History of The Jewish People by Slidesgo
History of The Jewish People by Slidesgo
History of The Jewish People by Slidesgo
Feito por:
Ana Silva nº1
Clarisse Costa nº5
Francisco Pinto nº8
Maria Bessa nº17
Sérgio Magalhães nº20
1 História e Fundador
5 Templo e sìmbolo
Nome do Deus e Livro sagrado
O Deus do Judaísmo tem muitos nomes mas é mais conhecido como YHWH outros nomes que pode
ter são : Tetagrama Sagrado,Yahweh, Yehowah etc
O Nome do Livro Sagrado é Tóra (do hebraico ּתֹוָר ה- tōrāh Sefardita, tōruh Ashkenazi; ) que significa leis
Doutrina/Fé; Cidade Santa
Os Judeus acreditam num único Deus-
Yahvé, criador do céu e da terra, próximo
do Homen. O seu principal dever é estudar
a lei de Yahvé, a Tora.
A cidade Santa do judaismo é Jerusalém,
onde fica localizado o muro das
Dia Santo (semanal) Festas
05 Templo (nome) e símbolo
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the
Solar System—it’s only a bit larger than the Moon
Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun. It’s
hot and has a poisonous atmosphere
Here are three important ideas
Mercury Mars
Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun and
Venus is actually a cold place.
the smallest of them all Venus has a beautiful It’s full of iron oxide
name and is the second dust
planet from the Sun
Divide the content in four ideas
Mars Venus
Mars is actually a very Venus has extremely
cold place high temperatures
Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant and
planet of them all has several rings
Six important concepts
333,000 386,000 km
The Sun’s mass compared to Earth’s Distance between Earth and the Moon
Let’s use some percentages
01 02 03 04
Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter
Mercury is the closest Venus is the second Despite being red, Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun planet from the Sun Mars is actually a planet in the Solar
cold place System
Infographics are useful
Mars Venus
Mars is actually a very cold Venus has extremely high
place temperatures
Mercury Saturn
Mercury is the closest Saturn is a gas giant and
planet to the Sun has several rings
Tables represent your data
Celebration Date About
Mercury is the smallest
Shabbat XX/XX/XX
planet of them all
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Mars is actually a very cold
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Our team
Mark Jones
You can speak a bit about this
person here
Kaliyah Harris
You can speak a bit about this
person here
Pie charts are useful
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
You can use this infographic
Venus is the second planet
from the Sun 60%
Jupiter is a gas giant and
the biggest planet in the
Solar System. It’s the Earth
fourth-brightest object in
the night sky Earth is the only planet
known to harbor life 40%
Maps are easy to use
Earth Mars
Earth is the planet Mars is actually a
with life very cold place
Jupiter Venus
Jupiter is a huge gas Venus has a very
giant toxic atmosphere
Another timeline may be helpful
Mars is actually a very
cold place Mars 01
Saturn was named after a
02 Saturn Roman god
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Yom Kippur
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Saturn is a gas giant and has
29 30 1 2 3 4 5 several rings
Arrange the data
Main topic
● Sukkot frame template
● Sukkot elements collection
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● Crop woman with menorah
Vectors ● Portrait of handsome bearded man
● Sukkot background ● Stylish afroamerican lady studio shot
● Sukkot elements collection ● Front view of person holding hamsa p
● Illustration of people celebrating sukk endant in hand
● Flat european map with blue backgro
● Icon Pack: Judaism | Filled
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