s2 2p5
10 Ne [He] 2s2 2p6 or [Ne]
Electronic Configurations
Atomic Number Symbol Electronic Configuration
11 Na [Ne] 3s1
12 Mg [Ne] 3s2
13 Al [Ne] 3s2 3p1
14 Si [Ne] 3s2 3p2
15 P [Ne] 3s2 3p3
16 S [Ne] 3s2 3p4
17 Cl [Ne] 3s2 3p5
18 Ar [Ne] 3s2 3p6 or [Ar]
Electronic Configurations
Atomic Number Symbol Electronic Configuration
K is [Ar] 4s1
Ca is [Ar] 4s2
Sc is [Ar] 4s2 3d1
Filling up Orbitals
Electronic Configurations - Anomaly
At Sc, the 3d orbitals begin to fill up (recall Hund’s rule)
An s electron can jump into the d orbital, giving the atom two half-full shells for Cr
and one half full shell and a full shell for Cu, which is more stable configuration
Electronic Configurations - Anomaly
• Half-filled and filled sublevels of 3d orbitals decreases energy
• Spin pairing of the 4s orbital increases energy,Tool.vm/itemid/4001
Electron Configurations of Ions
Q. Write the E.C of Al3+
Aluminum loses three electrons when it forms an ion.
✔ The neutral atom of aluminum has 13 electrons
✔ The ion of aluminum, Al3+, has lost three electrons and only has 10.
✔ Thus, you should write the electron configuration for Al 3+ with 10
electrons 🡪 Al3+: 1s22s22p6 or [Ne]
✔ If the element is a cation (positive charge), you must subtract electrons from your
✔ If the element is an anion (negative charge), you must add electrons to your total
Electron Configurations of Ions (Cont’d)
Electrons are removed from the valence shell 4s orbitals before they are
removed from valence 3d orbitals when transition metals are ionized
1.11 State the factors which influence the first
ionisation energy of elements
Ionization Energy (I.E)
1st Ionization Energy of an element
Energy needed to convert 1 mole of its gaseous atoms into
gaseous ions with a single positive charge
• Three factors influence the I.E (how easily the electron is lost):
1. Atomic Radii
3. Nuclear Charge
1. Atomic Radii
• The I.E is influenced by the distance the outer electron is from the
• As distance increases:
✔ nuclear attraction for the outer electron decreases
✔ ionization energy decreases
Atomic radii (cont’d)
Cl 1255 99
B 800 85
Ga 578 135
Al 577 143
In 558 167
2. Shielding (Screening by inner electrons)
• As Zeff increases:
✔attraction of the nucleus for the outer electron increases
✔ ionization energy increases
Atomic radii and Electron shielding (screening of inner e-) can outweigh the
effect of nuclear charge
⮚ For eg. Cs has a larger nuclear charge than Na but a lower first I.E (loses
electron more readily) than Na
⮚1st I.Ecaesium = 376 kJ/mol and 1st I.Esodium = 496 kJ/mol
1.12 Explain how ionisation energy data provide evidence for
⚫ It relates to the next ionization energies after you have removed the first
electron (2nd, 3rd, 4th IE etc.)
What do you expect to observe for the values of the successive I.E in an
Successive I.E for Selected Elements
Evidence of Energy levels (Shells)
are 3 energy levels
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Evidence of Energy levels (Shells)
Successive I.Es can be used to:
✔ identify the group the atom is in by the number of outer (valence) shell electrons
✔ determine the number of electron shells in the atom
Ionization energy:
✔ increases across a
✔ decreases down a group
Variation of I.E across a period
✔ 1st I.E. of boron is smaller than beryllium (similarly Al smaller than Mg)
B 1s2 2s22p1
I.E. Anomaly ( O < N)
⮚ It requires less energy to remove a
paired electron with opposite spin