Presentation of Finance Bill - 2022-2023
Presentation of Finance Bill - 2022-2023
Presentation of Finance Bill - 2022-2023
Review of
National Budget
1 Budget Snapshot
The total allocation for non-developmental expenditure is estimated to be BDT 3,732 bn NBR Tax Revenue 3,700 3,300 3,300
(55% of total expenditure), while the allocation for ADP is BDT 2,460 bn. Agriculture & Non-NBR Tax Revenue 180 160 160
Rural Development, Communication Infrastructure and Human Resources have been given
the highest priority as 29.3% of ADP has been allocated to human resources sectors Non-Tax Revenue 450 430 430
(education, health and other related sectors), 28% to communication infrastructure and Public Expenditure (B): 6,780 5,935 6,037
22% to the agriculture sector (agriculture, rural development, water resources, and
related others). Nearly 33% of the projected revenue earnings will come from VAT, while Non-dev Expenditure 3,732 3,406 3,288
28% will come from income tax. Dev. Expenditure 2,596 2,219 2,371
ADP 2,460 2,099 2,253
The fiscal deficit is estimated to be BDT 2,451 billion (5.5% of GDP, up 19% from last FY).
40% of the deficit (BDT 1,096 bn) is expected to be financed from external sources and the Others 452 310 378
remaining 60% from domestic sources (BDT 1,063 bn, 43% Bank borrowing, 16% non-bank Budget Deficit (B-A): 2,451 2,045 2,147
borrowing). The Government has also proposed to keep the expenditure-to-GDP ratio at
15.2%. Financing:
Domestic Sources 1,463 1,243 1,135
The GDP growth target has been set at a staggering 7.5% and while the inflation target is
5.5%. To spur growth the government has proposed a reduction of tax for non-listed Bank Borrowing 1,063 873 765
companies to 27.5% from 30.0% and the rate for listed companies to 20.0% from 22.5% Non Bank 400 370 370
for FY22.
Ext. Borrowing 987 802 1,012
9 Individual Taxation (Unchanged)
Minimum Taxable Income for Individual Tax Payer Income Range (BDT) Applicable Rate
0 – 3 Lakh Nil
3 Lakh - 4 Lakh 5%
4 Lakh – 7 Lakh 10%
7 Lakh – 11 Lakh 15%
General Tax Women, Senior 11 Lakh – 16 Lakh 20%
Payer BDT Citizen (≥65 years) and 16 Lakh+ 25%
300,000 Third Gender
BDT As a part of relieving people from tax burden an to motivate people for better
350,000 tax-compliance, in proposed budget people from both lower and higher income
group slabs will continue to get 5% lower applicable tax rate from that of FY’20.
Other than One Person Company 25.0% 22.5%* All sorts of Tobacco 45.0% +
Tobacco Manufacturing Company 2.5%
Company Association of persons 30.0% 27.5%* Companies
(including cigarette, bidi, gul, (surcharge)
*All receipts and income must be transacted through bank transfer. Failure to do so will require existing
chewing tobacco)
tax rates for Publicly Traded Company that raised>10% of its Paid-up capital through IPO, Non-publicly
traded company, One Person Company and Association of persons Publicly Traded Mobile Operator 40.0% Unchanged
** 2.5% higher tax rates i.e. 25.0% will be applicable for Publicly Traded Company (Raised <10% of its
Paid-up capital through IPO) Non-publicly traded Mobile
45.0% Unchanged
Operator Company
Private university, medical, dental
15.0% Unchanged
and engineering college
Corporate tax rate has been reduced by 2.5% for both Publicly traded and Non-publicly Traded Manufacturing Companies. Corporate tax rates of Banks,
Insurance, FIs and Merchant Banks, Tobacco Manufacturing Companies and Telecom Companies have been kept unchanged. However, government seems to
encourage transactions through banking channels and failure to do so will result in higher tax rates for the organizations. Moreover, tax rates for One Person
Company and Association of Persons have also been reduced with the same condition that transactions need to be done through formal banking channel.
Capital Market Impacts
Proposed Initiatives
• Corporate Tax rate: 2.5% lower tax rates of listed companies with 10% IPO size of total
paid-up capital.
• Tax on dividend income: Dividend income of the company remained unchanged at
20% but individual investors shall be taxed at their respective tax rates. Previously such
taxes were exempted up to BDT 50,000.
