System Protection

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Name : Mohammed Omar A Farooq

Roll No. : 22GE1A0554

Subject : Operating System
Section : 1
Batch : CSE
System Protection
Ensuring Security and Integrity in Computing Systems

This presentation will explore the essential concepts of

system protection, including the definition, importance,
and key aspects of safeguarding the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of computing systems.
Introduction to System Protection
1 What is System 2 Safeguarding 3 Proactive Approach
Protection? Critical Assets
Effective system
System protection System protection aims protection involves a
refers to the measures to protect an proactive strategy to
and controls that organization's most identify, assess, and
ensure the valuable assets, such mitigate risks before
confidentiality, as data, applications, they can cause harm.
integrity, and and infrastructure,
availability of from various threats
information and and vulnerabilities.
computing resources.
Definition of System Protection

Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Ensuring that sensitive Maintaining the accuracy, Ensuring that authorized
information is accessed completeness, and users have reliable and
only by authorized trustworthiness of data timely access to
individuals or entities. and systems. information and
resources when needed.
Importance of System Protection
Data Security Business Continuity Reputation and Trust
Protecting sensitive data Effective system Robust system protection
from unauthorized protection helps safeguards an organization's
access, modification, or organizations maintain reputation and builds trust
loss is crucial for operational efficiency and with customers, partners,
maintaining privacy and prevent disruptions to and stakeholders.
compliance. critical business
Key Aspects of System Protection
1 Risk Assessment
Identifying and evaluating potential threats, vulnerabilities, and their
associated risks to the computing system.

2 Controls and Countermeasures

Implementing appropriate security controls and countermeasures to
mitigate identified risks and protect the system.

3 Monitoring and Incident Response

Continuously monitoring the system for anomalies and having an
effective incident response plan to handle security breaches.
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Ensuring that sensitive Maintaining the accuracy, Ensuring that authorized
information is accessible only completeness, and users have reliable and timely
to authorized individuals or trustworthiness of data and access to information and
entities. systems. resources when needed.
Threats to Computing Systems

Malware Unauthorized Data Breaches Denial of Service

Access (DoS)
Malicious software, Incidents where
such as viruses, Attempts by sensitive or Attacks that aim to
worms, and attackers to gain confidential disrupt the normal
trojans, that can unauthorized information is functioning of a
compromise the access to systems, accessed, system or network,
confidentiality, networks, or data, disclosed, or stolen making it
integrity, and often through without unavailable to
availability of exploiting authorization. authorized users.
systems. vulnerabilities.
Implementing Effective System Protection
Access Controls Implementing robust authentication
mechanisms and authorization policies to
control who can access systems and data.

Encryption Protecting sensitive data by converting it

into a coded format that can only be
accessed by authorized individuals with the
correct decryption keys.

Firewalls Monitoring and controlling incoming and

outgoing network traffic to prevent
unauthorized access and detect potential

Backups and Disaster Recovery Regularly backing up data and having a plan
to restore systems and data in the event of a
disaster or security breach.
In conclusion, system protection is vital for maintaining the security,
integrity, and availability of information systems. By implementing
regular updates, robust security measures, user education, strict
access controls, and reliable backup systems, organizations can
effectively safeguard against threats and ensure continuous operation.
A comprehensive approach to system protection is essential for
mitigating risks and protecting valuable data and resources.

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