TM Presentation Lalmonirhat A 0723
TM Presentation Lalmonirhat A 0723
TM Presentation Lalmonirhat A 0723
Market Name Target Amount Cumulative Net Sale Deficit Value Ach.(%)
Taken Measure:
1. Ensure regain leadership within half month share of August’ 23.
2. Gave him guidelines & now he is generating more than 30 Rx per day.
3. Ensure spot taken from donation doctor chamber.
4. Ensure committed daily Rx from campaign doctors.
Cause :
Bottom 02: 1. Less share from donation doctor.
Lalmonirhat A 2. Campaign doctor committed daily Rx not ensured
3. Less capable of taking physical stresss .
Taken Measure:
1. Ensured spot taken & committed share from donation doctor.
2. Ensure committed daily Rx from campaign doctors.
3. Gave him motivation & ensured doctor consultation. .
Action plan for further development
@ Dr. Halima Diabetic hospital, lalmonirhat sadar, 02 physiotherapist doctor visit gap found
by all SBU.
Scope of VOLINAC gel & Flamfix .