Accounting Principles
Accounting Principles
Accounting Principles
Accounting Principles..
Accounting Principles when accepted by accountants all over the worls, are known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. In this way, GAAP are the set of rules and guidelines used in accounting. Accounting Principles become GAAP when they satisfy following three criteria :-
Usefullness : The accounting principle should increase the usefulness of accounting records by making accounting information more meaningful. Objectivity : An accounting prnciple should be reliable and trustworthy in the sense that accounting information should be supported by facts and should not be influenced by personal bias. Feasibility : An accounting principle should be practical in sense that it can be implemented without any difficulty.
The term accounting concept includes those basic assumptions or conditions upon which the science of accounting is based.
At the end of each period, Final accounts of the firm is made (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) Facilitates comparing of financial statements of different periods. Helps in uniform and consistent accounting treatement for acertaining the profit and assets of the business. Matching of periodic revenues with expenses for getting correct result of the business operation is possible.
Thus we can say that, Increase in one asset decreases other asset. Increase in one asset situltaneously increases liability. Decrease in one asset increae another asset. Decrease in one asset decreases the liability Vice Versa
On the basis of this concept, proprietor is treated as a creditor for the businessWhen he contributes capital, he is treated as a person who has invested his amount in the business and therefore capital appears in the liability side of a balnce sheet of the proprietors business.