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E-Tax User Training

Training Steps

Introductio Demonstratio
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What is E-tax
 E-Tax is a web based large public application. It’s connect the tax payer
with tax authority by using internet.
 It’s linked to the SIGTAS database, so all saved activities occurring in e-
Tax will be registered in SIGTAS.
 E-Tax allows tax payers to file electronically, to see and print their
declaration on line.
E-TAX is consists of 2 sides:
- External users such that Tax
- Internal users such that
Administrators (E-tax
E-Tax Works
1. User Registration
2. Filing Declaration
3. Refund and Clearance Request
4. Tax Payer Information Updating
5. Tin and Tax Clearance Validation
6. Message Centre
1. User Registration
To be registered on e-tax, tax payers should fulfill the
Already registered on SIGTAS,
Have active TIN as a tax payer
Same TIN can have several e-Tax users
Only Tax Officers with the Taxpayer Registration
access role can manage Taxpayer Users
(registration and modification)
Taxpayers accounts can be suspended in e-Tax for
whatever reason
Change and Reset Password
Change password
Tax payers maybe needs change password first log in the
system and click in the change password navigation and
create new password
Password must contain(minimum requirement)
 At least 1 small letter, 1 capital letter and 1 number
Usernames and passwords are both case sensitive
 SSL VPN PASSWORD is Expiry in 30 days if
there is no action
beyond Taxpayers so must use with in the due date of the
Reset the password
Taxpayers do not use the password in the 30 days and
in addition if the password is forgotten, it will need to
be reset, so they will physically have to go to their
respective Tax Centers in order to have the Tax
officer reset the passwords for them.
How to access E-Tax
 A taxpayer can use the e-filing web portal to declare the taxes with
Ministry of Revenue
 For the declaration you used the different electronic equipments such
as: Smart Phones, Tablet, Laptop, Desk top with in internet and then
open browser like:
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Netscape and other updated browser
 Then write the blow address in the address bar and search

Searching Address:
etax.revenue.gov.et or
www.erca.gov.et - service - e-Tax
Log in page

In the first log in screen you must enter

SSL VPN User Name and Password and next select E-tax Hyper link then
E-tax production User Name and Password and login

Usernames and passwords are both case sensitive

Home Page

Once you login, the user can choose the language on far right of home screen
as highlighted above. The default language is “English” but the user can
change to “Amaharic ” at any time, if required
2. Filing Declaration
 All tax accounts registered for the taxpayer in SIGTAS will display in the Tax Declarations

page in e-Tax
 Every tax period configured in SIGTAS for each tax type will display in its corresponding tax

account section
 If tax type requires supporting documents, then these will be available online during the

filing process
 5 actions can be displayed for each tax declaration period:

 File Now: can be filed online

 In Progress: filing began but not completed

 Filed: declaration has been submitted to Tax Centre, submission and document

numbers are available, once assessed in SIGTAS, assessment number will also be
 Suspended: Account Suspended, no need to file

 To File Contact Tax Centre: period to file online has expired

How to declared the file
Go to the Taxpayer service
Click on the + sign for the needs of declaration type and
click file now Hyper Link
Tax Declarations (Filing A Declaration) Process
 There are two types of taxes based on the declaration processes.

1. Tax declarations with out detailed information

Excise Tax, private pension contribution, SCHEDULE B- INCOME FROM RENTAL
BUILDING, Schedule D-Dividend, VAT, TOT …the following steps are the
same, except for those with supporting documents
2. Tax declarations with detailed information.
Schedule A-PAYE (Income Tax)(All enterprise employee have a TIN), Withhold tax
and Schedule C Normal/Mining (Annual Profit Tax )the following steps are the
 Click on the File Now hyperlink like for the previous tax types, which brings user

to the first step, Enter Line Details step

Cont… Tax Declarations
For Tax declarations with out detailed information steps
 Click on the File Now hyperlink which brings user to the first step, Enter Line Details step

 All starred fields are mandatory

 Enter all summarized amounts
 Click on Save if the declaration is to be continued some other time
 Click on the Clear button if all amounts entered are to be erased
 Click on the Cancel button if everything is to be annulled, user will be brought back to the Tax
Declarations page
 Click on the Continue to Step 2 button
 On the second step, user will have to Confirm Declaration Details
 Check that all amounts are well entered
 Click on the Back button to access the previous step
 Click on Submit if all is confirmed, user is brought to the last step, End Declaration Process
 On the third and last step, End Declaration Process, user will receive an e-Tax submission number

