Uterine Fibroids

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ROLL No: 186

• Definition:
Benign Tumor that originates from
smooth muscle layer and accompanying connective
tissue of uterus is called uterine fibroid.
40% of women.

 Family History
 Nulliparous
 Obesity
oFibroids commonly are

i. Submucosal
ii. Intramural
iii. Sub serosal
iv. Cervical

oFibroids uncommonly arise from

Broad ligament of uterus.
• Growth of fibroids:
 Uterine fibroids are estrogen dependent.

 With advancing reproductive age , size of fibroid

• Regression of fibroids:
At menopause , estrogen level decreases . So, they
undergo degenerative changes.
 Three forms of degenerative changes:
1. Red: hemorrhagic and necrosis within fibroid.
2. Hyaline : Asymptomatic softening and liquefaction
of fibroid.
3. Cystic : Asymptomatic cystic spaces in center.
Clinical features:
1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.
2. Reproductive failure.
3. Subfertility.
4. Recurrent miscarriages.
5. Bulk effect on adjacent structures of pelvis.
6. Pressure and pain.
7. Bladder and bowl dysfunctioning.
8. Abdominal distension.
• Signs:
General signs of anemia
 Abdominal examination : Palpable abdominal mass
arising from pelvis.
 Pelvic Bimanual Examination : Enlarged , firm , smooth
, non tender , uterus palpable.
1.Transvaginal ultrasound scan:
A)Helps to detect and locate submucosal and
intramural Fibroids.
B) Helps to differentiate uterine fibroid from
ovarian tumor.
2. Transabdominal ultrasound scan:
Helps to detect intramural and sub serosal fibroids.
3.Saline infusion sonogram:
to confirm location of submucosal fibroids.
4. Hysteroscopy:
A) to detect submucosal fibroids.
B) to plan surgery
C) surgical hysteroscopy removes polyps , adhesions ,
submucosal fibroids.
5. MRI:
It demarcates morphology, size and location of uterine
1. Conservative treatment:
Aim of this is to;
i. Decrease size of fibroid.
ii. Blood loss.
A) To decrease size of fibroid
1.GnRH agonist: leuprolide
2.Selective progesterone receptor modulator : Ulipristal
3.Progesterone receptor antagonists: mifepristone.
4. Aromatase inhibitor: letrozole.
B)To decrease blood loss:
1.Transexamic acid/ Mefenamic acid.
2.Combined oral contraceptive pills.
3. Levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system.
2.Surgical Therapy :
A) Hysteroscopic myomectomy:
only for small submucosal fibroids.
B) Myomectomy.
Advantages: it spares fertility and treat heavy
mensturual bleeding.
Disadvantage: 1% of cases there is risk of heavy bleed
during surgery so there is possibility of unplanned
hysterectomy .
C) Hysterectomy:
Advantage: prevents fibroids recurrence.
Complications :
1. Sepsis.
2. Shock.
3. DVT.
4.bladder dysfunction.
5. bowel dysfunction
A) Uterine artery embolization:
B) Advanced techniques:
1) MRI guided transcutaneous focused ultrasound .
2) Trans cervical intrauterine ultrasound guided
radiofrequency ablation.

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