CSE211 Lecture 7
CSE211 Lecture 7
CSE211 Lecture 7
Java is a true object oriented language and therefore the underlying
structure of all Java programs is classes. Anything we wish to
represent in a Java program must be encapsulated in a class that
defines the state and behavior of the basic program.
Any entity that has state and behavior is known as an object. i.e. a
chair, pen, table, keyboard, bike, etc. It can be physical or logical.
An Object can be defined as an instance of a class. An object
contains an address and takes up some space in memory. Objects
can communicate with one another.
The state of an object consists of a set of data fields (also known
as properties) with their current values.
The behavior of an object is defined by a set of methods.
Example: A dog is an object because it has states like color, name,
breed, etc. as well as behaviors like wagging the tail, barking, eating,
A class is a group of objects which have common properties. It is a
template or blueprint from which objects are created. It is a logical
entity not physical.
A class defines a set of attributes and behaviors that are common
to all objects of that class, and objects created from that class
inherit these attributes and behaviors. This allows for a more
organized and efficient way of representing real-world objects and
their properties in a program.
For example, you could have a class called "Car" that defines the
attributes of a car such as make, model, year, and color, as well as
behaviors such as starting the engine and driving. Each individual
car that you create from the Car class would have its own unique
values for the attributes, but they would all inherit the same
behaviors defined in the class.
In this way, classes serve as a logical abstraction, allowing you to
represent complex real-world objects in a clear and organized
manner, without having to specify all of their details every time
you create an instance of the object.
Object & Class
Class Name: Circle A class template
Data Fields:
radius is _______
Class declaration
A class is a template for manufacturing objects. You
declare a class by specifying the class keyword
followed by a non-reserved identifier that names it. A
pair of matching open and close brace characters
({ and }) follow and delimit the class's body.
Declaring Object Reference Variables
To reference an object, assign the object to a reference
ClassName objectRefVar;
Circle myCircle;
Declaring/Creating Objects
in a Single Step
ClassName objectRefVar = new ClassName();
Assign object reference Create an object
Circle myCircle = new Circle();
To access these variables, you will use the dot (.) operator.
The dot operator links the name of the object with the name
of an instance variable.
Simple Example of Object and Class
1.class Student{
2. //defining fields
3. int id; //field or data member or instance variable
4. String name;
5. //creating main method inside the Student class
6. public static void main(String args[]){
7. //Creating an object or instance
8. Student s1=new Student(); //creating an object of Student
9. //Printing values of the object
10. System.out.println(s1.id); //accessing member through reference variable
11. System.out.println(s1.name);
12. }
The new keyword is used to allocate
memory at runtime
Default Value for a Data Field
The default value of a data field is null for a String
type, 0 for a numeric type, false for a boolean type,
empty character for a char type, 0.0 for float and
double type. However, Java assigns no default
value to a local variable inside a method.
Java Program to demonstrate having the
main method in another class
1.class Student{
2. int id;
3. String name;
Creating another class TestStudent1 which contains the main method
6.class TestStudent1{
7. public static void main(String args[]){
8. Student s1=new Student();
9. System.out.println(s1.id);
10. System.out.println(s1.name);
11. }
3 Ways to initialize object
Initialization through reference
1.class Student{
2. int id;
3. String name;
5.class TestStudent3{
6. public static void main(String args[]){
7. //Creating objects
8. Student s1=new Student();
9. Student s2=new Student();
10. //Initializing objects
11. s1.id=101;
12. s1.name=“Rahim"; Output:
13. s2.id=102; 101 Rahim
14. s2.name=“Samia"; 102 Samia
15. //Printing data
16. System.out.println(s1.id+" "+s1.name);
17. System.out.println(s2.id+" "+s2.name);
18. }
3 Ways to initialize object
Initialization through method
1.class Student{
2. int rollno;
3. String name;
4. void insertRecord(int r, String n){
5. rollno=r;
6. name=n;
7. }
8. void displayInformation(){System.out.println(rollno+" "+name);}
10.class TestStudent4{
11. public static void main(String args[]){
12. Student s1=new Student();
13. Student s2=new Student();
14. s1.insertRecord(101,“Rahim"); Output:
15. s2.insertRecord(102,“Samia"); 101 Rahim
16. s1.displayInformation(); 102 Samia
17. s2.displayInformation();
18. }
Constructor in Java
Constructor in Java
Constructor in Java
Java Default Constructor
A constructor that have no parameter is known as default constructor.
class Bike1{
System.out.println("Bike is created");
public static void main(String args[]){
Bike1 b=new Bike1();
Bike is created
Rule: If there is no constructor in a class, compiler
automatically creates a default constructor. 21
Java parameterized constructor
Example of parameterized constructor
class Student4{
int id;
String name;
Example of Constructor Overloading
class Student5{
int id;
String name;
int age;
Student5(int i, String n){
id = i;
name = n;
Student5(int i, String n, int a){
id = i; Output:
name = n; 111 Karan 0
age=a; 222 Aryan 25
void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name+" "+age);}
Difference between constructor and
method in java
Java Constructor Java Method
Constructor must not have return Method may or may not have return
type. type.
Java Copy Constructor
Copying values with constructor
class Student6{
int id;
String name;
Creating multiple objects by one type
1.class Rectangle{
2. int length;
3. int width;
4. void insert(int l, int w){
5. length=l;
6. width=w;
7. }
8. void calculateArea(){System.out.println(length*width);}
10.class TestRectangle1{
11. public static void main(String args[]){
12. Rectangle r1=new Rectangle();
13. Rectangle r2=new Rectangle();
14. r1.insert(11,5);
15. r2.insert(3,15);
16. r1.calculateArea();
17. r2.calculateArea(); Output:
19.} 55
Creating multiple objects by one type only
Assigning Object Reference Variables
Box b1 = new Box();
Box b2 = b1;
You might think that b2 is being assigned a reference to a copy
of the object referred to by b1. That is, you might think that
b1 and b2 refer to separate and distinct objects.
radius = 1
Copying Variables of Primitive
Data Types and Object Types
Primitive type assignment i = j
Before: After:
i 1 i 2
j 2 j 2
Before: After:
c1 c1
c2 c2
Garbage Collection
As shown in the previous figure, after the assignment statement
c1 = c2, c1 points to the same object referenced by c2. The
object previously referenced by c1 is no longer referenced. This
object is known as garbage. Garbage is automatically collected
by JVM.
Java Object as parameter
This program
generates the
following output:
ob1 == ob2: true
ob1 == ob3: false
Java Object as parameter
When you pass an object to a method, the situation
changes dramatically, because objects are passed by
what is effectively call-by-reference.
Keep in mind that when you create a variable of a class
type, you are only creating a reference to an object. Thus,
when you pass this reference to a method, the parameter
that receives it will refer to the same object as that
referred to by the argument.
This effectively means that objects act as if they are
passed to methods by use of call-by-reference. Changes to
the object inside the method do affect the object used as
an argument. For example, consider the following
This program generates the
following output:
class Operation2{
int data=50;
The output generated by this program
is shown here:
ob1.a: 2
ob2.a: 12
ob2.a after second increase: 22