 If the Click Here hyperlink is clicked, user is brought to the View Filed Declaration page where details of
the submitted document is available for viewing
 On the View Filed Declaration page, user has the option to print a copy of the submitted document for
their records
Cont… Tax Declarations
Confirm declaration details page

End declaration process

Cont… Tax Declarations

Printed the declarations process

Cont… Tax Declarations
For Tax declarations with detailed information step

• Click on the File Now hyperlink like for the previous tax types, which brings user to the first step, Enter Line Details step

 All starred fields are mandatory

 Enter all amounts
 Click on Save if the declaration is to be continued some other time
 Click on the Clear button if all amounts entered are to be erased
 Click on the Cancel button if everything is to be annulled, user will be brought back to the Tax Declarations
 Click on the Continue to Step 2 button

 On the second step, the Supporting Documents are to be completed. This step has three alternative ways
1. To use add button
 Click on the Add button to add a supporting document lines one by one.
 Enter all mandatory fields (starred fields)
 Click on Save if the declaration is to be continued some other time
 Click on the Back button to access the previous step
 Click on the Select button to make that row active
 Click on the Delete Current Record button to delete the selected record
 Click on the Cancel button if everything is to be annuled, user will be brought back to the Tax
Declarations page
 Click on the Next button to continue onto the third step
Cont… Tax Declarations

2. To retrieve the previous tax period declaration detail

and amend it.
o this link will help to call the previous period declaration
detail information,
o When the data appeared on the detail sheet screen, we can
change or delete the lines of the sheet by clicking on select
button on the side of each row.
Cont… Tax Declarations
3. To upload the entire data in csv format from the computer.
• If we have a detailed information sheet prepared in .xls formal, we can change it to .csv format
first and we can upload it to the e-filing system.
• Even after uploading we can edit the lines by using select button and also add individual line on
the detail sheet. But we can’t upload sheet if we started to use inserting data by using add button
• On the third step, user will have to Confirm Declaration Details
• Check that all amounts are well entered
• Click on Submit if all is confirmed, user is brought to the last step, End Declaration Process

• On the fourth and last step, End Declaration Process, user will receive an eT-ax
submission number

• If the Click Here hyperlink is clicked, user is brought to the View Filed
Declaration page where details of the submitted document is available for viewing,
user has the option to print a copy of the submitted document for their records
Click on the + sign for the needs of declaration type and
click file now Hyper Link
Tax Declarations (Filing A Declaration –
Entering detail options) Screenshot
Tax Declarations (Filing A Declaration – Enter
detail/ encoding each data) Screenshot
Tax Declarations (Filing A Declaration – Enter
detail/ uploading file) Screenshot
Tax Declarations (Filing A Declaration –
Enter detail/ uploading file) Screenshot
Tax Declarations (Filing A Declaration – Confirm
Declaration Details) Screenshot
Tax Declarations (Filing A Declaration – End Declaration
Process) Screenshot
Tax Declarations (Filing A Declaration – View Filed
Declaration) Screenshot
Tax Declarations (Filing A Declaration – Printout of
Declaration) Screenshot
Tin Validating

When ever we find the taxpayer’s or organization’s TIN

is suspected to be false, we can check it on e-tax.

If the TIN is valid it shows the owner of the tin.

If it is false the message displays invalid.

Message Center
For those Tax payers preferred to receive electronics only
or both electronics and paper correspondence in their
information page e-tax will deliver all sigtas generated
reports as PDF to their message box.
Email communication channel between taxpayer and tax
Tax Officers with the role Customer Service are
identified as being responsible for this process;
Facilitates communication, reducing costs and time;
For security reasons, messages are stored in the database,
they do not leave the eTax application so no risk of
viruses or spam email
Message Centre for taxpayer and for tax officer have some
Message Centre (Manage Messages) Screenshot

Taxpayer Information

 Some fields (Taxpayer details and Contact Information) can be changed by the

taxpayer through e-Tax which will be updated in their profile in SIGTAS;

 Other fields (Addresses) can be viewed only, and must be changed by contacting the tax

 Clicking on the Edit button for either Taxpayer Details or Contact Information allows

user to modify certain information via e-Tax;

 Any changes that are made but not saved (clicking on the Cancel button) will not be

reflected in SIGTAS;
 All changes that are saved but are not immediately reflected in SIGTAS will be displayed

in red;
 All changes that are saved and are immediately reflected in SIGTAS will be in black and

will be available in SIGTAS

Taxpayer Information Screenshot
Taxpayer Information Screenshot

Change Password
Click change password
- Create new password and confirm then save a change
Have a Questions?

For further questions, please contact your nearest

Phone No.
Thank You!!!

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