Bfa 2203 Stock Assessment 2018
Bfa 2203 Stock Assessment 2018
Bfa 2203 Stock Assessment 2018
Ssempijja Drake
Department of Zoology, Entomology and
Fisheries Sciences
Makerere University
What is a fish?
A fish can be described as a poikilothermic aquatic
chordate with appendages (when present) developed as
fins, whose chief respiratory organs are gills and whose
body is usually covered with scales.
What is a fishery?
• A fishery is defined generically as a system composed
of three interacting components: the aquatic
organisms (e.g., Fish), the aquatic habitat, and the
human users of these renewable natural resources.
• Moderately exploited:
exploited Exploited with a low level of
fishing effort. Believed to have some limited potential
for expansion in total production;
• Fully exploited:
exploited The fishery is operating at or close to
an optimal yield level, with no expected room for
further expansion;
• Overexploited:
Overexploited The fishery is being exploited at
above a level which is believed to be sustainable
in the long term, with no potential room for
further expansion and a higher risk of stock
• Depleted:
Depleted Catches are well below historical
levels, irrespective of the amount of fishing effort
• Recovering:
Recovering Catches are again increasing after
having been depleted
What is fisheries management?
• Fisheries management is the manipulation of aquatic
organisms, their habitat and the human users of the
resources to ensure the attainment and continued
satisfaction of human needs for the present and future
generations in an environmentally non-degrading,
technically appropriate, economically viable, and
socially acceptable manner.
2) Economic objectives
3) Social objectives
4) Recreational objectives
Why manage a fishery?
1) Biological and conservation objectives
• Determining the biomass and survival of fish in the cohort
Growth Curve
Number or Weight
Survival Curve
• The growth law shows the corresponding body weight
increases as the cohort ages. WHILE,
The survival law demonstrates the decline in survival as a
function of the age of the cohort.
Biological Objective: Biomass curve
Number or Weight
• In the natural environment, the relationship of the two
laws can be shown as a biomass curve.
• The first half of the curve draws an exponential growth in total body weight of fish
and as maturity is reached the maximum biomass , and will be at Point X.
• Fisheries are not only about landing fish and making money
out of it, but also about employing people and making sure
that those involved in the fishery make a living that is
adequate and sustainable.
Fishing activity
Fish stock
Regulations Formulation
The fish stock assessment process
• Fish stock assessment aims at describing the link between
input and output using models.
(observation) (model) (observation)
•Biological data
– Analytical models also need inputs on size at maturity,
fecundity at size, weight at length
– Information on seasonality of spawning, feeding, growth and
recruitment can also be useful for guiding the use of closed
seasons in the fishery
How the data is collected
• Data used in stock assessments can be categorized as either
fishery-dependent or fishery independent.
Self-reporting (fishers)
On board observers
Portside surveys/ sampling
Telephone surveys or vessel-monitoring systems.
Log Books and Vessel Trip Reports
• Fishery-independent data are derived from activities that
do not involve the commercial or recreational harvest of
fish, such as:
dN / dt = rN
dN/dt = rN
dN/dt = change in population size with
change in time;
r = the instantaneous growth rate.
Three approaches:
15 mm – Age0
76 mm – Age1
123 mm – Age2
Otoliths and Ageing:
Tilapia aged using the sagittal otoliths, which are
located directly behind their brain.
Processing Tilapia Otoliths for Aging
A) Length frequency
C) Chemical marking
Age validation
A) Length frequency
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
W = 0.000001871(L 3.370)