HRM549 Chapter 3
HRM549 Chapter 3
HRM549 Chapter 3
Chapter 3
6th Edition
Raymond A. Noe
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Discuss the importance to conduct training needs
Identify different methods used in needs assessment
and identify the advantages and disadvantages of each
Discuss the concerns of upper- and mid-level
managers and trainers in needs assessment
Organization analysis:
Elaborate major components of organization to be analysed
Person analysis:
Explain how personal characteristics, input, output,
consequences, and feedback influence performance and
Create conditions to ensure that employees are receptive to
Task Analysis:
Discuss the steps involved in conducting a task analysis
Analyze task analysis data to determine the tasks for which
people need to be trained
Explain competency models and the process used to develop
The design process begins with a needs assessment
Needs assessment: Process used to determine
whether training is necessary
Organizational analysis: Determines the
appropriateness of training, given the company’s
business strategy and resources
Person analysis: Determines
Whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of
knowledge, skill, or ability
Who needs training
Employee readiness for training 3-4
Task analysis: Identifies the important tasks and knowledge,
skills, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training
for employees to complete their tasks
Why is Needs Assessment Necessary?
Training may be incorrectly used as a solution to a
performance problem
Training programs may have the wrong content,
objectives, or methods
Trainees may be sent to training programs for which
they do not have the basic skills, prerequisite skills,
or confidence needed to learn
Why is Needs Assessment Necessary?
Training will not deliver the expected learning,
behavior change, or financial results that the company
Money will be spent on training programs that are
unnecessary because they are unrelated to the
company’s business strategy
Figure 3.1 – Causes and Outcomes of Needs
Who Should Participate in Needs Assessment
Upper level managers, mid-level managers and trainers
are involved in training needs assessment process.
Upper level managers are concerned on whether training
is related to business strategy
Middle level manager are concerned on how training
may affect the attainment of financial goals
Trainers should ensure training is aligned with the
business strategy. Therefore they use TNA information to
administer, develop and support training programs.
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Table 3.1 – Key Concerns of Upper-Level and Mid-
Level Managers and Trainers in Needs Assessment
Who Should Participate in Needs Assessment
Subject-matter experts (SMEs): Employees,
academics, managers, technical experts, trainers, and
even customers or suppliers who are knowledgeable
with regard to
Training issues
Knowledge, skills, and abilities required for successful
task performance
Necessary equipment and conditions under which task
has to be performed
Who Should Participate in Needs Assessment
Job incumbents: Employees who are currently
performing the job
It is important to get a sample of job incumbents
involved in the needs assessment because:
They tend to be most knowledgeable about the job
They can be a great hindrance to the training process if
they do not feel they have had input in the process
Table 3.2 – Needs Assessment Techniques and
Their Advantages and Disadvantages
Table 3.2 – Advantages and Disadvantages of
Needs Assessment Methods/Techniques
Historical data review provides information regarding
current performance levels. This method is suitable for
newly created jobs.
Online technology is available to monitor and track
employee performance
Focus groups: Type of SME interview that involves a face-to-
face meeting with groups of SMEs in which the questions that
are asked relate to specific training needs
Crowdsourcing: Asking a large group of employees to help
provide information for needs assessment that they are not
traditionally asked to do
Benchmarking: Using information about other companies’
training practices to help determine the appropriate type, level,
and frequency of training
Because no one technique of conducting needs assessment is
superior to the others, multiple methods are used.
Figure 3.2 - The Needs Assessment Process
Organizational Analysis
Person Analysis
Helps to identify employees who need training
The need for training may result from the pressure
Readiness for training: Refers to whether:
Employees have the personal characteristics necessary
to learn program content and apply it on the job
The work environment will facilitate learning and not
interfere with performance
Person Analysis
This process includes evaluating person
characteristics, input, output, consequences, and
A major pressure point for training is substandard or
poor performance
Another potential indicator of the need for training is
if the job changes such that current levels of
performance need to be improved or employees must
be able to complete new tasks
Figure 3.3 – Process for Analyzing the Factors That Influence
Employee Performance and Learning
Person Characteristics
• Basic Skills
– Cognitive Ability
– Reading Level
• Self-efficacy
• Awareness of Training Needs, Career Interests, Goals,er
• Age & Generation
• Understand What, How, When to Perform
• Situational Constraints
• Social Support
• Opportunity to Perform
• Expectations for Learning and Performance
• Norms
• Benefits
• Rewards
• Frequency
• Specificity
• Detail
Motivation to Learn
Job Performance 3-20
Person Characteristics
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Basic Skills
Skills that are necessary for employees to perform on
the job and learn the content of training programs
Cognitive ability
Reading skills
Writing skills
Cognitive Ability
Includes three dimensions:
Verbal comprehension, quantitative ability, and
reasoning ability
Trainees’ level of cognitive ability also can influence
how well they can learn in training programs
To identify employees without the cognitive ability to
succeed on the job, companies use paper-and-pencil
cognitive ability tests
Reading Ability
Readability: Difficulty level of written materials
Readability assessment usually involves analysis of
sentence length and word difficulty
If trainees’ reading level does not match the level
