S.2.3.Critical Thinkers Environment

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Critical Thinking & Intelectual

Critical thinking means correct thinking in
the pursuit of relevant and reliable knowledge
about the world.

Another way to describe CT ; it is

reasonable, reflective, responsible, and skillful
thinking that is focused on deciding what to
believe or do.(Schafersman.1991)
Certainly , a person who thinks critically …

- Is supposed to be of an outstanding ability to ask appropriate questions,

- A very efficient researcher for relevant information, however it is not
enough, because only a critical thinker can creatively sort through this
information and

- Can reason logically from this information, and

- Can reach reliable and trustworthy conclusions about the world .

As such , a critical thinker can understand the world ,

live and act successfully in it .
Critical thinking is not being able to process information well enough to react correctly
to daily common sense issues that are part of low order thinking, though they appear to
be somehow critical and useful , yet they do not go beyond personal needs for survival .

Supposedly all humans are relatively able to master this skills .


True critical thinking is higher-order thinking,

that enables an individual to be a responsible
citizen who contributes to society, and not be
merely a consumer of society's distractions.
Is critical thinking innate or aquired?
Are all humans critical thinkers?

No one is born with the power to think critically, nor

does he develop this ability naturally beyond survival-
level thinking.

Critical thinking is a learned ability that must be

taught. Most individuals never experience learning
critical thinking.

However, not all parents and neither peers in general

can teach critical thinking to one another , but

Only well Trained and knowledgeable teachers can

lead learners to proper information and skills.
Critical Thinking : Individual Potential &
Society Limitations

Critical thinkers have an ability to think for

themselves and are able to turn their thinking into
reliable and responsible decisions that in turn will
affect their lives.

It is a capacity of critical inquire that prompts individuals

to investigate problems and ask questions , propose
answers that challenge the status quo, question the
burden of authorities and traditional beliefs , reject dogmas
and doctrines and often succeed to wrestle power in
society .
However , not all societies tolerate critical thinking , but
only free, workable and thinking societies do.
Some cultures sometimes discourage critical thinkers and
any sort of learning, internalizing, and practicing scientific and
critical thinking is not welcome .

Most people tend to be mainstream submissive to

authorities most never question, not are curious, and do not
challenge authority figures who claim special knowledge or
insight. Most people, therefore, do not think for themselves,

tend rely on others to think for them they indulge in wishful,
hopeful, and emotional thinking, believing that what they
believe is true because they wish it, hope it, or feel it to be
Critical Thinking and its

People are daily challenged with everlasting problems that

have to solve or to cope with critical thinking skills are to be
labeled as problem solving skills that result in reliable

We all process information daily , but only critical thinkers do

process information skillfully , accurately, and rigorously…

and they are the ones that reach reliable , logical and
trustworthy conclusions upon which they can act or react
knowledgeably and predict what their decisions might ensue.

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