Marketing Research
Marketing Research
Marketing Research
Competition Product
Firm Internal Analytical Price
Industry Record Marketing Place
System System Promotion
The Marketing Research Process
Collection of Data
Analysis of Data
Qualitative Research:
rich in meaning, but usually limited to
small samples
Quantitative Research:
large scale data may be reliable, but
meaning may not be valid
Both approaches should be used in
Primary Versus Secondary Research
Key issues:
Research objectives
Sampling basis
Data collection methods
observation based
survey (interaction) based
Timing of research
Data Types
• Focus groups
• Telephone surveys
• Mail surveys
• Personal interviews
• Internet surveys
• Projective techniques and
• Management documents,
• Marketing documents and databases,
• Financial documents and databases
• Operation documentations and databases
• Human resources documents and databases
Secondary sources
External Sources:
Proprietary sources: Businesses.
Public sources: Government agencies,
Research Approaches
• Observational Research
• Focus Group Research
• Survey Research
• Behavioral Data
Research Instruments
• Questionnaire
• Qualitative Measures
Questionnaire Design Flow Chart
Step 1: Specify what information will be sought
Step 2: Determine type of questionnaire and method of administration
Step 3: Determine the content of individual questions
Step 4: Determine form of response for each question
Step 5: Determine wording for each question
Step 6: Determine sequence of questions
Step 7: Determine physical characteristics of questionnaire
Step 8: Revise steps 1-7, revise if necessary
Step 9: Pretest questionnaire, revise if necessary
Step 10: implement
Designing the Questionnaire
Determine survey objectives: Plan what to measure.
Decide on format. E.g. personal interview, telephone, self.
Formulate questions to obtain the needed information
Decide on the wording of questions
Decide on the question sequence and layout of the
Using a sample, test the questionnaire for omissions and
Correct the problems (pretest again, if necessary)
The Major Decisions in
Questionnaire Design
1. Content - What should be asked?
2. Wording - How should each question be phrased?
3. Sequence - In what order should the questions be
4. Layout - What layout will best serve the research