needed for the training materials, four options are
Trainers can determine whether it is feasible to lower
the reading level of training materials or on-the-job
Reading Ability
Employees without the necessary reading level could be
identified through reading tests and reassigned to other
positions more congruent with their skill levels
Using reading tests, trainers can identify employees
who lack the necessary reading skills and provide them
with remedial training
Alternative training methods need to be considered, or
managers can elect a nontraining option
To develop basic skills or close the skills gap, many
companies are engaging in skills assessment, training,
or a combination of the two
Employees’ belief that they can perform their job or
learn the content of the training program successfully
Employees’ self-efficacy level can be increased by:
Letting employees know the purpose of training
Providing as much information as possible about the
training program and the purpose of training prior to the
actual training
Showing employees the training success of their peers
who are now in similar jobs
Providing employees with feedback that learning is
under their control and they have the ability and the
responsibility to overcome any learning difficulties they
experience in the program
Awareness of Training Needs, Career
Interests, and Goals
Managers should communicate the link between
training and improvement of skill weaknesses or
knowledge deficiencies
Employees need to be given a choice of what
programs to attend and must understand how actual
training assignments are made to maximize
motivation to learn
Awareness of Training Needs, Career
Interests, and Goals
To ensure that the work environment enhances
trainees’ motivation to learn:
Provide materials, time, job-related information, and
other work aids necessary for employees to use new
skills or behavior before participating in training
Speak positively about the company’s training
programs to employees
Age and Generation
Millenniums and Generation Y (born after 1980):
Optimistic, willing to work and learn, and technology-
Gen Xers (1965 to 1980): Need feedback and
flexibility; they dislike close supervision
Baby boomers (1946 and 1964): Competitive,
hardworking, and concerned that all employees be
fairly treated
Traditionalists (1925 and 1945): Patriotic and loyal;
great deal of knowledge of the history of
organizations and work life 3-30
Refers to the perceptions of employees about:
Situational constraints: Include lack of proper tools
and equipment, materials and supplies, budgetary
support, and time
Social support: Managers’ and peers’ willingness to
provide feedback and reinforcement
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One way to motivate employees to learn and perform is
employees should aware on type of incentives that they will
receive for performing well
Employees will be unlikely to perform well if they
perceives rewards or incentives is inadequate, even if they
have the necessary KSA.
For employees to perform to standard, feedback needs
to be given frequently, not just during a yearly
performance evaluation
Determining Whether Training is the Best
If employees lack the knowledge and skill to perform
a job and the other factors are satisfactory, training is
If employees have the knowledge and skill to perform
but input, output, consequences, or feedback is
inadequate, training may not be the best solution
Task Analysis
Job: Specific position requiring the completion of
certain tasks
Task: Employee’s work activity in a specific job
Knowledge – Includes facts or procedures
Skill – Indicates competency in performing a task
Ability – Includes the physical and mental capacities
to perform a task
Other - conditions under which tasks are performed
(e.g equipment, environment, time constraint,etc)
Task Analysis
Task analysis should be undertaken only after the
organizational analysis has done.
Steps involved in a task analysis
Select the job or jobs to be analyzed
Develop a preliminary list of tasks performed on the job
Interviewing and observing expert employees and their
Talking with others who have performed a task analysis
Validate or confirm the preliminary list of tasks
Once the tasks have been identified, it is important to
identify the knowledge, skills, or abilities necessary to 3-36
Key points to remember when
conducting task analysis
A task analysis should identify both what employees are
actually doing and what they should be doing on the job
Task analysis begin by breaking the job into duties and tasks
Use more than two methods for collecting task information
to increase the validity of the analysis
Information needs to be collected from SMEs, including job
incumbents, managers and employees familiar with the job
Should focus on tasks that can accomplish company’s goal
and objectives.
Competency Models
Identifies the competencies necessary for each job
Competency models provide descriptions of
competencies that are common for an entire
occupation or organization
They can be used for:
Performance management
Identifying the best employees to fill open positions
Figure 3.5 - Process Used in Developing a
Competency Model
Competency Models
Competency models are useful for training and
development in several ways
Identify behaviors needed for effective job performance
Evaluate the relationship between the company’s
current training programs and present needs
Provide a framework for ongoing coaching and
feedback to develop employees for current and future
Help in succession planning
Help integrate and align the company’s HR systems
and practices 3-40
Scope of Needs Assessment
Most organization skipped TNA due to its lengthy
process, however it is necessary to determine if a
problem or pressure point exist and to identify
whether training is the best solution.
Rapid needs assessment: Needs assessment that is
done quickly and accurately, but without sacrificing
the quality of the process or the outcomes
There are several ways to conduct a rapid needs
Scope of needs assessment depends on the size of the
potential pressure point
Scope of Needs Assessment
Consider using already available data collected for
other purposes e.g sales data, customer complaints, etc
If business problems, technological developments, and
other issues facing the organization are attuned to,
training needs can be anticipated