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Spreadsheets Learning A

David Oblie

 Spreadsheets is a computer program which can capture, display and

manipulate data arranged in a set of rows and columns. Spreadsheets are on
of the most popular tools which is available with personal computers.
 Spreadsheets is generally designed to hold numerical data and short text
 The reason spreadsheets are important is because it makes large amounts of
data easier to view, manage and analyse. The main reason to use
spreadsheets is to create budgets, produce graphs and charts, and for storing
and sorting data.
 The way schools benefit by using spreadsheets is by presenting information to
students and keeping data records for student progression and assessments.
 Spreadsheets will be really important If you want to work in any field,
especially in data, finance, marketing, and other areas related to budget
planning, performance reporting, and data entry.
Formulas and functions
The reason spreadsheets are important is
because it makes large amounts of data easier
to view, manage and analyse. The main reason
to use spreadsheets is to create budgets,
produce graphs and charts, and for storing and
sorting data.
Used the bar to type in the formula
needed to calculate the money by
typing for example=SUM(F2,F4)

I used it to calculate the

 Charts is a sheet of data giving
information in the form of a table or of
a list or by means of diagrams or
 The four main charts that are used for
information are line graphs, bar graphs
and histograms, pie charts and
cartesian graphs.
 How I used the charts to show that I
December he made more money and
which month he made the least.
Filter allows the user to organise the table
differently for example from A to Z or from Z to
A. This is mostly used by schools so that they can
quickly and more easily find what they are
looking and filter is also helpful as this will help
improve the accuracy of information displayed as
it will only show the information that was
specifically filtered.
Conditional formatting

 Conditional formatting is a tool used in excel which is used to change the

appearance of cells in a range based on your specified conditions.
 there are three other conditional formatting options, which are used to
help to help visualize your data bars, colour scales, and icon sets.
 Condition formatting helps detect specific data.

 Proofreading checks the spelling and fixes

the spelling mistakes. Proofreading can
help people who are fast at typing and
can help people who have a problem with
spelling and make tons of spelling
Images techniques
The user can use online images such as images of houses by going to the
insert section on excel and pressing on online pictures.
The reason online images are important on excel is because it adds visuals
to make it easier to read and to what type of house it is, for example what
the rent, electricity bill will be and if it has a pool and other expenses .
Keyboard tools and techniques

 To access the keyboard shortcuts

in excel is by clicking on the help
section on excel and then click on
keyboard shortcuts. The benefit
of using keyboard shortcuts is
that It will help work more
quickly and more efficiently,
Design techniques/tools

 Fonts can be used to use different writing techniques which can help with
making the users documents look more appealing and for some people make
it easier to read and digest the information.
 The colours in excel is useful as it allows the user to visually group and
differentiate data.

 You can copy and past links onto the excel

 This creates a quicker and easier way to jump
to another location without having to go on the
internet and type.
Help tool

 When you press the help section on excel another help

button will appear and the use of it is to explain to the
user all the tools in detail and help people who have never
used excel before.

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