• Taxation on interest from government securities : Imposition of capital gain tax on
govt. securities which were previously tax free
• Returning capital flight: Initiatives to bring back undisclosed asset located abroad with
7% tax only, without any question.
• Increased profitability of listed companies having more than 10% IPO share/tradable
• Tax on dividend income for individual investors will discourage capital
market investments.
• Introduction of capital gain tax on govt. securities make it less attractive to invest in
govt. securities
• Option to bring back cash & equivalent undisclosed asset from abroad with 7% tax may
encourage injecting money flow in the economy.
13 Capital Market Impacts (Cont’d)
12% tax rate for all non-RMG companies exporting goods. SPCERAMICS SQURPHARMA
10% tax rate for all non-RMG green industries exporting goods and services. APEXFOOT JMISMDL
15 Positively Impacted Sectors
Policy Measures Increase of import duty on winding wire of copper from 5% to 10%.
Reduction in the supplementary duty from 45% to 0% on Wire Rod
Rate of tax at source on supply of raw materials to manufacturers has and reduction in custom duty from 10% to 5% on M.S. bars & rods
been cut from 7% to 4% imported by electrode or wire drawing manufacturing industry
VAT at the trading stage for M.S. products at Tk 200 per metric ton
instead of Tk 500 per metric ton
Reduction of tax from 5% to 3% on import of HR coil and zinc, raw
materials used for manufacturing galvanized iron sheet or steel products Comment
Reduction of import duty from 10% to 5% on Hot-Rolled Stainless-Steel
sheet as raw material Reduction of tax at source on supply of raw materials to manufacturers
Imposed 20% supplementary duty on imported GI fittings to ensure would improve the profitability of cement and steel products
protection of domestic industry manufacturers. Construction materials prices are expected fall and
25 percent import duty on all imported Steel Pipes consequently, construction cost may fall and would benefit the real
CD decreased from 10% to 5% for M.S. bars and rods imported by estate sector companies as well.
Industrial IRC holder Tax incentives offered to industries producing galvanized iron sheet,
VAT increased at manufacturing stage for MS products by Tk 200 steel products, and re-rolling mills will result in lower COGS and higher
per ton profit margins for the companies.
The existing VAT exemption at the stage of production of Concrete Local cable manufacturers will be more competitive.
Ready Mix has been withdrawn Production cost of local electrode manufacturers will decrease.
18 Positively Impacted Sectors
Policy Measures Comment
Imposition of 15% on laptop computer import. Domestic assembling and manufacturing of computers/ laptops, computer
Withdrawal of existing 5% VAT exemption at trading stage of mobile phone sets. accessories, other related ICT products and cellular phones will increase.
Increase the import duty on Cellular Phone Battery Charger from 15% to 25%. IT freelancing company & It enabled service providers will enjoy tax benefits.
Expansion of concessionary facilities for the import of computer accessories and
raw materials of ICT industry.
New sectors including cloud service, system integration, e-learning platform, e-
book publications, mobile application development service and IT freelancing
have been declared tax free.
Related Listed Companies: All the schedule banks and banks with MFS i.e. BRACBANK, DUTCHBANGL, TRUSTBANK, UCB, etc.
24 Neutral to Negatively Impacted Sectors
Policy Measures Increase in import duty to 5% from 1% on Lifts and Skip Hoists.
Extension of existing VAT exemption facility for production of
Withdrawing full exemption and imposition of 5% VAT at the local compressors of refrigerators and freezers till June 30, 2025.
manufacturing stage on refrigerators and freezers and to continue Reduction in the custom rates for the import of LED Light’s
existing exemption facilities on imported and local purchase of materials.
raw material and equipment till June 30, 2023.
Existing exemption facility has been expanded to the import of
raw materials used in producing refrigerator and air conditioner Comment
compressor, washing machines, and television. The overall production cost in local manufacturing of refrigerators
Reduction in the custom duty from 25% to 10% on Winding wire and freezers will go up.
of copper imported by Industrial IRC holder VAT compliant Cost of local compressor manufacturing will go down.
transformer and compressor manufacturing industry. Cost of local manufacturing of LCD/LED TV will decrease.
Reduction in custom duty from 25% to 10% on Metal frames for Local lift manufacturers will be more competitive.
LCD/LED TV panel imported by Industrial IRC holder VAT Production costs will decrease for local LED lights manufacturers.
compliant TV manufacturing industry.