BaiTT Ielts
BaiTT Ielts
BaiTT Ielts
Group Xuân
1. Trà Giang
2. Đức Thành
3. Trịnh Xứ
4. Hạ Nguyễn
01 Character of Spring
What do you usually do in Spring ?
20 - 23°C
In the spring ,there can still be some chilly days.
Spring is a time of renewal and
Everything looks fresh ,new leaves
start sprouting from the trees.
What is the most iconic type of flower in Spring ?
peach blossoms apricot blossoms
How has the Spring
season changed ?
The weather in winter has low temperatures and not as much
sunshine as in spring.
Before winter there will be longer nights, but in spring there will be longer
There are many animals breeding such as
birds, rabbits or lambs.
Spring has come and winter is also the time
when the swallow wings stir with pink
kumquats and peach blossoms.
Spring - the season of growth is most clearly expressed in trees.
The warmth of spring spreads everywhere, causing young buds to rise to welcome the
warm rays of sunlight at the beginning of the year.
Go on picnics with my
stroll around the picnic area,
breathe in the fresh air, and
immerse myself in the lush
green grass
setting up the tents and
preparing the food