Quiz Week 4 Group II

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Dr Niki Vyrides MD PhD

Haematology Course
Lead Consultant MD6
Haematologist SEPTEMBER 2021
Vyrides Clinic

SAQs and SBAs

Week 4 - 2019
Group B

►1. In a normal lymph node, the paracortex includes
• A. T cells
• B. B cells
• C. Macrophage
• D. Plasma cells
Normal lymph node
 Primary follicles are aggregates of small naïve B lymphocytes
that express pan-B cell markers: CD19, CD20
 Secondary follicles contains:
germinal centers here occurs the activation of the naïve B T
lymphocyte in the presence of dendritic cells
mantle zone in the periphery, populated from P

Naïve B lymphocytes remaining inactivated Naïve B

 Marginal zone is the outer zone, populated from centrocytes
with surface immunoglobulins with high affinity for a particular
antigen that will differentiate into memory cells
►PARAFOLICULAR or PARACORTEX :separates the follicles  T zone
►MEDULARY CORD zone for plasma cells that express CD138, CD38
► If the patient is a young adult and presents:
• cervical lymphadenopathy and
• alteration of the d ifferenti al count on leucogram
(N: 28%, L:60% M :12%) and
• reactive lymphocytes , what disease comes to
your m ind?

• A. Toxoplasma
• B. Infectious Mononucleosis
• C. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
• D. Ac ute lymphobla stic Leukaemia
► In most cases the diagnosis of lymphoma relies on all of
follow ing EXCEPT:
• A. Microscopic examination of affected lymph nodes
• B. lmmunophenotyping using immunohistochemistry or flow
• C. Molecular or cytogenetic analysis
• D. Peripheral blood examination and a full blood count (FBC)
▪ Rarely the peripheral blood is affected
▪ The bone marrow is infiltrated in only very progressed lymphomas
▪ Most of the cases even infiltrated the bone marrow there is no
leukaemic picture in the peripheral blood

►The t (8;14) is the defining feature of:
• A. Follicular Lymphoma
• B. Hodgkin's Lymphoma
• C. Burkitt’s Lymphoma
• D. Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Chromosomal translocations & Lymphomas
BCL2 Cycline D1 C- myc 11
Chromosome 18 Chromosome 11 Chromosome 8

Heavy chain of immunoglobulins

chromosome 14

t(14;18) t(11;14) t(8;14)

Block apoptosis Neoplastic Neoplastic
proliferation proliferation

Follicular Mantle cell Burkitt

lymphoma Lymphoma Lymphoma
► Which is the correct order of the followi ng
lymphoma from the BEST to WORST prognosis
• A. DLBCL Burkitt  Hodgkin's T-NHL Follicula r
• B. Follicula r Hodgkin's  Burkitt  DLBCL T-NHL
• C. Hodgkin's Follicular Burkitt DLBCL T- NHL
• D. T-NHL  DLBCL Burkitt Follicula r  Hodgkin's

 Hodgkin 's has the better prognosis >75% of the patients cure

 Follicular is a low grade lymphoma  "wait and see"

the treatment starts when appear
symptoms or if progress to DLBCL
 DLBCL and Burkitt are high grade lymphomas need urgently

 T- NHL has the worse prognosis  if responds to treatment 

► A patient with rela psing Hodgkin's disease presents with:
 weight gain,
 foot ulcers,
 vision problems, What is the most likely etiology of the
 elevated blood suga r, patient's psychiatric symptoms?
 ora l candidiasis and
 new onset of wildly swinging mood changes.
► Gold standard treatment  ABVD-
Pneumonitis , A : Adriamycin
A. Adverse effects of bleomycin pulmona ry fibrosis B :Bleomycin
B. Adverse effects of prednisone D:Decarbazide

C. Adverse effects of vinc ristine neuropathy ► Stanford V regimen .

► Escalated BEACOPP
D. Normal psychiatric response to having cancer
E. Progression of disea se
Glucocorticoid effects 17

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis

►What do you know about “popcorn cells”

►Morphology: multilobated or extremely folded (like popcorn) nucleus with

vesicular chromatin, a thin nuclear membrane, and scant cytoplasm.

►Immunophenotyping (clusters of differentiation):

• CD15 and CD30 negative
• CD20 +

Characteristic related disease: Lymphocyte predominant Non classical

Hodgkin's diseased
Reed Stemberg Cell and its variants
CD20 +,
CD15+ and CD30+ CD15 -,
CD30 -

“Classic RS cell” “Lacunar cell” “Popcorn cell”

mixed cellularity Lymphocyte predominance
nodular sclerosis
Lymphocyte rich
Lymphocyte depleted

►What is Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma



2. DLBCL Diffuse large B cell Lymphoma

►DLBCL can be:
• Primary  de novo
• Secondary after progression of a
follicular lymphoma
►it is a high grade malignancy
►Treatment: chemotherapy
with anti- CD20 = Rituximab in
• Follicular lymphoma only in
◦ symptomatic patients
◦ patients with bulky disease
• Primary or secondary DLBCL

► What are the 7 poor prognostic factors in IPS-7 (International prognostic
system-7) for Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
1. Age> 45 years
2. Stage IV
3. Haemoglobin< 10.5g/dl
4. Lymphocyte count < # 6090
or < 8%
5. Male
6. Albumin <4g/dl
7. White blood cell count >
SBA 10

What are the most important 4 differences between
the benign and malignant lymph node?
Differential Diagnosis

Benign lymph node Malignant lymph node

►Usually painful ►Painless

►Tender ►nontender,
►Mobile, non-fixt with underling tissue ►fixed lymphadenopathy
►The lymph node architecture is ► lymph node architecture is lost or
preserved distorted due to the increased
cellular proliferation
►Not recognizable the light and dark
►multiple large germinal centers with zones
►recognizable light and dark zones ►Necrosis

►Define hypersplenism
RBC, WBC, Platelets in the circulation:

 Normally only
• the 5% of the Red blood Cells Influx, efflux, and redistribution
• the 30% of the Platelets and
• The 50% of the marginating White blood cells Platelet count
are located in the spleen RBC
 In splenomegaly
• Up to 40% of the RBC CIRCULATING
• 90% of the Platelets may DESTRUCTION
be trapped in the spleen or REMOVAL
 Hypersplenism
• Is a clinical syndrome characterized by :
• Splenomegaly +
• reduction of at least one of the blood cell
• In case of normal bone marrow 50% marginating WBC
30% PLT
5% RBC
Dr. Roberto Stasi
Do you have any questions?

[email protected]

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