Family Planning Methods
Family Planning Methods
Family Planning Methods
Barrier method:
1. Physical method
Male condom
Female condom
2. Chemical methods
Foam, Cream, Jellies, paste
Male condom:
It is a thin film cover that is placed over the penis.
Effectiveness: 82%-98%
Female condom:
It is a soft loose pouch that is inserted into the vagina. Male Condom
Flexible ring at each end hold it in place.
Effectiveness: 79-95%
Female condom
Advantage of condoms:
Easily available, safe and inexpensive.
Use does not required medical supervision.
Provide protection against STD.
Disadvantage of condoms:
May slip off or tear off.
Decrease sexual sensation.
• It is a soft silicone dome or cap that cover the cervix and
prevent sperm passing through cervix.
• It is used with spermicide gel.
• Protection last for 2 hours and need to be left in for 6
hours after sex.
• Effectiveness: 82%-92% Diaphragm
Cervical Cap:
• A soft silicone cup holding spermicide designed to fit over Diaphragm
the cervix and prevent sperm passing through cervix.
• It is used with spermicide gel.
• Effectiveness: 77%
• It protects for 62 hours and need to stay in at least 6
hours after sex. Cervical Cap
• It is a reusable device.
Contraceptic Sponge
• It is a small round sponge made from soft,
squishy plastic.
• It covers cervix and block uterus so sperm
can’t go to egg.
• It is used with spermicide.
• It protects 42 hours and need to stay in at
least 6 hour after sex. Contraceptic sponge
• Effectiveness: 94%
Chemical Methods: (Spermicide)
• It’s a chemical that destroys sperm, inserted vaginal prior to
intercourse to prevent pregnancy.
• Key ingredient is Nonoxynol 9, Octoxynol 3 and Ricinolic acid.
• Available in different from like foam, cream, gel or paste.
• Effectiveness: 72%-91%
Surgical method
• Fallopian tubes identified, cut, cut end
ligated and buried.
Laparoscopic Occlusion:
• Tubes occluded using silicon rubber
bands, rings or clips.
• Method: quicker, simple and no need to
Male Sterilization
One cm. vas deference removed after
Both end ligated and sutured.
M/A: Entry of sperm into semen
• Sperm production and hormones not effected.
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